
"It's said there were 2 great calamities. The first happened when the primal, Bahamut, rent Eorzea beneath our feet."
"What's little known is that the second calamity began well before the first. It's name was . . . Let me start from the beginning."
"My name is Altera. I had a nice, quiet life in the country side. Not even these raids that seemed to plague Eorzea. While the Garlean empire grew, me and mine enjoyed prosperity. But we all get called up, sooner or later. I was on neither the front lines, nor behind. Gifted with unnatural acrobatic skill, I trained hard to become a lancer, and eventually, a dragoon. But this was no longer a war of good men and women against bad men and women. Sorcery and deception became the norm, and it seemed every other week . . ."
"A Garlean defected to our cause.
A Limsa Lominsan turned traitor and gave the empire our plans.
An Ala Mhigan spied to do much the same.
Ul'dans were rounded up executed for war crimes.
Gridanians whored, cheated, and lied their way to the top."
"I was just lucky enough to be on my knees for some Gridanian whoreson who couldn't keep his cock locked up. That's when the calamity struck. Bahamut rained fire from the sky, and the man I'd been pleasuring, not moments ago, was rent in twain. Grabbing as many of my effects as I could, I disappeared. I was done."
"For 5, long years, to avoid detection, I took up an alias. Khoji N'Jeema. I robbed, plundered, and stealed. Even wolfed down people who had nothing. They were better off that way, anyway. I did what I had to, to survive. Got damned good at it, too. Unfortunately, or, rather, fortunately, my cockiness caught up with me. I bit off more than I could chew, and soldiers from the alliance had court martialed me. Traveling in the wagon, to meet my fate as I'd sent so many others to."
"Or so I thought."
"Turns out, deserters in the calamity had been pardoned. But none of us were getting anything either. Coffers were tight, y'know? Thankfully, I had quite a bit hidden away from all the raiding. I bought an abandoned bar - Dusty old thing - and with a little bit of elbow grease, and a whole ton of sweet talk, The Sand Lion, an all female and futanari staffed tavern . . . And brothel, was born.~"
"It's been years. since then. Found out I had two daughters, from my younger years. One way or another, they all find their way back to their dear old milfqo'te~"
Quick Stats
Real Name: Altera Armendin, nee Moontail
Alias: Khoji N'Jeema, The Second Calamity
Gender: Futanari
Species: Half-Miqo'te
Race: Keepers of the Moon
Age: 48
Height: 5' 8 1/2"
Occupation: Owner of The Sand Lion, Retired Dragoon and Veteran of the First Calamity.
Family: Sister - Cimmanin_Cat
Partner(s): Cheezie Currently looking for a bull
Fun scenes:
Author's Note: This is a revival of MILFqote