A Tsareena! Thanks to the help of
Rose_Morris the egg hatched in this pokemon
Quite different from a normal Steenee, not only for her different coloration but her size as well making her about 50% bigger than other like herself, taking her to an height of 1,8 m and a weight of around 80 Kg
After walking around in the forest driven by her own curiosity the little Bounsweet meets
Dory_Gaufre, apparently striking the waffle girl with her cuteness and ending up being adopted by her. Thanks to the girl is now even able to reform inside of her own pokeball if something bad happens to her
After a bit of training in the park with the waffle girl she got to taste her first rare candy, really liking the taste and asking for more. As she devour all of the candies Dory got with herself she suddenly evolve even if eating that many rare candies in one go seems to had some side effects, like giving her and incredibly plump body