Hi there! I'm Misty and I'm interested in Females! Oh and a few herms...maybe a few sissy guys...well anywho! I'm new around here and I'm interested in a lot of things! First, I'll tell you that I am a bit of a nymphomaniac, so sex is very likely to occur when you're around me. Second, I cannot eat people, but I can breast vore and unbirth people maybe anal vore, but that's only for a few. Sex with me is dangerous in a way...if I orgasm and any of my juices get on you then I can at any time just absorb you straight into my body, but lucky for you I do not take unwilling prey. Resistant prey is different though ;)
I work at a local strip club as a waitress/private performer. The menu is really interesting. Most of the food is normal but there is this odd little thing at the bottom of the menus that informs the customer they can ask about a 'special' menu. I've seen some other waitresses grab those menus but never were seen again, so I'm curious as to what's on it...but I'm not allowed to look until a customer requests it.
I do have a deep dark secret that I keep only to a few friends...but it gets difficult to hide it when my nymphomania starts to work its way into my thoughts. *Blushes*
Misty is a nympho like said above. I will play 3rd person mostly, but I thought a 1st person intro would give you a better look into her mindset.
The secondary menu as you probably guessed is for live meals and for some reason the waitress is normally the chosen meal.
To get her private performance costs 50 dollars (or a trade that she deems accountable.)
Her secret as you can guess is she's got a shaft. It doesn't always show, but it is there. She can choose to let it be visible or stay hidden (Default is it'll come out when she gets horny.) She can vore through it, but has no sack, instead the prey is deposited into her vulva and literally locked away there. The only escape is if you can reform yourself. Thus is the case for all her vore types (Except unbirth. THat's optional)