Height: 7 feet 4 inches
Weight: 190 pounds and growing
"Don't worry hun. You will enjoy being in my belly....it just takes a few thousand years to get used to it! I will enjoy every moment though, starting now!"
"What? I ate your mom and dad? Your sister to? And your girlfriend? Dont worry, you will be with them soon, in agony"
Kim is a very rich, stuck up, egotistical girl who thinks she is better than everyone. And if she doesn't like you, she eats you. If she thinks you look tasty, she eats you. If she is hungry, she eats you. But her belly is special. Its a soul jar that holds the souls of those she eats forever, trapping them within her. They will never escape, never leave, just add to her belly, making it bigger and sexier. Their struggles please her, as do their cries for help. She loves every second of it!
There is no magic or technology about it, nothing can save those she eats. Its just the way she works! Its how she is. She will live for millions of years, her very first meal still with her even then! Nothing can free them, even with the technology from the future will they be able to get free! Feel free to try though! Her belly digests away the persons body, leaving their soul trapped in the gut! No matter how much it cries or begs, it never gets out, but she loves their pleas!
Dont worry, she wont eat everyone. Some people are lucky and get to be her slaves, rubbing her belly as she listens to her meals eternal screams. They dont last though, soon adding to her belly.
Kim has found a new lover in
Dalibora! She loves her greatly and would do anything for her, and believes that
Dalibora would do the same for her! She is an amazing lover!
Perma Vore Only! Dont ask for an rp unless you are ok with being gone for good!

Tissel_Mouse was a bitch, and got what she deserved for disrespecting Kim. I digested her away, her soul now in the soul jar. She is trapped, struggling for an eternity. I might let her out in a thousand years, if I knew how. But I don't mawahaha!
Saerse was searching for the Soul Jar, not knowing what it was. She was tricked into the belly, made a fool of even though Kim hinted and hinted at what the jar was! She willingly went into the girls belly, willingly digested away, thinking she could find out about the jar then reform! To bad for her she is trapped with the same Jar she yearned to find!(Semi-Perma)