
Get Your Sexy Name
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Mansion_Mokaria - The storyline setting for Mokaria, still a work in progress. Should be done soon only the lab remains.
This is my spider isn't he cute? He eats peoples see?
.. .. <(x.X)> .. ..
Awesome events in OOC
December 1, 2009- Mokaria can now proudly say that she knows what it's like to fuck an ankle! Getting her creepy perverted fix from Sadira. How many of you have fucked Sadira's ankles and lived to tell the tale?
==========================Basic stuffs for basic interactions.==========================
Name: Mokaria
Age: Extremely old.
Race: Chimera of Bovine, Wolf, Tiger, and Lizard
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Frame: Large and broad.
Body Structure: Muscled though with a nice layering of fat overtop, with ample hips and breasts.
Height: 8'4"/2.54 Meters
Weight: 534 pounds/ 242.22 Kilograms
Hair: Dark brown varies in length and style though mostly worn long or in braids.
Right eye: Yellow
Left eye: Blue
Fur Color: White with black tiger stripes covering all except her stomach which is a light brown.
Scale Color: Silver scales described under scale coverage, with small gray scales underlying all of the fur.
Scale Coverage: Her left leg and running up on the left side of the hip and stomach, right arm and right side of the chest including the right breast, and around her right eye which is lizard like.
Other notes: She has smaller claws on her left hand and much longer claws on her right both sets are black, her teeth are sharp enough to tear flesh, and she has hooves not feet. She has small horns poking out from her hair but they aren't really weapons. She has both sets of genitals. Her tail is an arctic wolf tail pure white and extremely soft and bushy.
Voice: 'her voice a melodic deep soprano, holding a powerful edge of domination yet calm. A royal commanding voice that edges to make those of weaker standing wish to be the ones at her feet. Yet serene and gentle with a queen's grace towards those whom she truely cares for' -Thanks to Vairune for being able to piece together words that I can't when it comes to voices.
==========================Detailed Description==========================
Description: Standing at eight feet four inches and with a nice muscular frame despite the obvious extra layering of fat for the soft but poerful feel. At a first glance people may mistake her for just a regular bovine at a distance, though on closer inspections the will notice a few key things out of place. First is her fur pattern, snow white only broken by black tiger stripes until you get to her stomach which is a creamy soft brown. Second are the scales which are around her right eye probably the easiest to notice, patches along her right arm leading onto her back and right breast, and patches of scale on her left leg leading up along the left hip and stomach area. Speaking of her eyes though one is distinctively lizard like a bright yellow right eye compared to her deeper blue left eye. Moving on she still has hooves rather than feet but her paws are slightly changed, smaller claws more useful for cutting things like rope rather than fighting on the left with her more dangerous longer claws on the right paw. As for her tail she has a lovely soft bushy arctic wolf tail, seeming to go well with the overall mostly white appearance. Of course she also has her long brown hair reaching down over her shoulders and well down onto her back tickling against her rump even. Down to her sexual organs she has both sets of genitals; a noticeable sheath hiding away her thirteen inch long, two inch thick member, her slit is located right behind her furry sac. As for her cock it is mixed, it does have a knot, and it's head flares during an orgasm much like a reptiles. The last thing to cover is her breasts they are on the larger side of DD cup. She does not have an udder either.
==========================Backstory Info==========================
A figure sits in the mansion study, slowly placing down her book as she hears the doors creak open. "So then you are yet another nosey one, surprised you managed to get to my study? Come to learn about this mansion yes or perhaps the ghost of it?" A voice rang out, despite the question almost commanding him to speak.
The reporter, a young fox, would just give a simple nod, and a quick gulp taking a seat looking upon the woman. Her features darting in and out of view with the flicker of a flame, "Yes that is what I'm here for, I was beginning to think you didn't exist with so little information about you, are you really a ghost?" He was amazed by what he saw; a rather large woman perhaps best described much like amazons of lore, guessing her at least eight feet tall. She looked bovine, however small patches of scales shone through her fur, and even more unnerving her lizard like eye right eye, unblinking as it was. Still he could not deny her beauty, his gaze falling slightly to her ample bosom.
The Chimera would chuckle slightly. "So then that's why you are here, everyone's curiosity getting to them again? Well I suppose I should first tell you I am very much alive young one. My name is Mokaria, I do not care to hear yours, you want the story then please sit back and enjoy. You already seem to be enjoying my body enough" She would snarl a bit before standing her figure easily eclipsing the fire.
As Mokaria had caught him, the reporter looked rather quickly for anything to avert his gaze, the door being his new target. His actions proving only to have a sharp voice return his attention to the chimera.
"Oh I wouldn't dare think of running now, I don't take well to cowards after all, why leave anyway now that you have found me. Let me tell you a story little fox, and when I'm done you can leave this place forever." She would cross her arms her voice stern as she watched him sink into the seat. "Shouldn't you get out some paper perhaps a writing utensil?"
The reporter did just that as if on command from the chimera digging through his side bag frantically a plain notebook and pen flashing out into his hands. He was shaking unsure of himself but her words stuck with him, he did come here to discover the truth after all.
"Hmm you are nervous, good I like that you know your place, hopefully then I can count on your respect then?" Mokaria would chuckle again, the way it echoed off the study walls it sounded almost empty, "Tea perhaps or maybe just some coffee for you?"
Opening his mouth to speak he would be immediately cut off by Mokaria.
"Too bad we don't have any made!" She would suddenly proclaim as if she had to be heard throughout the mansion. Her laughter rang out once more, looking quite amused with herself.
Mumbling to himself he would shift back up in his chair, what exactly was this woman's issue, in fact for all he knew she was just some nutjob. "Miss I came here..." Again cut off by the Chimera.
"Yes I know you came here for a story didn't you? I didn't realize you were unsocial however." Her last words said with a minor growl. "Fine then, to begin I was born back when only nomadic tribes roamed the lands of Africa, far before your silly little civilizations..."
The reporter arched his brow puzzled. "You can't expect me to believe."
Stomping her foot, her nostrils would flare in a snort. "...Silence! Was it not you before who questioned me being a ghost?" Stopping briefly before she continued, to collect herself, her glare upon the fox now almost constant. "These tribes were led by of course shamans, each shaman carrying a totem of the people, my own that of the bovines. I was the last shaman of the tribe, bringing its greatest rise and greatest fall." She would take a seat as she looked to the fox. "Questions?"
The fox had been writing as he looked up from his papers, unsure of what he had gotten himself into he suddenly felt a small pain on his leg, sharp almost a sting. "Owe what the hell?"
"Is something the matter little fox?" Mokaria's gaze idly traced down to the floor around the Fox's legs. "Perhaps a rat got you they are a plenty around here."
"A rat? Hardly! Felt like something stung me!" He thought about checking his leg however thinking of his previous interruptions, and Mokaria's reaction, instead chose to shrug it off. "Please continue Miss Mokaria."
Mokaria would let out a harrumph, turning her head from him. "Like you need to tell me, however as I was saying. You see many a war was fought amongst the tribes but during my time a new enemy was to be faced the crusades of civilization to be exact. Were the nomads fought for land and supplies the crusades simply fought to destroy what was not them." She seemed restless while telling her story rising again from her chair. "The tribes came together with talk of banding together to fight the crusaders, those fools though, not a single one of them could agree upon any notion. So I began to work behind the lines call it backstabbing if you will but I prepared the ceremony to devour their strengths, to unite the tribes under one ruler, the wolves, tigers, serpents and bovine tribe all as one."
Blinking the fox would look over Mokaria's body her appearance was beginning to make much more sense to him now.
"The answer is yes fox, what you see before you know is the results of that ceremony, I knew there would be repercussions for my actions one was this monstrous form, the second was a strange hunger, I had always required sacrifices of followers to invoke the rituals... "She would smirk a bit, thinking about those days. "... men and women willingly giving their flesh to me. However I continued to find such rituals even more draining upon me the hunger the will to win against the crusade, I would eat and eat. Soon I no longer had forces to continue the fight, even with eating the prisoners, it was never enough."
As the fox listened he became increasingly uncomfortable, however as he tried to move to rise up from his seat his body felt heavy. Then he felt another sting. "What the hell! There it is again! Just what exactly is going on here, what are you up to?"
Mokaria would chuckle a bit quite amused with the accusations. "Oh me I didn't do anything you silly fox." A small skittering across the floor could be heard as the Chimera's eight legged pet crawled to her slowly up her leg and thigh then her back to rest upon her shoulder. "She did, after all neither her or I want you to leave before you hear the whole story."
The foxes lip would quiver a bit his senses blurring slightly he was not longer much capable of writing however her words still rang in his ears.
"Now then I left off with my own power as the downfall of my tribes yes, all of them either slaughtered by the crusaders or by my own hunger. The crusaders were not without their losses as well however eventually I was captured, skewered at least fifteen times left bleeding on the ground to perish. Magnificently I discovered another side effect of my joining with the four, my body is rather different." She would let out a dry chuckle. "Laying there in my pain and blood I would not die you see, my wounds slowly closed themselves, regeneration." She would carefully place the spider down watching as it skittered off into the shadows.
Grabbing the foxes chin she would arch her back as slowly four fleshy growth, tentacles to be specific began to spread from her shoulder-blades. "Quite magnificent when things don't exactly turn out how you want them. So left without a tribe I wandered the only of my kind, really though my hunger pressured me to move on if only to find the next thing to devour. So I hid in plain sight, worked my way into the filthy crusaders civilization. I did not seek revenge however; it was quite liberating the feeling that I finally only had myself to look out for." Reaching out with her tentacles she would lift the fox easily pulling him to her lap.
"What are you going to do to me..." He sputtered. "... what the hell is wrong with you anyway!" He lacked the strength to fight her grip at this point, shivering as the tentacles slithered over his arms and legs.
"Not to smart are you, you came here for the story, and look you haven't even been taking very good notes!" Taking his bag as a whole and tossing it into the fire. "You will have to just start again, however I'm going to finish my story." Mokaria would give the fox's cheek a lick before continuing. "You see I had a lot of time to think on things, more than enough in fact. I would take random jobs to keep myself busy, most of them garbage, though sometimes a bit more exciting. I even resorted to backstabbing employees I was to guard while on a trade route simply for their goods. Eventually where I was, as you know it now Romania, became much a bore so I decided to wander, which is when I met her..." Her gaze going dreamy as she licked her lips softly. "... all that wandering and I somehow end up on Ireland perhaps the perfect day. I think I met her in the bars, after a bit of a job to help catch some measly little pickpockets, I had no idea she had taken much the same job." Chuckling she would point the two sets of armor in the corner. "I suppose you could say that's what we wore on our first date. She came in rather huffy about no work I was already falling off my stool. Oh the fun we had that night, and on many a night in our odd meetings. Both of us mercenaries, it made the meetings rather awkward when we were suppose to kill each other, however the sex was fantastic. Odd thing was I didn't even realize it was her each time thinking myself the only immortal."
The fox had hardly been listening the venom still coursing through him he was surprised he hadn't passed out, the constant licks and nibbles reminding him of early parts of her story. Much to his horror they were slowly becoming more constant, her eyes more hungry as she gazed upon him.
"Are you still with me, you really should be paying attention." She would scratch her claws against the underside of his chin, then slowly down his throat threatening to slice him open. "Even if she can't be here I won't think twice about maiming you for insulting her with your behavior. After all she is now my wife, and the bearer of my child." Noticing his eyes drooping she would growl. "I thought we could finish our little talk, how worthless."
Whimpering at first, the fox's noises would turn into a sharp whine as her jaws began to open, eyes fixed to her fangs. "I didn't do anything, please just let me go!" Images flashing in his eyes of what those fangs could do to him, he had to dig deep as to not soil himself.
"Trespassing is most definitely something, and as this is private property I can do as I please." Her maw would lunge down upon him taking his head with some effort, her fangs grazing against his cheeks and snout, daring him to move to try and wriggle free. All the while her large tongue would crudely lather his face in her saliva. The venom was indeed doing its job, any fight that may have been inside the poor fox was drained from him. He would strain his muscle to make even the slightest movement however it was futile, already his shoulders slipping in, the flesh stretching as her jaw unhinged.
First hand the fox was discovering why so many warned of the ghost of this mansion, however there was no ghost only this gluttonous monster in his eyes. Greeted with the pressing of throat flesh against his face he would gasp for air, searching in his mind then remembering that she was part snake and at this point unable to deny her claims that she was at least a freak. He soon felt his shirt shredded from his body and shortly after his pants, the ruthless tongue moving down slowly to soak his chest.
Her stomach's noises began to ring first in his ears and soon to her own, rubbing gently against her throat as to coax the meal down as her tentacles held him aloft. She would shove and twist at the expense of the poor fox's spine eager to fill her gut, she still had a story to finish and he was being such a bother. Taking another swallow her maw would press against his hips, her head would slowly lean back most of the work done as her chest bulged out her stomach slowly filling.
The fox was soon dealing with the smell of the stomach's juices filling his nostrils, his head pressing against the fleshy opening until he finally squeezed into her gut. He could feel her insides slowly claiming more and more of his body. Only briefly letting out a stifled whimper as his crotch was pressed against by her tongue only to shove back and swallow. His ears would begin to tingle along with his nose and more sensitive flesh letting out a stifled scream as the stomach churned.
Taking her last swallows around his ankles and finally the long wanted breathe she would press both hands against her bulging stomach falling back into the strong wooden seat behind her, tentacles having done their job they would slowly retract. "Huff huff.... You see fox this mansion is the legacy of Vairune and I, we grew sick of the mercenary life changing to instead studying the world about us. However we always get the useful nosey nobody like you coming to bother us." She was only greeted by gurgled screams of fear and pain as she continued on. "Our growing love of science, of the history we were a part of, and our insatiable hunger for flesh and knowledge, it all comes together here. I would show you the door, however I think the lavatories will be much more fitting." Smiling to herself, as yet another pesky intruder met his demise within her stomach, and some time later was seen out with a flush.
Absorption & Body Merge:
Mokaria is capable of absorbing others into her flesh. She can make this exclusively to one body part making the victim feel as if though part of her breast, shaft, etc. This can be non fatal but can end in extended entrapment easily if such does occur, releasing the victim as they were once she is done having fun with them. Having others absorbed allows her the ability to grow some for a short period of time doing so means the one absorbed is consumed. Because of this odd ability her body is rather shapeable to consume her prey how she sees fit.
She can add poison to any of the different things her tentacles can spray, and her bite is also poisonous. The poison slowly weakens the muscles and eventually causes the body to shut down. This usually takes a total of maybe seven bites to cause the body to finally quit on the prey. That is figuring its a normal human.
Mokaria can grow four tentacles each up to 12' long that take on the appearance of fleshy tubes with a large maw like opening on the end. These maws and throats of the tentacle lead directly to Mokaria's stomach. Underlying a small flap of flesh within the maws is a fine row of teeth to grip or shred if necessary, they also have Mokaria's venom glands attached. Near the base of the tentacles growth point are small glands that produce a sticky spit like substance. All along the tentacles are small glands to create the same substance in smaller amounts, biting into these tentacles is not pleasant. Alternatively the glands produced in the tentacles will produce semen however she must first shed the tentacle to change it.
Digestive Shift:
Mokaria can control her digestive system to the point that she can store things within her gut even regurgitate them later unharmed, this of course means the same can be said of things that fall prey to her if she particularly thinks they should still exist.
Genetic lock:
Mokaria's genetics are locked; she will not change for other genetics period. Whether it be from science magic, doesn't matter she won't change.
Mokaria regenerates faster than most living beings, a wound that would leave a man in bed for months can be healed within hours for Mokaria.
Not so unlimited power:
Mokaria's abilities are rather magnificent but the hunger that can take over her can range from uncontrollable to mild and her diet changes mostly on how much of her abilities she tends to use. Sleeping for periods of times after a lot of use from her abilities is common as she still deals with the stress.
==========================Art Spot==========================
Well Iddi was first but then something crazy happened... I drew Mokaria!
Mokaria at Radio Eka studios.
Next is Mr_Iddi's art of Mokaria
Mokaria eating Iddi
Black Mage Mokaria
Full belly Mokaria
Iddi in Mokaria's cleavage
Mokaria relaxing with a full stomach
Who me?
Colored by Reiko drawn by Iddi
Mokaria eating Iddi now in color
Next by Vorry also but has nudity and parts showing. :3
Mokaria rather Pissed off at someone, that or extremely sexually flustered Either way someone is going to end up on that cock.
How'd that get in there? :3
Commision done by Vorry! :3 Warning cock vore!
Mokaria having some fun with Eka.
Next by Mimetic Soup
Leaning on a wall
Strike a pose!
Next by Azura The Fox
Insatiable deal with it.
By Sadira! <3
Sexy, ain't she?
Next are silly doodles by Codo :P
Codo right where he belongs
Plotting Mokaria is plotting
Alternate look by Lavissa.
Mokaria only looks soft and cuddly
Picture by TaciturnTiger
Mokaria chomping a tiger
Picture by Mateo. :3
Mokaria topless
Art by gloom
*NOTE THIS IS A SEX PIC* however since this is an adult chat I figure we can all be adult about it. If you wish to see it click here.
Picture by Maxtwenty, for my birthday, I honestly had no idea he was even drawing her. o.o
Mokaria cleavsorbtion with Alberta