
Age: 6
Sex: Female (or can be a cute little herm on request)
Height: 3'5" ( has yet to have her groath spurt. adult Minitaurs are over 10ft)
Weight: 84lbs
Friends: Little_Nip,Ltl_Clop_Hooves
Mini is a mintaur that was Born in captivity in Erica_Lee MonsterGirl_Zoo. Soon after birth she was taken from her mother and is being raised in the hatchery. a place were young monster girls are Raised untill they are old enough to be placed back into the exibits. Guests of the park can even purchase a speical tour were they can help take care of, spend
time with and even learn about Mini, about Minitaurs, and the other young monsters.

All monsters are driven by there instincs. no matter if there intelagiant or nearly farrol, even from a young age it is a part of them. There insticts to eat, sleep and reproduse, even if they are not aware of it. Mini is no exception to this. even if she is not aware of it. If stimulated her sexual Instics will take over. And as you know Minitaurs are known for being strong and there dominate behavure. same goas for her instincs to eat. she is deseptivly strong and can esily take on another young human girl and young adult woman. they are know for status of carnivores. Mini is mildly inteligiant overal but in terms of her species she is quite smart. due to being raised in captivity.

Unless stimulated. she is rather shy, but curious. both humans and anthros peeking her intrests. finding them intresting. she is quite playfull and cheerful. despite being born in a zoo. but as being raised in one. It is all she knows.

-NO males (including male herms)
-mainly pred
- NO vore needed for a roleplay. Iinjoy, mother rps relationship rps.

~RP ideas~

-Another little girl around her any ware from 3-17 accedently stimulates Her and becomes hers. first by force then gets used to it.
((Add ons))
+girl get eaten
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.

-Older Teen or woman ranging from 18+, accedently stimulates Her and becomes hers. first by force then gets used to it.
((Add ons))
+girl get eaten
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.

-Micro guest becomes her pet.
((Add ons))
+girl get eaten
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.

-young girl ranging from 3-17 wants to be her friend or she wants to be there friend.
((Add ons))
+takes her home
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.

-she wants to be the friend of a girl 18+
((Add ons))
+ takes her home
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.

-older woman once to be her mom and takes her home.
((Add ons))
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.

- a monster girl Zoo ologist is sexualy attracted to her and starts using her for sex.
((Add ons))
+takes her home
+Her friends Ltl_nip and [ [Ltl_Clop_Hooves]] join in.