Watchman of the border and right hand of Lord Tenma(Who is, in fact, female), Momiji Inubashiri is one of the tengu most likely to be encountered by, well, anyone. Friendly enough, and rather pleasant, she's often good for conversation as long as she isn't busy, and you're not an actual threat to the Tengu, or going somewhere you shouldn't. Really, it's unlikely she'll attack you, at least with intent to inflict actual HARM...
At least, unless YOU mean harm. That's when you find out just how serious this wolf can get. There's a reason she's captain of the border patrol, and considered Tenma's right hand. Armed with a tinbe-rochin, and well-trained, she can take on stronger enemies than may be expected, which is really saying something for Gensokyo. As well, her ability to see to far greater distances with greater detail than anyone else in Gensokyo makes her uniquely suited to her task of protecting Youkai Mountain. Most people are simply politely turned away, for their own safety. As mentioned, though, threats will be simply, and swiftly, dealt with.
Outside her job? Well, the Tengu and Kappa know her best. Momiji is cheerful, friendly, and typically pretty easygoing about most things. She prefers to relax, often on the shores of Kappa Lake, alone or with one of her friends, if not more than one. Failing that, she might be enjoying a night in with a bottle of Tengu Sake, or out to eat somewhere. Really, she wanders pretty far afield sometimes, but in the end, she prefers to stay on the mountain. After all, it's home.
As for the basics, well, Momiji is 5'6, with a toned if not slightly muscular figure. Her hair is white, and shaggy, as is the fur on her ears and tail, while her eyes are a lovely red shade. Typically, she's clad in a black and red skirt and a white shirt with long sleeves, along with the typical red tokin hat of the tengu. Unlike Karasu Tengu, she doesn't wear geta, instead going barefoot. While on the job, she's always equipped with her tinbe-rochin, the long-bladed short spear and the round shield favored by White Wolf Tengu. the Tinbe, or spear, is made of high-quality steel, as is the rochin, though it is painted white, with the Tengu maple leaf painted over this.
Anything else? Well, learn in RP.
((Though, do note that my Momiji may differ from others you may play with, as she is MY take on the character.))