Koukuji_Family has a problem.
Francis "Frankie" Foster, who works and lives at Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends with her grandmother and her granny's imaginary friend, Mr. Herriman. Her job is mostly taking care of the imaginary friends and cleaning the house. ...It's not a job she's entirely fond of.
As you've probably noticed by now, she looks a bit... rounder in the middle these days. Well, her intense addiction to her granny's homemade cookies finally caught up to her. She's put on quite a bit of weight, and stubborn weight at that. No matter what she does, that potbelly doesn't get any smaller, or ends up even bigger! ...Though the constant sloshing when she jogs might be a clue as to why...
"Okay, Bloo, I get it. You can stop staring now."