
(Note: This character is inspired by the popular game Bioshock and contains many similar elements and minor similarities in story. THis being said, you now know what you're getting into and I am not responsible for any spoilers.)
Michael himself was never really much on the surface. He was born a human, got average grades in school, and generally wasn't all that interesting. However all that changed when he was offered by an old friend to join him in a city that he had built underwater. Of coarse this sounded impossible, but out of curiosity he accepted.
His friend brought him out to the middle of the ocean, were the only structure for miles would be a lighthouse. His friend brought him inside and they would make their way low into the lighthouse were there would be what appeared to be a submarine of some sort. They got inside, and soon they went underwater, and the city of Rapture was presented to him.
Long story short MIchael found himself working as a Plasmid seller. Plasmids were amazing injections that altered your genetic code and could give you amazing abilities. Naturally he had access to most of the Plasmids they had since he was a salesman. However Michael had turned himself into a wolf with a Plasmid that he had made by a friend that worked in the part of the city were they made the Plasmids.
At first the people thought it was strange that he turned himself into an anthro, but a few other people got the idea, and soon the Plasmid became avalable to the public due to high demand. Not long after it was discovered that the Plasmids ate away at the mind and body with continued use, and since most of the citizens used them on a regular basis mose of them lost themselves.
The city fell into ruin, however a cure for the splicing was found. It would remove the negative effects while allowing you to keep your sanity, but it was pricy. Because of this many people could not afford it. However Michael was able to get one, and he obviously used it. However many people tried to take the cure by force, with little sucess rate. SOon the entire city was in ruin, but Michael managed to escape to the surface with a few friends.
He and his friends now sell Plasmids to the people of the Nexus, since they cost a pretty penny to get one.
-Just look up the plasmids avalable in both 1 and 2 and those are pretty much it.
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