The story of Victoria’s life is a long and precarious one where a Princess lost everything in the face of a Nordic attack. Her Kingdom, her riches, and her very blood-line was stripped away in a single, brilliant stroke and the Princess was left to die across the seas in shores not her own. Luckily for Victoria, she was a survivor. Her minor survivor skills got her through the first few weeks. She slew wild creatures, picked up berries she knew was edible. It was a tough life for the girl until she reached a kindly town and found a pair of sweet elderly parents to take her in.
In Victoria’s canonical storyline she continues practicing the art of the sword under the local swordsmith, determined to rise up and reclaim what is hers. Driven by ambition, at age 16 she would begin traveling across the land in search of people to join her. By Age 22 she will have weaved a strong little circle of allies together and by the middle of her second decade on Earth she will have reclaimed her Kingdom and become Queen again. Following a plan she had made when she was a little girl, Victoria reclaimed her Kingdom with a step by step plan that was carried out efficiently and with extra-ordinary and consistent effort. Had it not been for this and favorable conditions, there was no way she would have succeeded.
This different canonical version follows a story….of what would have happened if things didn’t go so according to her plan.
Instead of running into a kindly pair of elderly parents that rescued her from her life in the wilderness, Victoria ran across a whorehouse by the name of The Enchanted Pussy. Being an innocent girl and having nowhere else to go, little Victoria would slide inside the brothel without knowing she was in such….such terrible danger~ It wouldn’t be long till the management saw her and swept Victoria into the system, starting to convert the once proud Princess into a gasping, horny slut!
It took many weeks for the mind of the Princess to shatter at last. She was a little girl in an unknown land. There was no one was there to save her. The constant plowing of the little girl’s virgin pussy took a toll on her mind. Being a high-class brothel, she dwelled in a single room that was her own. A golden plate was settled on the front of the room labeled simple “Victoria” after the name they had found on her sword before they auctioned it off for cash. Everything that Victoria had taken with her was stripped from the Princess, leaving her without a single item to remind her of her past.
Gradually…Victoria forgot her fate as a Princess, marking a final end to the Sylvanian royal family. But where there was an end there was also a new beginning. A very different person was being created in the body of the former Princess.
The little girl was trained from the age of twelve to be a good slut, constantly making money for the owners of the brothel and keeping very little of it for herself! Her life became very simple. She would take men into her room and fuck them until they cummed, sliding her hands into their pocket and taking their money before sending them back out into the brothel and beckoning for the next man or herm! to come and fuck her.
And so that process continued. Day after day…hour after hour with nothing but meals, sleep, and sex. Victoria adapted to this life rather well, becoming a simple creature that was happy simply to be touched and held. She had illicit children that she didn’t care for, putting them up for adoption the moment that they were old enough and going on with her life of sex and sleep, fuck and pay. But as she grew older, the average sex with the average male simply didn’t cut it anymore. Victoria gave moans of pleasure whenever they mounted her…but those moans were fake and filled with disinterest. She had grown tired of random people she would never see again, tired of boring sex, and most of all she was tired of being owned by people who didn’t appreciate her!
So at the age of 18 Victoria left her captors, giving a bloody nose to whoever tried to stop her on the way out the door. The bouncers tried to stop her and tried to call her a bitch that couldn’t make it on her own. But Victoria wasn’t submissive. She had the strength to break free from them.
And once free she wears a cold smirk wears on her lips. Commonly in a child’s life she wishes to be just like her mother and father, or in their absence she wishes to be just like the ones that had raised her. For the second half of her childhood, Victoria was raised by a Brothel. It was all she had ever known.
With the name of this profile….it is only too obvious what her next step in life would be. This profile will be continued....as Victoria tames others to become her slaves!

List of slaves:
Empty :(
A slightly darker shade of blue, an alt of Victoria_Rose