Every world has the concept of heroes. Ordinary people who can become something special, either through effort or magic. Many worlds have something LIKE Magical Girls, even if only in their movies and shows. Others... well, others have magical girls, and monsters, for real. Life is certainly more dangerous, and more interesting, for those who inhabit these worlds.
Mika Davros was always a pretty normal girl. Sure, she's smart, but her good scores are from studying, and a prodigious memory. Her features aren't exactly average, as she's pretty attractive, with sweet, oriental features, silky brown hair, and warm brown eyes, all of this complemented by a moderately athletic, pleasantly yet modestly curved figure, typically wrapped in a school uniform.
Of course, the key word in that paragraph is 'was'. She 'was' normal. She isn't normal now, even if she can pull it off pretty well. No, she's much the same as she was, but there's something ELSE inside her, a second spirit lurking inside her body, sharing in her emotions and sensations, peering out through her eyes, and empowering her, as needed.
... and as it happens, it turns out that there often IS a need. Spirits like the one sharing Mika's body are common, and they often find people. The thing is, a weak-willed individual, or strong spirit, can make for a real monster, or a monstrous person and a weak spirit. There's lots of call for a magical girl, in her world, even if they are rather feared, as well, for their potential to go bad.
In Mika's case, her powers are... impressive. She actually entered into a compact with a spirit, to save her friend's life after a monster attack, and it proved to be a much better match than either the spirit or the girl expected. Her empowered form looks much the same as her usual one, albeit with some striking differences. Her uniform is much more durable than it seems, silver and blue, and crackling with electricity. Diaphanous wings emerge from her back, made of energy, and over her head hovers an incomplete, slowly-spinning halo. Her eyes and hair both turn an electric blue, with her skin lightening in hue, though whether from the energy within her, or the glow of her wings, is impossible to say. However, unlike most mahou shoujo, her weapons are clearly just that, being a pair of sub-machine guns, each sporting a seven-inch bayonet from the tip...
If it weren't obvious enough, her magic is oriented around electricity. Fast strikes, either on the ground or in the air, and often at a distance, make short work of most monsters. Others take more punishment, or persuasion, but she's amply able to provide. For whatever reason, she just fights harder, the more damage she takes...
But in the end, she changes BACK into a normal girl, and gets on with her life. Or tries to. As long as her friend Riley is there for her, she's willing to try...