The loving husband of
The dad of
Also the tiny engineer of
Occupation: Electronics Engineer
Height: 3'2"
A bright man, Benjamin Carter is quite the brain in such a small package. Often mistaken for a child, this 'boy genius' is actual a 30-year old college graduate whom helps in revolutionizing the commercial electronics industry with new innovations and ideas at his work-space. He has amassed a fortune in his life because of the advancements he has made in the field. Due to this, he stands at one of the most wealthy people in the world. Using his money he funds and helps revolutionize many green energy acts in the world, trying to turn things around and help bring about a better tomorrow for himself and his family. This is not all he does, a passionate however, as he is also a pioneer of social justice. The young man also tries to push social standards by having one of the most odd relationships seen. A fully grown male of his stature pairing with the milfy masterpiece that is his wife causes many to stare and whisper. How they hug and how close they are leads them to be rather clingy and due to the size difference it often appears he's more her naughty, grabby, lewd child than her brilliant, loving, and wonderful husband. A fully automated home makes life a breeze around the house and frees he and his wife up for several escapades. Often keeping his work secret until a big debut means that the little man can be quite devious and secretive about things. This often leads to surprise test subject and strange antics when he's around. All his life he's been getting called Mister Carter due to his last name being different from the majority of his family (failed marriages and all that) so he more-so prefers that over his first name. Though, despite that, it gets difficult to have people call him "mister" in the first place due to his boyish looks.
Standing at a mere 3'2" tall with a baby face that never seemed to develop past the age of 10 it's more oft than not he is mistaken for the child of his wife rather than her husband. In all his years he's learned to use this to his advantage, making him quite the dominate little scamp despite his size as well.
Overall, despite being such an intellectual person, he tends to be rather understanding and easy to talk to. Well, that is until you get him flustered, after all.
To become a child of him and his wife, talk to Mrs_Carter about it.):
things/people he collects to be pets in his vast family and prosperous family. Not necessarily like...the sexual kind of pet):
Cantaloupe - Lovely booby dragon, right up my ally! Super fun to cuddle and pet on. Makes a great pillow.
Things he has invented. You can acquire an invention by RPing with him and asking for it or inquiring about it in some way. He already makes vast amount of money in many other ways, so you're likely to get it for free due to his natural generosity.):
Insta-growth-shocker: It's a device that stimulates the tissue of the breasts, causing a tingling, warm, pleasent sensation through them and before causing the cells in them to radically reproduce at an exponential rate and swell to rather massive sizes. Depending on the intensity of setting extends the duration. (yes, it works on males and females alike.)
A list of people/things he has experimented on over time in his quest of exploring science. This list will grow the more he is RP'd with. If you have an idea and wish to propose an experiment, I will likely say yes.):
Running late for work due to a...long morning with the misses.