Really, the picture SHOULD tell you enough for you to get your own first impressions. Thankfully, neither it, nor she, will turn you to stone just for looking at them, which is... well, more than SOME of her relatives can say. Regardless, though, she is what she looks like... which is to say, a Gorgon. How surprising! ... but then, hey, stranger things exist, don't they?
Regardless, she's new here. She's actually looking for one of her cousins, whom she rather likes, after he ran away from home. People remembered when he booked passage out of the country(perhaps because, when one attacked him, he swatted the man into a WALL with his tail), and remembered enough that they pointed her in this direction. No one tried to attack her, either, which is probably a good thing for them. She even got free passage! How nice! And, y'know, the ship didn't have a rat problem afterward... just some crunchy rodent statues, and a few crumbs.
And now, she's here! She managed to track down her cousin well enough to get HERE, and... now she just needs to find him. How hard can it BE to find a lamia, especially a MALE lamia, in a city? It's not like they're common! And yet.... well, she's not found him yet, and she's sleeping in the park. NOt that she minds, as she used to live in the wilderness, with only clothes acquired from... well, we'll not get into that. She's used to roughing it, though, and she's still friendly, cheerful, curious, and eager to learn! Eager to find her cousin, too, but she's started getting a bit waylaid, now, by all the other interesting things! And she's remembered that her sister moved to this part of the world, too...
Age? She's not sure. Somewhere between twelve and eighteen, is all she can say for sure. She's been living mostly on her own for at least three years, using her ability to feed. Her diet consists primarily of rocks, petrified victims usually, fruit, and assorted yummy things(including, occasionally, sweet dreams). Really, she's not picky. It is worth noting, though, that her ability to petrify people is entirely mental. She can choose what to turn someone into. Marble. Granite. Obsidian! And she can turn them back!
.... mostly, though, she turns people into rock candy. Bullies, usually, who don't realize that messing with her is a bad idea. Oh well.