You know, Myths give cyclops a bad reputation! It's a total drag, man, and it's so HARD when some of your ancestors used to eat people! ... I mean, yeah, you people are tasty, and all, but come ON, I don't eat people all the time! And only the ones I'm allowed to!
... which says a lot about Mitra, really. But, then, you could probably already guess most of it from looking at her. After all, the huge size and the single eye give a lot away, and her curves didn't just HAPPEN, right?
Mitra Delany is a cyclops. Yes, like the ones from Greek Myth. No, she's not a flippin' giant, only a few cyclops ever get that big. Yes, she eats people. She eats a lot more than just people, though, and she's pretty much always hungry! She can't help that, though. It's not like she can consistently eat enough to satisfy her hunger and keep her job, or friends, or, well, keep herself out of trouble. The only thing THAT plentiful these days is people! Mostly she manages to get her hunger down to a dull ache and deals with that, somewhat grumpily.
Large enough to tower over any human man, soft enough that most of them don't mind and tend to lust after her anyway, friendly enough that she's willing to cuddle and snuggle just about anyone, and with a real soft spot for kids, Mitra, in spite of her dietary preferences, is a real sweetheart. Not the brightest bulb in the box, mind you, but she's friendly, cheerful, and tends to get along with most people. She adores children, and will pamper and play with them any time they want, assuming she's not busy(She usually isn't), and she likes having a good time as much as the next gal. She's pretty damned open, as well, sexually speaking, hitting on girls and boys equally often. She likes drinking, she likes dancing, and she likes shopping, and she REALLY likes a good party full of lovely, open-minded, kinky people... because that tends to turn into a meal and sometimes orgy, but hey, she has simple likes.
Mind, she NEEDS to go shopping, more often than not. IN a world of monstergirls, of course, there are some in her size, so it's fairly easy to find stuff that fits, but it's still tricky! After all, she's eight feet tall, and built big and soft besides. Most mundane clothing faints at the mere THOUGHT of trying to contain her, and most of her stuff has to be specially made. And, well, as much as she eats, she has to get new stuff all the time, as she's still growing bigger in... well... every way.
Eight feet tall, and apparently built like the main ingredient was marshmallows, Mitra's HUGE. She's also quite soft, and warm, and pleasant, with long, silky, platinum blond hair, and caramel skin, plus a rather pretty blue eye. This is typically wrapped up in snug, hip-hugging jeans and a sleeveless turtleneck sweater, which often seems rather put-upon, strained as it is by her ample bosom. She's often playing with her hair, mostly out of habit and boredom, and she tends to miss things when she's not paying much attention. All told, she comes across as a bit of a ditz, and that's not entirely unfair, but she can be pretty quick and clever at surprising moments. And, well, she's especially focused when she's turned-on, which may be good or bad.
Anything else? Just ask!
This lovely is one of The Tower's things. You Have Been Warned!