
"So what do you want to be when you grow up Dave?"
"Racing car d-d-d...racing car man!"
"very nice! and what about you Mineya...you've made a farm for your diorama...did you want to be a farmer?"
"Nope! I want to be a cow!"
"...Do you mean Dairy farmer?"
"hey you can't trick me! i've even been practicing my moo, listen! Myuuuuuuuu~"
"that...sounds more like a cat, and anyway you can't be a cow Mineya...oh! don't cry!"
"and that's how i got a week of preeschool off! Teacher did give me some good advice though! Moooooo!"
[In all seriousness WIP]
"Wait so she thinks she is a..."
Wrong terminology my dear reader! she used to think she was a cow...now she is one!
Well perhaps you wanted some context to the cuteness you see before you (If i don't say so myself!). Well, she was born to a metropolitan couple who lived in an apartment block just 10 minutes out of London town, She grew up on a lot of scholastic storybooks, and b-grade children's cartoons as the like, she grew to identify with the cows in these stories that she shared her name with, she would've liked nothing more than to be a cow and be far from the stress of modern life. this particular oddity of her personality really didn't surface until her 'futures' day at primary school, she feigned upset at her teachers insistence that she could not in fact be a bovine any times since. The parents of this strange girl would try and subtly dissuade her from her chosen career path, but Dewford younger would have none of it! making her own horns and tail from felt and paper ("at least she's being creative..") practicing a west country accent all throughout highschool, and making sure to take extra big portions so her 'udders' would grow big and bouncy! she would never notice all the scorn and teasing, and eventually those who set out to tease her just kind of...gave up!
And then came the eve of her 21st birthday, the happy girl, drinking a glass of milk in her own apartment was reflecting on her life up to her current point of an editor for a children's magazine. Mineya had always been sure that things would go her way, ever the optimist no matter how much of an ass someone was, she was sure she would find contentment.. but after 21 years of searching for her destiny...her smile was a little smaller than usual. That is until she received the odd pendant at the door, a package addressed to her containing a small pendant hanging from a leather strap, shaped like a cowbell. She thought it was cute, and such a small anonymous gesture was enough to brighten her day, so she steps into her kitchen, and....
Well you saw the image up there right?
To say she was elated was an understatement, she quit her job almost on the spot, leaving her household to go and find her fortune, after all, every cow needs a farmer, right? She's been searching for an owner ever since she left her original homestead, Selling her (actually quite delicious milk wherever she can go...maybe she'll never meet a farmer...after all she touts her availability as both a dairy AND beef cow....
"Alright, even as a framing device for a profile i think she's pretty cute...so what's she like?"
Well you perverted bastard, Mineya is an extreme ditz, getting lost in fantasies and ideas constantly perhaps clumsily tripping over things in the process. She doesn't have much of an idea of a normal persons idea of decency, .....though that gets in the way of her milk! She has no idea why people get all red when they see a naked udder.... Otherwise she's content, not traditionally 'clever', but very optimistic and contented, all she wishes to do is live her life as a cow to the best of her ability, whether it's as a dairy cow producing milk, a beef cow being swallowed down by a hungry customer or maybe even a breeding cow. Mineya does it all with energy!