
While not a stripper or a prostitute, you can pay for her companionship. She sells herself out to make money, and is simply around for you to talk to, cuddle with, maybe she'll kiss you if you're lucky and she wants to. But try to mess with her and she'll kick your ass from here to next Sunday. Of course, usually she's just dealing with random creeps not all out predators...

Denise is a nude model! That's right, an actual model. She doesn't know or care about any of this Chosen nonsense, all she knows is that her career has skyrocketed lately, everyone seemed even more attracted to her than usual. Which is fine-until she runs into a crazed fan-or maybe even a fellow model-one who actually eats!
Is gonna have a run in with Sara_lina

Monica didn't even know her twin had died when she was turned into the Chosen One-neither sister would know the other had met their end in the belly of a hungry predator. Monica was digested, ironically enough, by Jessica of The_Winters as her first unwilling meal. They met on the beach, and after the freckled brunette rubbed lotion on her, she swallowed her down and spent the next few days digesting the poor Chosen One, who only became chosen seconds before being devoured herself.

Jessica loves the water. Absolutely loves it. She hardly ever leaves the water except to get more wax for her surfboard, and to eat. She knows about the whole curse thing, and suspects that she might be the next on-but she tries to stay fairly calm, especially since she's out on the water most days. But then again, the beaches and the water may not be as safe as she thinks...
((being eaten by Tina_Mermaid, scene in progress))

Jamie has heard of the Chosen One, and did look it up when she noticed her strength-but she doesn't believe it, instead choosing to believe her time in the gym finally paid off. She's either in denial, or just really doesn't get it. Of course, with that line of thinking, it would be a surprise to no one if someone got her quickly. Is that person you?
That person ended up being the giantess Jamie again. Poor Jamie had been with Syd, the redhead trying to teach her how to be a predator. She ended up falling for her prey, but their romance was cut short when the larger Jamie skewered her with a broom handle and ate her bit by bit while Syd's friends were slaughtered. Syd got away though... for now. She's still on Jamie's list of prey to eat-but the other Jamie is on the list of tasty morsels.

Poor Sue doesn't know. She has no idea about her strength, she has no idea everyone who eyes her wants to devour her-she just knows a lot of people have been paying attention to her, and she loves it. Of course, it's only a matter of time before she ends up with the wrong kind of attention...
Attention she's getting from MixMistress

Jillian is quite different from the rest of the Chosen Ones, in that from the moment she found out about her curse, she actually wanted to get eaten. She noticed the strength on day and had heard things about the Chosen One. Like the others, she did a search on the internet and found out everything she could-and she liked it. Turns out whoever chose this one chose a closeted voraphile! Eager and excited, she went out into the park to find someone to get her. Will that be you?
Jillian has decided to feed herself to Jewell

Kendra went unnoticed for a lot of her life, but one day realized, through help of the internet, that she is the chosen one-someone that gets her a lot of attention. The odd thing is, she's incredibly sweet-and so predators don't usually eat her! She so far has talked them all down, saying she's too cute and sweet to eat. Question is, how long until someone comes along who isn't so easily swayed?
Well it seems like that someone is Kailindrea ((reserved)

Kelly knows the curse, having heard about what happened with Anastasia through the video, as well as a few other attacks on the Chosen Ones-apparently people were starting to really take notice. Kelly, however, hasn't quite fully grasped the concept of what it is she's supposed to try to do-instead of trying to secretly fight off those who want to devour her, she put a video on the internet of her in a skimpy outfit, showing off her strength, taunting predators to come and get them, not realizing that that was a terrible idea, as she couldn't really fight. Will she learn self-defense in time? Or simply end up another snack...
She ended up another snack (Scene ongoing)

Jasmine is the present Chosen One, though unlike the others, who tried to embrace their destiny, Jasmine is in denial, convinced that it was all just some myth, that she couldn't be destined to digest away in someone's stomach. So for now, she's hoping that 'out of sight, out of mind' might be a potential strategy in avoiding predators-because that worked out soooooo well for all the others.
Unfortunately hiding in your appartment doesn't do you much good when a giantess is in town! Fran from Character_Box was that giantess ((Scene ongoing))

In a strange twist of fate, the unconscious Heather was made into the next Chosen one. The girl was never even awake to learn it-she was sucked on like a candy, then swallowed alive by, unsurprisingly, Jamie the Collosselle once again. The curse has since passed on, but still, you have to wonder-if she's the chosen one, who would pick someone right in front of a giantess? It seems there's more going on than simply a tasty girl with supernatural abilities. Question is, who picked her?

Oddly, Beth was made int the Chosen One while Syd was still alive, and is the first of her lineage. Unfortunately, being first didn't really help her all that much. Beth was a volleyball player, and she and her friends Amy and Heather were planning on working together to take down predators. Sadly, for her and her friend, they wouldnt get to. For even though she knew her destiny, she couldn't stop Jamie the Colloselle from chomping off Amy's head, causing Heather to faint, leaving Beth to be chomped in half by the giantess, with her volleyball opponents an the ref meeting similar fates. Beth couldn't save them, or the bystander that got snatched up before any of them.

Elise is a real lively, spur-of-the-moment kinda girl. She will do almost anything on a dare, and literally anything for money. She's hot, she knows it, and she likes to flaunt it. Finding herself stronger than ever before, she's gotten a bit more daring, and recently applied for Emma's old job stripping to replace her-though the only question is, will she meet a similar fate...
As it turns out, she did! While it wasn't her roommate, Elise did meet her end within the belly of Liz_Fitzsimons after stripping for her for money-money she never got to see once she was digested.

Sunshine never even knew about the curse, or what was what. A nature-lover, she was out for a walk in the woods, naked, when she received her curse-and was killed within a few minutes by Kairii and her daughter Tari, who enjoyed feasting upon her carcass. Poor hippie chick.

Emma is a lot like Anastasia, the Chosen One before herself. She too likes the finer things in life, though unlike Anastasia, can't seem to afford them. She doesn't own her own lounge, though is a dancer at a club. She always gives her attention to her favorite person, and typically aims for the richer types. She sometimes isn't opposed to even going home with someone after a show, though you either need to be really rich, good looking, or both. That, or she just decides its you she wants. Question is, what happens if she finds someone who really wants her...
And the girl who really wanted her was her roommate, Devi, who Emma was overcharging for rent ((Scene ongoing))
Anastasia prefers the finer things in life, sticking to more high-class type places. Will Sally-Lou's recent demise, Anastasia took on the curse, though has yet to discover what has happened to her. She presently works at a very high-end lounge, where she dances. She doesn't do it for the money, she simply enjoys having others stare at her, wanting her. Only question is, will someone want her a little too much...
And someone did: a forty-foot tall someone! Jamie the Collosselle set her sights on her at the lounge. First the giantess went and killed everyone she met, biting a girl off the street in half, swallowing a few poor dancers whole. Some met their fate being chewed alive, while others were killed by getting ripped in half, stepped on, a few through decapitation, and even one was flattened by the giantess's lovely busom. Ultimately, the giantess broke out on stage and attacked Anastasia. She managed to dodge her for a while, even making her strip! though ultimately, Anastasia was caught, skewered by a stripper pole, and sent to the giantess's waiting stomach.
But something important happened. Someone recorded the incident and put it online. The giantess had told Anastasia she was the Chosen One and what that meant, meaning that others could find it, if they tried hard enough. Information was out there-bu who will use it?

A bit of a southern belle, Sally-Lou learned she was strong when fighting against a bull-the whole farm was surprised when she managed to grab him by the horns and flip him on his back with ease. Shortly after, she had to leave the farm, as all the animals were biting her, and one rather nasty goat nearly got her. Now she's on the road, and is quite a bit tougher than the previous Chosen Ones. But is she tough enough...
Her toughness, unfortunately, wasn't much of a factor-she drunkenly wandered into Marianna_Greed's home, not realizing where she was. (Scene in Progress)

Amanda, like the others, had discovered her strength and abilities and tastiness, though has yet to realize that this could potentially be a problem, as no one has tried to eat her. Yet. She has never been exposed to vore, and is just about completely oblivious, and wouldn't call you a predator-she'd more inclined to say you're a cannibal. Still, she'd fairly smart. But is she smart enough to avoid being lunch...
Evidently not! Maddie_Scientist ambushed her at her job! (Scene in progress)

Unlike the two chosen ones before her, Mina is smart. Marissa tried to avoid the problem entirely, going about her regular routine,only to get eaten, while Ronnie ran out into it half naked, trying to challenge it. Upon learning that she had suddenly become a tasty treat, she did the smart thing-She hid in her house, just like the Chosen One who had lived for so long. Unfortunately, she's just trying to avoid leaving the house. What she's forgotten is that if someone catches a whiff, they could easily break in...
Though hiding didn't work too well at all-Morrigan_Aensland found her juuust fine. They had a passionate make-out, giving Mina the best night of her whole life-though it was cut short by the succubus devouring her. From within Mina bonded with Morrigan, and, upon falling asleep to avoid digestion, heard that she will see her soon. So she's dead. But will it stick?

Ronnie suddenly woke up one day able to toss her car across the street. Excited, she ran out to mess around with her strength. Unlike the girl before her, Ronnie is much more capable of handling herself, and actually goes around looking for fights, as opposed to handling them as they occur. So now she runs around the park, looking for fights. And she does it in nothing but a pair of jeans, not giving a damn that she doesn't have a shirt on. Of course, this just entices predators...
And she enticed Sashi, who decided to attack her and make a meal out of her! The demonic bunny attacked her out of the blue! They fought, though a rather nasty blow made Ronnie easy to slurp up feet-first. She was digested quickly, passing on the curse to Mina.

Marissa is presently the Chosen one, and she hardly knows it. She's noticed an increase in strength and speed, though hasn't eaten anyone yet. She's no pushover, though at the same time, she hasn't run into anyone trying to eat her yet. Will she be an easy snack, or will she take you down?
Well MixMistress is having her way with Marissa, though that means Marissa is as good as dead, thus the next Chosen One surfaced! (Scene in progress)
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Soft Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Hard Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Digestion |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Fatality |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Oral Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Unbirthing |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Cock Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Anal Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Vampiric Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Stretchy |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Realistic |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Food Related |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Rough |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Gentle |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Sex |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Pain |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Blood |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Scat |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Watersports |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Bondage |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Willing |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Unwilling |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Micro/Macro |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Same Size |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Male Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Female Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Herm Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Human Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Demi Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Fur Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Scaly Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Feathered Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Plants |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Animal / Non-morphic |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |