((member of
((this image not owned by me))
Minori is a kitsune of some power; she has grown her sixth tail recently, and received a massive magical boost. She is capable of massive feats, from turning entire armies against themselves to forcing her foes to see millions of her. As she grows more tails, her power grows even further. The hitch?
Each new tail represents a new persona that controls her body.
At six tails, she effectively has six minds fighting for control of her body at all times. Some of her personalities are more sane, and calm than the others, while her more destructive ones are willing to kill and break everything they can see.
She is capable of oral vore, cock vore, and unbirthing, but her favorite way of consuming her prey is to wrap them up in her tails, filled with a potent magic that induces severe lust into her target. The feeling of breaking their bodies down while they orgasm again and again, their soul flooding into her fur...that is a good feeling all of her personalities have agreed was blissful.

((Unlike other alts, this pic IS mine and BOOYEAHAHAHAHA))
Her different personalities are as follows:
1) Naivete
-Minori's first and primary personality is characterized by her childish and curious nature; she is almost always optimistic about everything, and always willing to learn about anyone and anything. In terms of usage of power, she generally doesn't do anything more than feats of whimsy, like parlor tricks and pranks. Being her primary personality, this is also the personality Minori will default to during times of extreme stress or trauma, unless another of her personalities retains control.
2) Lustful
-The traditional second tail, Minori's second persona is characterized by her near-insatiable lust. Seeing as how her body feeds off of both physical bodies, and energy brought about by sexual activity (known as sexual energy), this personality accommodates for any other personality's possible lack of sexual drive by being as seductive and wily as a succubus. Oftentimes Minori will default to this persona when she is hungry or in the mood.
3) Practical
-Minori's next persona is characterized by her strategic thinking and her polite mannerisms. Indeed, the kitsune raising her were very glad when she finally grew this personality in; it was the personality that dedicated her to her magical studies and allowed her to begin understanding the life she was always so in awe of. Unfortunately this personality is very rarely defaulted to, and rarer still has control of the body even when it is needed.
4) Stubborn
-Minori's fourth persona can easily be described as "willing to punch the fuck out of you if you annoy her too much". The most abrasive and brash of Minori's personalities, she will often default to this when she needs to engage in conflict; this personality pulls no punches, but if she can win without magical powers, she will try. The feel of planting her fist into her opponent's face is just too glorious to avoid using.
5) Yandere
-Minori's fifth personality formed when she had just lost somebody very important to her; the shock and impact of this as she grew her fourth tail affected her personality to refuse losing anything close to her again. Known as one of her more dangerous personas, the fourth personality is willing to go to any limit--be it magical or otherwise--to make sure those she cares for are protected.
6) The Mother
-Known as "the Mother", this personality is an equalizer on the other personalities, though it isn't one that shows itself often. Instead, she acts on making sure the other personalities do not rip Minori's psyche apart too terribly.