Name: Medoka Koizumi
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Occupation: School Girl
Height: 5'4
Weight: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Style: Long Sporty Pony tail
Likes: Tennis
Hates: People Mistreating their tennis rackets
High School Goal: Revive the Tennis Club
Second High School Goal: Win a championship with her club.
Ever since the Age of 4, Medoka had fallen in love with the sport of tennis, watching the grand slams with her parents, ever since watching her first one, she had always dreamed of being on that stage, millions of people watching her lift up the trophy of greatest tennis player in the world but of course she had to practice first. Asking her parents for a racket and some tennis balls, she got them early for a birthday present which she loved, calling her racket "racky" she played with it every day before and after school against a wall, it was fun to her, moving around, countering the power of her last hit, timing her swings, it made her stronger and faster right until her parents decided to let her compete in a under 10's tournament when she was 8 years old.
Competing against someone for the first time ever, in front of a small crowd, she got extremly nervous in her first game, losing the first set easily however, after hearing a small motivational speech from her parents, she calmed down and started playing, eventually winning 2-1 in her first game. taking her momentum to the final round, she competed against a boy older then her and as competitive as the two kids were, Medoka had come up short, losing the final match 3-2, she was upset but also happy that this is what she had been training for 3 years, and even if she did lose,it only meant for her to keep training and get better to get closer to that championship she see's in her dreams.
By the age of 13 her beloved racky had passed away when the wires broke, she was upset however she had saved up enough money from all of them little tournaments she had competed in, winning about 10 of them, losing 15 only in the final round so she still got abit of prize money from them, heading to a local sports shop, she looked for a new racket, when all seemed lost, she had found one, even if it looked like a normal racket, she loved it, and she called her new racket "Racky Sparkle" since it sparkled the first time she saw it (only in her eyes).
In her last year of Junior High she had won the school tournament in convincing fashion since not many trained like she did, however she would compete in another match against the winner of her High school tournament
the same boy who had defeated her when she was 8 years old, it seemed this would be the boys last match for the school since he was going to head over sea's to compete in tournaments in the Pro league he wanted to test if Medoka had what it took to compete for her high school Next year.
It was a tough match but Medoka had come up short once again, taking the first two games early she had lost 4 in a row when the boy turned up he's game, leaving the final score 4-2 in he's favor, but she didn't care if she lost, she had fun in the match, learning that she had to be twice as good if she wanted to beat the guy when they clash again on the pro leagues one day but for now, she would just have fun in the High school league.

Her tennis outfit

Medoka takes a swing