Morgan is a very talented sorcerer who makes a living by investigating supernatural crimes.
Using her unique set of skills, her psionic capabilities, and her knack for investigation, she communes with the
living and the dead in order to apprehend dubious individuals and uncover dastardly deeds. On one such investigation, however,
she came into contact with something far more dangerous than she expected and has been forever haunted since.
An alt of
Born to a simple life, it became obvious at a young age that Morgan was an incredibly gifted child.
She had psionic and telepathic capabilities as well as prodigy-like characteristics. Excelling at whatever she put her mind to,
she sped through the world at a breakneck pace, establishing an incredibly successful detective agency at only the age of 17.
Years down the line, however, when she was 22, it all changed.
No one is quite sure what happened, but the once cheerful Morgan became withdrawn. Her lovely, energetic
eyes became hollowed and sunken, her usual smile was replaced by tightly persed lips. She still solved cases and she
was still brilliant, but it was quite obvious that something was wrong, something had happened. Only those who grow close
to her may learn the truth. Even those who specialize in revealing the truth have secrets of their own.
Quick Likes
Scenes that take the character into account
Vorish mysteries
Good build up
Lovely foreplay
RPG-like mechanics
Dice Games
Quick Dislikes
Grab-n-Gulps (Dislike specific to this character, am otherwise ok with it)
Randos approaching outta nowhere
Obligatory "Art is not mine, all credit to the original artists, most pieces found on danbooru or pinterest" disclaimer!
Also, for mechanical reference, Morgan is a level 6 Pact of the Undead Warlock, and Level 6 Abberant Mind Sorcerer.
She also has the Alert feat, so good luck ambushing her!
Morgan was born into a village of magic users who primarily specialized in increasing the capabilities of their minds rather than relying on the
underlying sources within the world to supplement their abilities. Morgan, being the child of two very skilled practioners,
quickly became one of the best Abberants the village had ever seen. Excelling at a breakneck pace, the girl grew into a rambunctious
and eager teenager. Setting out into the world, she encountered her first instance of injustice, but rather than become disheartened,
she became inspired. Using her unique abilities, she caught the culprit, thoroughly humiliating them in the process, and solving her first case.
Developing a taste for this kind of life, she dove wholeheartedly into the Investigator persona and established her own agency at the age of 17.
Throughout the years, Morgan's detective agency, named the "Mindful Wanderer", saw great success. Solving case after case and making
quite the name for herself, Morgan's unorthodox methods and undeniable results earned her both respect and ire from competition and
patrons alike. Paying them no mind, however, she continued on like always, using her psionic abilities to sus out the culprits and expose
the truth. On one such case, however, having grown arrogant from her constant success, Morgan attempted something truly foolish. The case
was a cut and dry murder and, rather than take the time to thoroughly investigate the scene, Morgan attempted to cut straight to the result
by establishing a limited mental connection to the deceased. Reaching out, she tethered herself to the victim, unwittingly creating a link
between herself and the Domain of the Dead. Instantly, her mind was flooded by the whispers of the dead, the screams and cries of terror, anger,
rage, she was forced to take all of it all at once. It broke her, destroying her mind in one fell swoop.
It was only thanks to her remarkable mental resilience and sheer pragmatacism that Morgan was able to piece back together
the fragile remnants of her sanity, but she hasn't been the same since then. Rather than cheerful, arrogant, and enthusiastic,
the detective is now quiet, measured, and professional. There is no life in her eyes and no pep in her step. It is undeniable that
the person is still Morgan, but something fundamental inside her broke on that day, something she has yet to repair. And there is no
relief. No relief from the desparate, screaming whispers that flood her mind, even now.

All dressed up and ready to party

Establishing dominance by wearing heels with plate armor

Time to get serious

A more detailed ref sheet.