Given Name: Miriam
Family Name: Saki
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Human-Ish
Height: 151cm
Ever since she was a really young girl, Miriam has always been interested in swordsmanship. She has always been playing around with sticks and having swordfights with the boys around where she lived, training for the day she became old enough to apply at the local academy so she could reach her goal of becoming a Paladin. At the age of 13 she could do this, considering this is back in the time where there were no 18-year or older age restriction. She was handed the equipment needed and thrown right into the same hard and harsh training the males at the academy were given, and it was easy to see this was not what she had expected it to be, but she didn't give up and after two years of this hell she finally achieved the praise she hoped for. While she is no longer wearing a proper Paladins armor she tries to stay as close as she can, she has switched out the armored pants for a skirt however, one that is not too long so she can easily move around, she also had her own sword forged, paid for with the money she saved up during her younger years, she never spent it on pretty things like her friends did.
She has made her own quest now, to become the greatest Paladin in history. She wants her name in the scriptures that the students at the academy are being taught. She pretty much wants to become a famous figure and perhaps even serve for the Empress herself, that is if she can get rid of her fear of...