This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Ah... sorry... am I in your way?
Not exactly something you expect to hear from a girl of this size... but, well, she only recently got to this size.
Backing up a moment...
Nadine Thomas was, for years, the smallest person in her class. She stopped growing at 4'10, and that was that. She was small, petite, and rather quiet, with brown hair, weak glasses, and gorgeous bright green eyes, the sort of mousy girl who tries to stay out of everyone's way. Cute, sure, if you're into that, but nothing too special, really. And everyone figured she'd always be like that.
Boy were they wrong!
Somehow, between the last school year and this one, something happened. What, exactly, is not known, but by god did it happen in a big way. Emphasis on big.
Nadine left school that year at 4'10... and she has to duck to get through the door this year. Because, you see, sometime between then and now she almost doubled in height!
Standing at a towering 7'10, Nadine is the most imposing girl in school, for more reasons than one. Whatever caused her drastic change in height seems to have jump-started other things, as well. For one, she is no longer petite... hoo boy, no. Height brought curves along for the ride, and they stayed. Possessed of a figure that is the envy of many other girls and the object of many of the boys' desires, Nadine is.... well, she can't stay unnoticed any more.
And in addition to that, her hair changed color, as well. Where before it had been a light brown color, now it is silver in hue, and silky to the touch, while at the same time stronger than a normal human's. And it comes down to just below her shoulderblades, too! It's a pain in the ass to take care of, but... well, there's been trouble and she's not got the time to deal with it! Yet no matter how little she does to take care of it, it always is neat, and perfect, go figure.
Her eyes, though, haven't changed... though her eyesight has improved dramatically, so she no longer needs glasses. Her eyes are still every bit as bright and gorgeous as before. Her skin, on the other hand... well, it's a bit darker now, but only slightly(still a bit pale, in other words), and she no longer has any of her old blemishes. No moles, freckles, nothing. And she's learned that her skin is tougher now... the doctor had to work to get the needle into her arm for the bloodwork she had done when this started(fun, fun, that).
That's not to say she doesn't have NEW blemishes, mind... she just tries to keep those hidden.
And of course, there were other problems. Such as, for example, the expenses for the new uniforms, and new casual wear, and food.... her cost of living has almost doubled! Thankfully, her father is pretty damned wealthy, so their family isn't having any trouble yet. But still... it's HARD being this big!
Heck, they had to have a custom bed made for her, simply because she IS so large. Ah well.... at least she has her health. Indeed, she's never been healthier! Though she is having odd dreams, and sometimes she thinks she sees a mark on her hand
Anyway. If you skipped to the bottom, hooray for you. No summaries here! If you're interested, please PM me, but not ICly. PMing me to ask what my character IS earns you a boot to the head.