

Melany is an energetic, mischievous and witty fairy who seems to always have a ready reply for things. Her most remarkable trait are the antlers she sports on her head instead of antennas. An independent individual, Melany is stubborn, vain, and hates being told that she is wrong, even when she is. She doesn't change her opinion easily once she has made up her mind, and can be childishly competitive at times, hating to lose more than anything, be it in a game or an argument. She is prone to go sulking in her corner when that happens.

She is 5ft tall, but don't focus on her size too much, she's a fairy after all and size shifting magic is widely used and well known in Felarya. She has long turquoise hair and purple eyes; her skin has the same colour, but in a lighter shade. On her back you can see transparent butterfly wings and antlers on her head.




(look at the alt list for preferences and important things to know about ALL my alts)