
Age: ageless
Orientation: Lesbian (appeases men every once in a while out of good will)
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: variable (normally keeps it at B)
Height: 5' 11"
Normal Weight: 90 lbs

Good morn~ I trust my flower scent woke you up well?
Merida Batiste is... well, an angel. Heals the sick and the lame (old sense of the word, look it up), occasionally sprouts a flower wherever she walks, heavenly voice, shimmering wings... the only thing that would make her better on this site is if she were capable of vore. And she is, though... there are a few things that tend to hold her back.

Yes, Merida's dress is all one piece. No, it's not that way for easy sex. If anything, anyone forceful would find it difficult to tear, as if it were actually made of sheet metal. Despite this, it barely weighs anything and she describes it as wearing "nothing at all... nothing at all..." ...Ahem. Good thing she's a lesbian, but dayumn. The only underwear she wears is her panties, which are strangely dark green. Other days, it's pink with flower print. Note that the dress doesn't have much of a back to allow Merida's wings to stretch out, and that she doesn't usually try to hide them.

In personality, Merida is quite the motherly sort, though normally asexual at times. Yes, she's willing to have sex, but most of the time, it's mostly for the other person's benefit. She does eke out SOME enjoyment when it's with another woman, but for the most part she's looking for more than a quick fuck. The same also goes for vore, but she's even less so into that mainly because of a delibitating fear of unwilling prey. Seriously. Any signs of resistance during vore will cause her to pull you out and run as far as she can, screaming. Despite her normally appeasing behavior, she knows when to stand for herself, often to devastating effect on the other person. Silk hiding steel indeed, she will DEMOLISH you if given a reason.

Aside from flight, self-size-changing boobs and a hint of self-illumination, Merida is effectively one of the most "normal" angels out there... aside from toting around a wooden baseball bat around for self-protection. The only other thing is her literally healing touch (does not work on the undead) and the fact that, as mentioned in the first paragraph, a flower occasionally sprouts (and flourishes) where she walks, regardless of where it is, but that's about the extent of it.

ZergAlts link goes in here.

D-Don't wiggle so much... that makes me... D:
Anal Vored:
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love