
Life in the vore industry is lucrative. Most people don't get to pull out in time to enjoy the swath of money that comes with the territory, but many secretly hope they don't make it out. Ms. Rachel Anders was one such individual, and when she was assigned Rage, she had no idea she'd be meeting the last person who'd see her. After only a few sessions, Rage ponied up a bit of extra cash to be able to claim the psuedo MILF. Her fate was sealed, and in delicious minutes alone, she was packed away into those nuts. All that's left of her is staining her room's wall. Her reformer priveliges shut off, she was finally disposed of so some new, fresh, vibrant face can come to realize the thing so many girls before came to realize: They exist to be a predator's cum.~ (PERMA, 1/1/2023)
"Teaching . . . Isn't paying the bills. I'm a teacher, by the way, I don't know if you knew that, but . . . Yeah.
Plus it turns out it's a lot harder than I thought it'd be! But, thankfully, showing a little skin is one thing I know how to do. It ... May have been how I secured my teaching position.
So when all the grading is finished, and exams are prepped, I head out to my real job. The one that helps pay the bills, and gods, does the House of Thicc pay.
It's not often I feel like someone appreciates me, at my size, but the way the clients all look at me, drooling, like I'm a piece of meat, it gives me chills . . . And a little bit of disgust
As hot as it is, I can't help resenting these perverts, and that only makes me more worked up ... hff.~"
Rachel, like so many of us, is just trying to enjoy herself. Work not so hard, and get paid for it. Thankfully, she's quite at home showing off a little skin, and that's exactly what you need to succeed at the House, but not to survive.~
Quick Stats:
Name: Rachel Anders
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Alias: Ms. Anders
Age: 24
Height: 7' 6"
Occupation: Teacher, sex worker.