This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
If you read any of this at all, at least read the RP note right above the sliders.
MG was created as a sort of test, more than anything else. One of theose scientific acts of monumental stupidity, where everyone wonders 'Can we do this?' when they should REALLY wonder '-Should- we do this?'
And so, the glorious scientific creation known as MG-01 (yes, they got it right on their first try- what are the odds?) came to be.
Weeks of testing to see what she could do, what she could endure, and generally almost torture, 'all in the name of science', of course, let her to be very, very angry. And bitter.
Since they got everything right on the first try, the elemental force known as Murphy went into action.
She managed to escape. To this day, no one really knows what happened, but the Space Pirates cursed their luck to have missed her by a hair (she was in the process of escaping when they launched the initial wave of assault pods), the Galactic Federation blamed the pirates and things quieted down somewhat.
The only evidence that she'd escaped successfully was a trail of little piles of powder led to the 'experimental' wing of the lab, where one of the teleporters the GF was trying to make work (no more boarding shuttles, and the element of surprise will be ours!) was activated, and she hasn't been seen since.
MG's Abilities
Vision- Ordinary metroids 'see' the world around them much like a person can look at the world through a thermal imager- shades of grey. In a thermal imager, the brighter an area or object is, the hotter it is. Metroid see Life essence, and can't really tell the difference between psionic or magical energy and life energy, so they lump it all together. So if someone is a very powerful telepath/psychic or mage, they'll show up very brightly.
MG, on the other hand, has eyes and sees the wold in a mix between the way a metroid does- a 360-degree 'life-sense' all around her, though it is very vague and she really only uses it to tell her where other living things are in relation to herself. Her vision is like a washed out photograph, the colors faded, but using her eyes she can still 'see' life energy, but with much better definition and clarity. Her 'normal' vision, however, is very poor. Someone or something with a lot of life essence, however, will still show up as very 'bright' so she could look at someone with a lot of magic and would have to shield her eyes a bit. Overall, he can see and sense everything around her quite well. Indevidually, though, her senses are rather lacking.
Gelatinous body- Since MG is more metroid than human, her body is extremely resistant to attacks. If you want to hurt her, go with the old standby- ice beam, missiles, more missiles, and even more missiles.
Glow- Metroid give off a small amount of light, and the intensity and pattern can be used to judge her mood.
Slow and steady- content, normal
Low and subdued- Stalking a meal
Rapid, fast, almost blinking- Agitated, angry
Teleporter malfunction- The teleporter she used to escape the research lab wasn't ready for full use yet, and the Phazon in her body didn't help. The darn thing kept her physical profile in it's memory and now, every time she dies, it thinks she's trying to teleport and makes another one of her appear randomly in the park. Due to a quirk of odd quantum physics, she still retains the memories of her previous encounters, so she'll learn from her experiences. (Hopefully).
Hover- ordinary metroids levitate; it's how they move around and hunt their prey. MG's a bit too big to truly do this, but she can just this power to let herself jump to great heights, drift downwards like a feather, and make herself light enough to run at frightening speed, and even across water, if she tries hard enough. This also lets her be as light on her feet as an insect is, and silent as a cat.
Swarm Herd- She can use a trio of small metroids- not larvae, but not quite adults yet- to force her prey to come to her.
Metroid Vore-
The one everyone's waiting for. Well, probably not. Using the 'claws' on her fingertips, she can drain someone's life away, literally siphoning the life energy right out of them. Even the best Federation scientists, still haven't figured out how these creatures do this, so it's a mystery for now. She CAN control this- just cos she shakes your hand or gives you a hug (just look at that cute face! How can you resist her wanting to hug you?) doesn't mean she's going to suck you dry. If she does, though, the victim's body will be reduced to a grey statue in whichever position it was in as the last of their life drains away. If said statue is touched, it will crumble instantly to dust.
NOTE: Sorasousha gave an excellent explanation for how metroids drain life from something with no fluid transfer or everything, and included the 'why' of them crumbling to dust afterwards: "They drain the victim of bioelectrical activity (which X are notorious for having an abundance of), and the loss of neutrons and electrons causes an instability in the remaining structure after the drain is complete, making them crumble to dust."
Oral Vore-
Due to the elastic, semi-gelatinous nature of her body, she can consume someone whole, provided they're almost her size or smaller.
Metroid Abilities
Sense Life- Metroids 'see' the world around them much like a person can look at the world through a thermal imager- shades of grey. In a thermal imager, the brighter an area or object is, the hotter it is. Metroid see Life essence, and can't really tell the difference between psionic or magical energy and life energy, so they lump it all together. So if someone is a very powerful telepath/psychic or mage, they'll show up very brightly.
Hover- All metroids hover and fly around to move from place to place, hunt their prey, and keep an eye on the area of the caverns they call home. Their top normal speed is a bit faster than a normal man can run, as that's about as fast as the speediest thing on SR388. When attacking prey, they can put on a burst of speed for about three seconds and double their top speed for that time. This is usually done when they're close enough to grapple their prey and starts draining it.
Evolve- Metroids, when exposed to the proper amount and kinds of radiation, will evolve or change size. Beta radiation causes metroids to evolve, while Gamma radiation causes them to grow larger in size. Their home caverns are riddled with heavy metals, most giving off Beta rays and other assorted types. Metroids are explosed to Beta radiation throughout their lives and as such, this causes them to through their life cycle.

Life Cycle of Metroids (Image above take from the Metroid Guide Online, and life cycle images below are supposedly offical art of each stage of the life cycle from the Metroid 2 game manual.)
Metroids have a 6-stage life cycle. Larva/Juvenile-Alpha-Gamma-Zeta-Omega-Queen. The final three stages of the life cycle are ground-based forms.
Egg- Metroids incubate in their eggs for a period of six months. Eggs are laid in a nest that normally cosists of a cavern of dense rock, free from the heavy metals that are almost omnipresent in the SR388 caverns.
Larval/Infant stage- The Infant Metroid is the first stage of a Metroid's life cycle. Upon hatching from its egg, the Metroid larva's body consists of a transparent, green membrane that surrounds four red nuclei. The larval Metroid also has large fangs. In this stage of life, the Metroid is impervious to nearly all forms of weaponry; it can only be killed by freezing the membrane and then shattering it with concussive weaponry.
Like Terran birds, infant metroids percieve the first living creature they see (except for other infant metroids)to be their mother (and by proxy, the Queen of their nest.)

Juvenile Metroid
The body of a Metroid consists of a thick gelatinous membrane, resembling a jellyfish, which contains a set of four red, raspberry-like, quadripartite nuclei. They have two pairs of mandibles, one for gripping their prey and the other for extracting its life energy. In early stages of their development, Metroids hover in the air.
Metroids are vicious predators with no natural enemies. Once attached to their prey, they are very difficult to dislodge and will otherwise drain their victim completely, killing it, and can finish their victims in a matter of seconds.
This immense threat is compounded by their invulnerability to most forms of weaponry. They have only one real weakness: an extreme sensitivity to cold temperatures. Once their membrane is frozen it can be shattered by concussive weaponry (such as missiles), killing the Metroid.

Alpha Metroid
The Alpha Metroid is the second stage of a typical Metroid's life cycle. When an infant Metroid reaches the Alpha stage, the closed membrane once at the top becomes the belly, and a plated exoskeleton grows on the top. The Alpha Metroid has two compound eyes and horns on its head at the front of the body.

Gamma Metroid
The Gamma Metroid is the third stage of a typical Metroid's life cycle. The Gamma stage is not very different from the previous Alpha Metroid; both have the closed membrane as the belly and a plated exoskeleton on top. The Gamma Metroid has six compound eyes (as opposed to the Alpha's two) and larger horns at the head. The Gamma Metroid is capable of paralyzing enemies with bolts of static electricity.

Zeta Metroid
The Zeta Metroid is the fourth stage of a typical Metroid's life cycle. The Zeta Metroid has a very different structure from the previous three forms; it gains a bipedal structure with a tail, and its limbs become clawed. The head is separated from the rest of the body by a short neck. In the place of a Gamma Metroid's beak, the Zeta Metroid grows a leech-like mouth. This larger metroid departs from the traditional

Omega Metroid
The Omega Metroid is the fifth and final (normal) stage of a typical Metroid's life cycle. The Omega Metroid is about four times the height of a human with exoskeleton that leaves only a small area of soft membrane at the ribcage exposed. Like the previous Zeta stage, the Omega Metroid has a leech-like mouth, bipedal structure, a tail, and clawed limbs.

Queen Metroid
The Queen metroid lays eggs in a nest that is generally a hollowed out cavern in an area free of radiation. These areas are common enough in the caverns of SR388, and a queen will dig out her nest and start laying eggs as soon as she can, to get the population in her region up. Once established, she will let larval metroids out in groups of three or more to hunt and find nesting areas of their own, near heavy metal deposits. All metroids maintain a basic mental link with the queen, allowing her to sense the moods of her children, and, if a metroid is suffering intense emotion, will show the queen images of the source of said emotion. All of a queen's metroids consider their queen's life paramount- without her, the species dies, so if the queen is threatened, their first response is to protect her.
Other critters
Mochtroids- Mochtroids are imperfect clones of metroids, and almost 90% of the time, when attempting to clone metroids, the result is a mochtroid. While they look similar to metroids, they lack the hardy gel exterior that renders true metroids invulnerable to all but being frozen. As such, mochtrods can be defeated by almost any means.
X Parasites

(Left to right- Yellow, Green, Red, and Ice type X parasites)
X parasites are native to the planet SR388. They are the primary food source of Metroids. X parasites are, as the name implies, parasitic organisms. They infect a host creature and subsume it's nervous system, completely possessiing the host creature. Once this happens, the X parasite is indistinguishable to the naked eye from other creatures of the same kind. Metroids seem them as more 'tasty', or 'brighter', and are more inclined to chase an X-critter down than a normal one. X parasites will instincively try to take a creature that is powerful, to have a chance against a metroid, and metroids always take on an X as soon as they see it. X are not totally defenseless in 'hovering blob form'; the longer an X lives, the more powerful it becomes, and if any remain in artic tempreatures for more than a week, they bcome ice-x. Any metroid that treis to eat them will die, or, if the X is weak, or the metroid powerful enough, the metroid will be very, very weak, and sick for almost a month.
Oh yeah. One more thing:
Bow to the Rocktroid!
Other Metroid variants:
Metroidsexual (coined by Miateshcha): A metroid that's metro. Polish on the claws, dye injected into the gel, and even the 'Scree' noise traditionally made by a metroid now sound much more... metro.
Character Note (UPDATED!): While it hasn't been done yet, with the introduction of Metroids (and MG) into the park, there's always the possibility of someone making an x-parasite character. If you're curious about this and want details, feel free to PM me.
While others are free to do so if they choose (I do have a thing for overfeeding my characters until they're VERY full ^_^;; ), someone has been kind enough to make... an X-Parasite character!
Xanna is it's name, and trying to kill MG is apparently it's game. Should be interesting.
Player Note: Player has an EXTENSIVE knowledge of the metroid universe and the way metroids work- according to the games, and the few comics that have been released, and treats the information gathered as canon. Prove the player wrong (without being an ass) and said factoid will be added. Being an ass about it gets people sucked dry.
RP Note: While I'm flattered at the attention I get, I need to say this. Look, if you want to RP, do it well. Put in some creative effort, and correct your mistakes when you make them. That means you need to know how to use the Shift Key on your keyboard, form sentences with a decent respect for spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and be creative. I do realize that typos happen (to me as much as anyone else) but a total lack of effort towards creativity and error-correcting in your profile tells me that your RP posts won't be much better.
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