"Life doesn't get handed on a platter to people. You have to take what you can get, and be thankful that it's enough. If its not, well . . . Tough shit. It's a dog eat dog world out there. Kid. Me?
I'm top dog.
Most people may be well and fine getting their hands on scraps. But I'm not afraid to bite the hand that feeds because I'm no dog, and I can smell the banquet they're having on the other side.
Ending up where I am wasn't an accident. The girl who runs the streets runs the city, and kid, I've got this city on lock-down. There's nothing to aspire to be, no greater position: It's all mine, I'm just coming to collect."
You better pray you have what's due."
To call Morgan a bad girl is a bit of an understatement. Eating 20 students in a binge most could call a grisly demonstration of avarice, and leaving piles of ex-student right on their desks in a deliberate act of rebellion during her sophomore year would have gotten that average student arrested, but Morgan had no issue using her sheer strength to intimidate the principal; however, after devouring the student body president (incidentally, one of the wealthiest benefactor's daughters), and leaving her in a festering pile on her desk, a blind eye could no longer be turned. Morgan was given an honorary diploma. They couldn't get her out fast enough.
From there, life got easier. No longer having to worry about her time in school, she spent the next few years drifting from town to town, surviving off of whatever was in her prey's wallets ... It was a welcome change, to say the least. Free to live her life the way she sees fit, Morgan now runs a small all-girl gang of like-minded punks, shaking down people for their money and eating the cute ones.
RP Prompts:
The Housepet (Size difference)
Morgan is your house wolf. You leave her home to her own devices. While you're out, a friend visits before you can get back. Morgan keeps them entertained, and herself full.
The Family Dog (Adultery/Cheating/Bad Parenting)
Morgan is a family pet. The house always smells a little different when your husband comes home. He hasn't figured out why his wife/son/daughter always looks a little flush in the face, or why their rooms smell like someone was painting the walls with cum.
The Thug (Gas/farting/sweat/musk/degredation/observer-in-vore)
Morgan is homeless. She's been that way as long as she can remember. Nothing beats that freedom, though; She wouldn't trade that in for the world. It's a compelling enough argument that you decide to tag along with her. But if you are, you're gonna make yourself useful, taint rag.
The Boss (Coercion/semi-con)
Morgan has become an influental figure in the underground, or to put it plain: She's become the leader of the Hellhounds, a gang of criminals who use their sheer size and strength to make their will reality. You've been lead back to the base to settle up a debt to the gang, but without any money, it's at her discretion. semi-willing to willing or pure willing preferred.
The Truant (School setting/domination/bullying)
Morgan is in her last year of high school. Maybe you're a teacher. Maybe you're a senior, getting ready to graduate. It doesn't really matter who you are. What you know does matter is that Morgan does not plan on graduating and going out in a blazing inferno on her own terms, and a lot of your peers are going to pay the price.
The Daddy (Implied Cuckolding, incest)(NEW)
Morgan is your new step-dad. Your mom didn't seem like she stopped loving your dad, but she always seems really happy around Morgan. You can't help notice a smell that wasn't there before; Something enthralling. You're probably too naive to realize you're getting pheromone bombed. And it's making you feel more adventurous.
Quick Stats:
Name: Morgan LePetit
Gender: Futa (Female on request)
Species: Demi-Wolf
Alias: None
Age: 20
Height: 12' by default, sometimes 6' or if you ask.
Occupation: "Odd Jobs"
Fun events:
The Family Stray: In a world where demis have replaced common house-hold pets, Hailey's well-to-do parents decided dogs were too mundane ... So they "rescued" a 12 foot wolfgirl. While she holds the station of house-pet to watch over Hailey, one of the only humans she's grown particularly fond of, she's still a stray to her core, disappearing for a weeks at a time.
NoraeCalarook became the target of Morgan's harrassment when Moonstalker paid the wolf to tease the girl about her new-found addiction to nut-musk, but a recent encounter went too far, and Morgan decided to churn the cutie into little more than nutslop, nutting her remains against the dumpster somewhere. She's hanging onto that hat until Norae finds her way back to Dae's employ, but it likely won't be for a while (TEMP, 12/22/21 til 1/22/22)