
Height: 12'
Hair: White
Eyes: Violet
Weight: It's a whole fuggin lot. ... /alot/.

Mayowen is a Goddess. Her portfolio is a queer one, representing both an emotion of anxiety, of lost travelers, mazes and, of course, of the minotaurs that reside within. She's a massive thing, standing at twelve feet tall to the top of her head, not counting her big, leathery horns. Mayowen wears boots that end in high heels, making her /even taller/, usually clopping about at around 12' 6" tall. The bottom lined with a horse shoe. Because, well.. she really likes the sound it makes walking on stone.

Mayowen's children were once all minotaurs. Yes, /that/ is how an entirely male species has come to existence. Mayowen made them! And she put them all around the world, deep within dungeons and mazes. There, the immortal beasts wandered, until they understood their new homes better then anyone could ever hope to imagine. Unfortunately, they were also to be killed by more experienced adventurers. A minotaur is by no means invincible, afterall. Just another trial to overcome in your path to treasure.

Mayowen is by no means the sharpest tool in the shed. She's something more of an idiot savant, as she inspires stonecutters and engineers with the ingenuity to create traps and massive mazes. She's very proud of her work, when she remembers she's even /doing/ it. And thanks to her portfolio including feelings of being lost, and the emotion of anxiety, she exists even in the far future. Even though exceptionally lonely, as GPS technology becomes ever increasing, and pills seem to fix anyone with so much as a fear of something to dulled down things.

It's lonely being Mayowen. One day, the voices of prayer... of people trapped, yearning for freedom. Or of her children in her mazes. They all stopped. And Mayowen was alone.

There used to be a really nice profile here. I was very proud of it, infact. I thought it was fun, and so many people got a chuckle out of reading it, that it made me happy. But thoughtless people whom don't read bars, and my desires, ruined that. So, here comes the bitchy part.

- Mayowen is a goddess, of mazes, minotaurs, traps, and the emotion of anxiety. She's a heavy girl.
- Mayowen loves to cuddle the hell out of things. She often forgets she even has little people stuffed in her cleavage, and tends to wander around with squirming, ineffectual struggles in her clothing.
- Mayowen likes sex. Sex scenes with Mayowen are doable, for some. Stipulations lie downward. But Mayowen does, indeed, like sex.
- Mayowen can exist in the future, as well as fantasy settings, and also in modern settings. One of her mazes can pop up for many reasons, really. Enjoy the idea, be creative with it.
- Mayowen can shrink people, and sometimes, she does it to make jewelry out of them, or stuff them naughty places.
- Mayowen is a bit of a pervert. Enjoying her body being worshiped, being a Goddess, and mostly unknown, she enjoys forcing people to renounce their prior religions in her name
- Mayowen is stupid. Most of her mazes are so incredibly hard because she forgets she was even making one, and starts doodling. Her traps range from deadly, to absurd, to sexually perverted, depending on whatever crosses her capricious 'brains' at the moment.
- Digestion with Mayowen earns you a spot on her body as cognitive, albeit limited, fat on her ass or breasts. Your soul will also be bound to Mayowen's, increasing the goddess' power as you're forced to worship her in the most intimate of ways. This is required if you plan on getting nommed by Mayowen, and getting digested. Just to clarify that doesn't mean 'Perma-vore'. Though, I suppose I could do perma-vore... but no, not required one bit.
- Mayowen's mazes also are home to creatures, and not just minotaurs. These, too, could catch you, or even be the focus of the RP. I've had alot of slimes, and succubi, actually, but there could be more, if your idea interests me as to what those more could be.

- Mayowen is not prey. Ever. Not for /anyone/. No, this doesn't mean 'I am obviously not part of this rule, because I'm a Goddess/God/Devil Lord/What the fuck ever.' It means not prey.
- Mayowen is not submissive. Re-insert the above tangent here. She is /never/ submissive.
- Mayowen is not for 'Surprise!' Rps. Nor IC approaches. Nor anything of the sort. Mayowen is the character. You have to convince me, the player, to play with out. /Not/ the other way around.
- Mayowen is not cruel. She's not for hard vore, or really, anything that hard at all. She will rough house, but you won't be ripped and teared by the woman. Smothered, yes. Crushed, no.
- Mayowen is not a revolving door to a fuck-hole. If your only desires are to walk up, expect quick sex, and possibly being made a snack, close the window. Because that isn't here.

That out of the way, here's my schtick. I am not, at heart, a predator. That is, the player isn't. If you see Mayowen out, then she's here for one of a handful of reasons. Someone has caught my interest with a unique character, or scene idea and running the idea with me, or I am pred'ing one of my friends, because I like to pay them back for being good to me.

I don't pred because I find it sexually satisfying. I do it for other means of satisfaction. That said, I derive, literally, no enjoyment from copy and paste scenes with uninteresting ideas. That sounds stuck-up? Good, because it's supposed to. What does 'interesting' mean? I'm glad you asked.

'Interesting' does not mean 'I expect you to do all the work, and you must think of something never before done.' I don't mind helping someone whom is polite, and catches /my/ interest in return, out with some of the ideas to make a scene work. I am not asking you to come up with an idea never before done. I /am/ asking that you come to me with more then 'Mayowen is sexy. I was thinking maybe I'd fuck her, for our scene.' This isn't a scene idea. Go fuck yourself. And it's usually accompanied by poorer grammar then what I displayed. That doesn't mean I don't /do/ sex, but I'm not interested in how quick you wanna wank today. Deal with it.

IC approaches, or talking to me like I'm Mayowen, it kind of agitates me. I discuss my scenes, as a pred, because I'm not really /that/ into pred'ing. I'm picky. I'm very much not as a prey, but as a pred? I just don't have any fun if my wishes, sometimes capricious, but usually very, very understandable, aren't being fulfilled. That said, an IC approach is going to earn you some anger, and you will receive not a post, but a hearty amount of finger shaking and reminding you that you are being a bad boy/girl/dickgirl/dragon/what the hell ever. I /will not/ be kind about it. This is not listed as a threat. It's listed so you have no excuse when you do it anyway, and I'm giving you shit for it.

Here's what /I/ want on your approach. I want to know what makes you as a prey squirm. If it matches what I desire, then we're doing alright. I want to know what you find appealing in a maze run, because yes, you will be doing one. The traps can range from sexual, and soft, to something far more deadly. Deadly will usually be an abrupt ending, as predator, I'm not really into ripping people up, or boiling them alive. Then we decide on whether or not you'll be meeting Mayowen, and if you do, what will be happening between your character, and Mayowen. She does forceful conversions to worship her. She does smothering, and is rather unstoppable, especially if you've technically died and entered her realm. Her version of heaven/hell can be kinky, and can be very intimate with the Goddess herself. From there, what happens, we will need to discuss. I will keep an open mind, but I will not compromise what it is I desire, and more importantly, what I do /not/ desire.

Mayowen is not prey under any circumstances. Nor will she be enslaved because you get a kick from forcing PMs onto people of how you're raping their character, just because it's a woman whom is sexually attractive, and holds power.

I get my panties in a knot if your English is horrid, and grammar is really bad. I can put up with mistakes, no one is perfect. But mistakes, and typing with one hand on the keyboard during our scene, is two /completely/ different things. If you aren't great at these things, and can acknowledge that short-coming, please don't PM me for a scene. By no means am I saying 'You suck, and I hate you.' I'm saying I can not enjoy a scene with these things present, and hope you find play with someone less picky then myself.

If you are a reasonable person, feel free to message me. if you remember that just because this is a smut site, the people playing here aren't your toys? Feel free to PM me. The profile is absurdly bitchy, I know. But really? As long as you read my sliders, the worst I will /ever/ do is say 'I'm really sorry. But that just isn't grabbing me, right now.' I /like/ hearing people's ideas, even if they aren't something I would do. And I will give you the respect a human being deserves, as long as I get it back myself.

Specially made predatory, smothering, dumb as an ox Goddess, brought to you by Den_Of_Shadows
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike No circumstance will make Mayowen ever be prey.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Nothing about this girl is hard. Even her horns make squeaky noises if you trip and fall onto them.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike NOPE.
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not an absolute must, and far more implied. Though can be silly and cute. Mostly absorbs prey, painless/pleasurable. If you say 'Digestion is supposed to be painful.' expect a reply of 'Bite me.'
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends. Those whom wish their character to return to 'reality' after time spent with the Goddess will probably need to be reformed, for one reason or another, after their visit.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Omnomnom~"
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike "You're gonna make /such/ a cute calf~"
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Well, I am a goddess... does that still apply if I make one of these? Iunno, but you're goin in it~!"
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Well you /were/ staring at it so much... give it a kiss~"
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Tail! Tail stop it! How many times do I tell you, tails don't do that, damnit!"
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "That's it, just fall asleep... how could you possibly be in danger between breasts /this/ padded..." snickers~
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "I'll just keep your soul in my panties... that way you'll /always/ be my cuddle bug~"
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I am always willing to at least listen to non-conventional vore ideas. I may say no, but I will never be chastising.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Mooohohohohoo, you made my belly just as cuddly as my boobies, didn't you~?"
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Cooking scenarios can be fun. She'll never kill you through it, but you could end up a rich, dark tan, and absolutely exhausted from the heat.
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Let me think... you... plus ice cream... I think. I've discovered. The best. Thing. Ever!"
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Quit fussing, if you have bruises, my cuddles won't feel as good!"
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Try as you like, lover, you won't find a single spot on me you won't love to be beneath..."
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Females and herms only for sex. It is not required.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Some light pain may enter. If you fuss too much under an ass /that/ huge, don't be surprised when it retaliates like a pair of rubber balls mashing onto you. Nothing excessive, however.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not required. But transformations can happen, be it to a ox-girl yourself, or to inflating breasts with milk, or... hell, throw ideas. I might say yes.
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike No.
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends. For friends, it's a maybe. If you don't know me, the answer is an immediate no, however.
Watersports Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to scat.
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not required. Can be many forms of 'bondage'. Wrapped in spider webs, trapped in latex, or even shrunk and trapped in Mayowen's hamper.
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike She's a Goddess. ... I would more then a little suspect this will happen.
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike Prefer em squirmy. Not required.
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm removing males from the equation. I get very offended when they /thrust/ scenes into my lap, or PM me in disgusting attitudes. It really is hard to be a woman. Friends are case to case.
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Note, this isn't a open, revolving sex door. Just because your shirt comes off, doesn't mean you get an 'A' from the class. You still need to be a /good/ Rper.
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Note, no herms will be penetrating Mayowen. Ever.
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Soft skin on skin!"
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Oh my god are those cat ears?! DO YOU PURR!?"
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Since apparently /hiding/ this slider isn't clue enough, I'll set it to negative. I don't want your anthro canine slobbering on me in a surprise whisper.
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike ... plant people, I... guess? I dunno. I'll keep it neutral, see what happens.
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Verbose is a confusing term, so let me shed some light on what I want. I don't expect a novel. I'm not going to tsk you for not writing detailed fan-fics in your off hours. I only want at least, like, five lines of text on the screen. Some thought, and effort put in. It can go below, sometimes, as bondage makes things complicated. Prefer it go /upwards/ though.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike No. I very specifically /do not want this/. Under /any circumstance/.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike She won't. But you're more then welcome to, if any changes you went through were desirable.
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike No! Do it, and I'll reprimand you. /Just/ having this slider set to negative /wasn't enough/ for people.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure! It could be an extended dungeon crawl. Or it could be you're servicing Mayowen forever. Whatever.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Why not!
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Too confusing. Might be talked into it, but I'd need to see all parties involved's styles of roleplaying before agree'ing.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Long as my DnD sign isn't up, or my away sign. See these? Don't whisper. Don't see em? Go for it. If you /followed the rules/.
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike No.
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yes.