
Welcome to middle school!

Note that all art is AI-made (don't look too hard at their hands!), and therefore not subject to copyright claims.
Please please PLEASE check my sliders (especially partner prefs!), and don't suggest anything I've put as a hard no (e.g., don’t approach with a male character). All that will do is piss me off and then I'm not gonna have fun, which means you're not gonna have fun.:'(
Currently in the mood for sisterly incestual vore! Examples include a girl swallowing her sister, either without realizing or understanding what would happen to her! Or a sibling spat ends with one of them inside the other! Or external forces require it, like a younger sister eats her older sister’s friend out of jealousy and now the older sister needs to go in and rescue her friend!

A guide to the statuses (as I use them):

DND: I'm not looking for anything right now. Probably just fixing my character sheet or reading through an already-completed RP.
Busy: I'm likely at capacity in terms of new roleplays. Response time will be slow, and newcomers will be turned away.
Online (no status): Who knows??? Maybe I'm here. Maybe I'm afk. Maybe I just wanted to pop in and see if anyone I knew was on. (Or maybe I switched devices and forgot to change my status on the new device ROFL.)
Away: I've had to step away for a bit, but intend on coming back barring IRL problems. Feel free to poke me if you're interested and I'll get back to you when I can!
Open: I'm in the mood for an RP, but maybe haven't quite decided what I want yet. I'm unlikely to approach you still so poke me if you're interested! To reiterate tho, I am actually wanting RP in this state, and this is where I'll be most of the time when seeking RP since I'm shy, and the nature of this profile makes me more shy.
LFRP: Oh my god, I'm so vorni. Please reach out to me! Please! I beg you! Let's get me nommed or nomming!

The girls:

(Feel free to ask for any three to start, others can be added once characters get "removed"...)

Quick Stats:

NameAgeClassHeightWeightFamilial backgroundPred statusPrey status
Lisa137B5'3" (160 cm)96 lb (43.5 kg)Rich parents, travel often. DistantWillingUnwilling
Tiffany127B5'6" (168 cm)124 lb (56.2 kg)Nothing of noteSemi-WillingUnwilling
Kate127B4'7" (140 cm)69 lb (31.4 kg)Nothing of noteUnwillingUnwilling
Stephanie138C5'7" (170 cm)108 lb (49.1 kg)Adopted, birth family unknownUnwillingUnwilling
Marie126A4'10" (147 cm)95 lb (43.2 kg)Has older sisterUnwillingSemi-Willing
Stacy116A4'3" (130 cm)56 lb (25.4 kg)Immigrant parentsWillingUnwilling
Annabelle105A4'4" (132 cm)64 lb (28.9 kg)Has older sisterUnwillingUnwilling
Madison115A4'11" (150 cm)87 lb (39.4 kg)Nothing of noteSemi-WillingUnwilling
Emma105BTBDTBDAva's twinSemi-WillingUnwilling
Ava105BTBDTBDEmma's twinWillingSemi-Willing


13 years old, in 7th grade, 5’3”. She’s the de facto leader of the popular girls. Her parents are rich, working in a government-funded lab researching shrinking tech.



12 years old, in 7th grade, 5'6". Tiffany (Tiff for short) is Lisa’s right-hand girl. She tends to be rather adventurous, and is stronger than her size suggests.



12 years old, in 7th grade, 4'7". The shortest member of the popular trio. She was Tiff’s best friend before Lisa met her, and doesn’t always agree with Lisa’s methods.



13 years old, in 8th grade, 5’7”. Currently dating Marie, her former best friend, after they finally confessed mutual feelings for each other. If they didn’t know better, people might mistake her for a vampire due to her pale skin and unusual eye color, as well as her preference for staying in.



12 years old, in 6th grade, 4’10”. Currently dating Stephanie, her former best friend, after they finally confessed mutual feelings for each other. Born to Latinx parents, she sometimes struggles with the fact that she doesn’t connect more with her heritage. She’d somewhat active, enjoying football (soccer) and rock climbing.



11 years old, in 6th grade, 4’3”. The daughter of Japanese immigrants, she’s often ostracized and made fun of for her accent, glasses, and petite stature. Can be played as a hermaphrodite if you're looking to be a cocksnack.



10 years old, in 5th grade, 4’4”. An avid gamer, and a bit of a geek, she doesn't care what her peers think, a sentiment exhibited perhaps most clearly by her hair, dyed a bright blue. Despite this, she's always happy to meet new people, and loves showing them the ropes of the games she plays.



11 years old, in 5th grade, 4’11”. She's been playing the violin since she was 5, and is presently the star of the music class due to her skill. It seems clear that she'll grow up to be a virtuoso someday... Well, as long as her spoiled attidute doesn't wind up getting her churned before that can happen.


Emma (left) and Ava (right):

10 years old, both in 5th grade, twins. Emma and Ava always do everything together, including sleeping in the same bed! The two have recently become curious about bodies, and find each other to be perfect candidates to explore with. Ava, however, has a secret: she's curious about what bodies look like on the inside, too...


Old text, recovered via google cache (after I remade the profile) after an incident regarding AI-made images that were a bit too realistic (does not contain images which originally violated policy). It contains some different information regarding each of the girls:

A collection of middle school snaccs!

Please at least check the partner preferences to know if we’re compatible!
Note that all art featured on this profile is AI-generated and therefore not subject to copyright violation.

What the statuses mean (as I use them):

Away: I intend to come back! If you’re interested, message me and I’ll respond when I return!
Open: I’m online and down to roleplay, but I’m unlikely to approach because I’m shy!
LFRP: I’m actively searching for a roleplay, so definitely feel free to reach out!
DND: Don’t disturb! I probably only have a few minutes and wanted to tweak my profile!
Distracted: I’m probably at capacity in terms of roleplays. Response times will be slower and I won’t be taking new partners!

First up, there’s the bully trio, all in 7th grade:

1. Lisa (13), the de facto leader of the popular girls, due to her long, straight blonde hair and her body, which developed a little sooner than her peers. She wears a B-cup bra, but could probably fit an A without her padding.
2. Kate (12), a redhead on the shorter side for girls her age who hasn’t started puberty yet.
3. Tiffany (12), or Tiff for short, a girl with shoulder-length black hair, and the tallest of the bully trio. Also just starting puberty, and wears a training bra.

Next, there are the lovers, who started dating at the start of the school year after being best friends growing up; one is in 6th grade and other‘s in 8th:

4. Marie (12), a part of the latinx community who wears her brown hair in loose curls.
5. Stephanie (13), a pale girl with pink streaks dyed into her silver hair. If the others didn’t know better, they’d think she was a vampire with her complexion and hair color!

Finally, there’s the shy girl, in 6th grade:

6. Stacy (11), the daughter of Japanese immigrants. She’s frequently bullied for her accent, need for glasses, and foreign traditions. She’s of average height for her build, but somewhat underweight.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Intended as a multiprey/NPC account, but certainly open to predding!
Only Lisa, Stacy, and Ava will willingly pred; Tiffany, Madison, and Emma can be talked into it (either via their friends here or the prey themselves); but all the girls can be fed prey against their will!All the girls can and should be nommed!
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Going down in one piece is much better, they can still squirm inside the tummy that way!
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike NO! DO NOT CHEW THESE POOR ADORABLE CUTIES!I can do it if you’re really into it
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike These cuties are intended to be churned! Doesn’t have to be in a stomach though~
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Generally what happens when one gets churned
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you’re not good with reformation, expect at least a soft-reset! These girls are not single-use!Not really concerned with whether you reform or not, but would definitely love a second round~
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Chilling in a tummy can be fun too~
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike A classic!
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sexy! But only for cum digestion or endo! No regression/transformation please!
Try to get out before they climax (and you become their femcum~)
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Love this when it’s a girl with a dick! Prey should be micro for maximum pleasure tho~
Also not really into cocks when cock vore isn't on the table tbh. It's fine if your character has one but traditional sex isn't really good for me.
One of the girls is secretly a herm/futa! You won’t know without getting into their panties though~ (it's Stacy, though she can also be played without this aspect)
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike No NO NO! I absolutely detest this and all things anal-related! (Except for clean full tour. That I very much enjoy)
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Kind of indifferent to this ngl, but a bulge slowly sliding down a tight tail… mmmmm
Well, none of them have one sooo…
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Nipple vore is very much enjoyed, especially if they digest into milk~
I mean, Lisa had to have grown hers somehow!
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m alright with vampiric vore, but not super experienced with it! If you’re willing to help me learn, I’m definitely down to give it a go!
Despite Stephanie’s complexion, she is, in fact, not a vampire, sorry!
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not super experienced with this but not opposed to trying it out if you’re willing to help me learn!
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Slime absorption? Yes please! Also open to hearing other ideas! Please communicate them with me first though, don’t just spring them on me mid-scene!
Since they’re humans, not really sure what other ways they could take someone in…
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike A must for samesize!
… But these girls aren’t stretchy
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do love realistic physics in terms of being able to eat something~
Of course, that’s all these girls are capable of!
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Please no cooking! Girls taste best when they’re unharmed and can wriggle around inside!
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike On the other hand, they make great toppings for a meal after it’s been cooked! Also a great way to end up in an unaware/accidental vore situation~ (all girls can end up as unaware preds!)
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don’t get too rough with these girls, I promise they can be pretty sweet if they’re treated right!I can get a little rough if you want…
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gentleness and intimacy are very much turn-ons for me!
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sexiness is very much loved! Whether it’s licking a morsel on their way down or having fun while a girl is churning inside! But no dicks (unless it's to churn up someone who's been CVed
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pain is only ok in the context of digesting! Outside of that is a no from me.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Talk to me about it first! Sentient tits are always fun though~
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike See pain entry!
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hard, HARD pass!
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Regurgitation/burping up of clothes/belongings/remains? Definitely~ Also enjoyed with cum digestion (orgasming) and with breast vore (lactation)
Watersports Always/Love
Never/Dislike Loved in all its forms! Wetting oneself, drinking piss, pissing on someone else, etc!
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Feel free to tie one of these girls up~ Makes for great unwilling pred or prey scenes, as well as accidental or unwilling digestion~
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Well, these girls don’t have it but you absolutely can! They can have access to shrinking technology if you want to be their snack but you’re just too big~
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gonna be honest, haven’t really been feeling this lately lol
And both preds will gladly oblige a willing snack~
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike Most of these girls are gonna be unwilling!
Lisa will also devour unwilling tinies, Stacy only will if they’re being mean!
Although as unwilling preds, all the girls work! You can wind up inside Marie (courtesy of Lisa) as she goes down on her girlfriend!
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike Mmm, a tiny little snack is great~
The only way these girls can!
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you’re capable, enjoy these snacks in party size!Sorry, but these girls are humans with no special powers, they can’t squeeze another full human in there!
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sorry, only a lesbian here!
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Quite loved!
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I only really like them for CV, but I don’t mind them either!
As long as the character is a girl with a dick and not a boy with some feminine aspects!
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Humans are loved!
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As are demis!
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sorry, I like my partners with at least half a human’s worth of normal skin. Eg, a lamia is good, a centaur is fun, kimonomimi are definitely loved, but anthros are not interesting to me. No shade if you like them, just not my cup of tea!
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^^^
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^^^
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike … Like… why bother eating a plant?But being eaten by a plant is amazing~ The trapping, the slow digestion, etc.~
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike See fur partner
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Half the fun is the interactions between pred and prey! Although… object swallowing has been growing on me~
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Well duh, these girls range from 11-13 XD
(An OOC aside: I do not condone sexualization of any real minors. I do recognize that vore roleplay is a fantasy, however, and no real minors are harmed. Lastly, if you think lolicon, which is strictly fictional and doesn't harm real people, is the same as pedophilia, please report yourself to the police for cannibalism. It's the same distinction here, and I'm tired of people calling me a pedophile because I allow underage characters played by consenting adult partners. I suppose you also think violent video games or media produce real-world violence? Guess what, like the lolicon-pedophilia link, that link has been proven false. There is a case to be made for lolicon potentially encouraging minors to think being treated like that is ok, but they shouldn't be viewing adult content in the first place. Anyways, sorry for the rant, I'm really fed up with fielding accusations from people who only have surface-level knowledge of the topic.)
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can generally manage multiple complex sentences (About 3-4 lines on an iPad) in a reasonable amount of time! Longer than that and my creative juices will be strained >_<“
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m… not always the best at this. Please forgive me if it sometimes takes a while to respond, I’ve got a lot going on IRL and tend to squeeze in roleplay wherever it fits in my schedule
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike More girls may be added in the future! Additionally, these girls will move up a grade in June (though their original selves will still be available~)
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike Metagaming can take some of the fun out of it for me
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is much preferred!
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike Want to work in a surprise featuring something you know I love? Yes please!
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m pretty much always down for multiple sessions!
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do prefer to discuss a scene first, but if we agree on a grab and gulp I’m not opposed to it!
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure, bring a friend! There are six of them! Be aware that response times may increase and plan accordingly though!
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike These can be really fun! Especially the style where a girl tries to escape before being swallowed/digested!
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Absolutely! I can be shy (especially since this alt is gonna be a bit niche) so if you are at all interested in being either pred or prey, poke me!
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don’t mind playing in public! Though no sex scenes with these girls if we’re in public chat
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Great for being naughty without worrying about judgement!
Profile Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike I won’t change anything on my profile. These girls don’t experience continuity from one partner to another. They may experience continuity with the same partner, if desired.
Cum Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike An absolute favorite end for cockvore or unbirth!
Regurgitating/Indigestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is loved! I will always include this in a scene if asked to!
Accidental Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Works well with an unaware or unwilling pred who’s trying to get a tiny out before it’s too late~
Unwilling Pred Always/Love
Never/Dislike All girls can be an unwilling pred, and I love this dynamic of swallowing someone when you don’t want to!
Bladder vore/insertion Always/Love
Never/Dislike A great alternative to cum digestion in cockvore or to other conventional vore methods in any genitals! Something about being held in a bladder as the urine slowly rises around, waiting for your pred to release… mmmh~!
Small breasts Always/Love
Never/Dislike B-cup bras and below are absolutely loved by this player, small chests are just cuter!
Rescue Attempt Always/Love
Never/Dislike When someone outside (either the pred or an observer) attempts to rescue a prey. Doesn't matter to me if the attempt is successful!
OOC pet names Always/Love
Never/Dislike When names like “Sweetie” or “Darling” are used on me OOC by people I don’t know. I get the intent but it always feels condescending to me.