As of 10/23/2022, I am going on hiatus - Click Me
Maylee Syndra
A name that has rung throughout in the shadowy known underworld for time unknown, a title given by nobility to which those who dwell in punishment within the depths of hell know this name... that their desires will be turned against them in an anguishing, draining... unforgettable feeling of torture for all eternity, who's body is the very endowment of sin, one who puts the whore of Babylon to shame... Maylania Algrazon Synrossmedra!Born into hell's royal elite, she herself would seem to be spared the agony of eternal torture, born from a demon warrior father Bolmaroth Algrazon and succubus mother Feloria Synrossmedra, Maylania came about as a warrior/breeder hybrid succubus, a supposed proud strong title in such a cruel place for those who have never repented for their wrongdoings on the mortal plain... Her childhood being brought up was nothing out of the ordinary, she was trained as such to be a 'proper' succubus from her mother, while her father trained her in the art of combat and magic, which Maylania from her birth was gifted incredible amounts of power.
At a young age before her entrance in school, her abilities lied within destruction and manipulation magic. The main ones being the power of fire and the other being invisibility, she was also seen to excel in the art of illusion as well. Giving her a human form though that was really it. Combat wise she was decent, basic martial arts and a good amount of stamina made her a relatively known threat to not be trifled with.
She would spend the rest of her childhood and teen-hood roaming the seemingly endless realm of where she was born, learning, seeking new things and wanting to achieve her goal of what her kind is meant to be as. Though upon her time growing older, her body begun to quickly mature more than anybody could have expected, her chest size growing towards a mass proportion and reaching a record C-cup at the age of eleven, where Maylania would have begun to experience and grow quickly curious to the concepts of sex.
It didn't take her long to find out and learn it all... for she would have grown up practicing such lust filled and forbidden acts on so many who have had the journey down into this forsaken underworld, where her kind thrived off the amount of energy's she would drain from those unfortunate to come in her path. Quickly furthering the development of her body as the years go by, her magical powers grew at an astounding rate along with her chest, boasting such to where even other royal bloodlines and even Lucifer itself took attention...
Her life, was just all but beginning...
The Succubus Herself
As the succubus herself surpassed the adult mortal age of 18, she in her now early adult life has come to find herself to become independent, learning so much and still wanting to search for that one thing that continues to drive her, curiosity, the answer to life, if there's anything else that would lie in this endless agonizing realm. Maylania, or as she would prefer herself to be called 'Maylee' instead has been the one to betray her role of 'warrior' and instead found herself in the want for adventure.Shying also away from the art of seduction, Maylee would find the succubus feeding methods too much trouble to go through and 'inefficient'. This naturally would lead her to get a slight reputation for being strange, while some other succubui would claim her as 'lazy' and a few would classify her as a 'prude' for consuming conventional food in the more conventional 'normal' way.
Her personality is described to be cheery, comforting and one to react to any sort of danger there is near her despite where she lived is full of it, though being her as a succubus, it can't be helped at times for her to release an aura that would cause her to act more perverse that what she is trying to give off. Though rather helpful and considerate, it would make one hard to believe she was a succubus to begin with. As if she was... more human than anything. It was even rumored that her virginity was still in tact in both her orifices among her nether regions. Though rumors are rumors...
It however wouldn't be long until things would make a sudden transition in her life...
Her Escape
As Maylee's life continued to be the same in hell, she tried her best to desperately make things more interesting in life, though it would seem everytime that she would do so, would lead back to the same thing, over and over and over again. Like trying to escape fate that one cannot run from no matter how far or how fast. It nearly drove her insane at one point, believing herself to be stuck in some form of purgatory, some form of punishment... some form of... hell...Naturally, she tried to stay optomistic with herself though it would all lead back to square one. Being in the same place, with the same outcome and as the saying goes 'same shit different smell'. Tortured souls, punishment, it didn't matter, it all begun to make sense now, hell is no paradise for anyone, no matter how high up one is, that there will be some form of bad consequence for those born into the life and body of a sinner. Even Lucifer was sent here to punish the punished all while he serves eternity suffering for is betrayal against God during such times. That day she knew she had to escape this place, damning all the consequences may they be.
She knew however that escaping hell would cost her alot of energy and would possibly even cost her life, making the trip for nothing if not executed correctly. Though having a heritage in Hell's higher ups, she knew that she could pull some strings in order for it to work. Her father's secret stash being a potion that would grant her prolonged invisibility combining with her own to get passed the guardian which holds the gate with it's very life. Allowing people to enter, but to never leave... She armed herself with her father's dagger, 'Agonizer', a simple yet effective weapon to have. A weapon to this day that she stashes away...
She left a note, her reason and everything for leaving, and she knew that she would be tracked down and brought back...
Her journey started with getting past the main parts that lead up to the gate, one of them being the river of fire, a self explanatory place being an embodiment of molten glowing red rock flowing slowly on a seemingly endless path littered with skeletons, charred bodies and other assortments of dreading sights. Maylee managed to surpass such a large but easily cross-able obstacle via flying, which took at least a constant half an hour to get across. Lucky not to disturb or awaken the beast that slumbers underneath all the hot molten rock...
Getting a few burns on her journey, it was passed and that was one of the many that she had to go through, and now it was through the valley, it was simply called. Many has attempted travel through such but has never reached the other side. Maylee chances of getting there were just as slim as those below her level of royalty. Whatever would lie would be unknown for her, though what she knows is those that don't make it back are lost in the endless time within the realm of the damned.
It was a two day journey, with food being limited, she had to make due with what she could muster up, dodging so many obstacles, beasts that roamed the valley and almost getting lost a few times. She at one time had to fend off lost souls with what she knew of her martial arts to send them back into their dormant state, of which she acquired some gashes on her mid-section, which have long healed since then.
Though after it was done, she knew she was growing closer towards the gate, which would be the final obstacle to get passed save for one minor one. The guards. She's heard about them and how they are always on constant duty without rest, forever watchful for anyone that ever got this far. Maylee would consume the rest of her food and go on her way to confront them.
Once she got face to face with a few, she decided to awaken something she hasn't done in a short while, seducing the guards and having her way with them and vice versa, and even to this day Maylee is still surprised she was able to take all of such into her mouth. That gave her the needed energy too to go on more towards the gate, the guards were unconscious, Maylee slipping away.
Finally... came the final obstacle, the Gate. Staring at it, one would see the fiery gates crooked but holding for many many generations, the title was faded and it was still symbolic for those who have entered and will never return... Maylee being hell born will be the judge of that.
She would have taken her potion and drunk it all, feeling the soft warm liquid pour down her throat, before Maylee dropped and broke the bottle on the ground, like she would care anyhow... she also placed her hands together and looked down to whisper as her form begins to fade away slowly into transparency... until it would have finally cloaked her form, Maylee disappearing for now...
Approaching the gates, they were indeed bigger up close, and she can see the many souls marching in escorted and already taunted by the many demons surrounding them, she almost felt sorry for them... almost. She kept on moving, flying over the crowd and nearing the gate. Maylee would have expected some sort of force field in the way, or just anticipating on what could possibly go wrong, the possibilities of doubt were sewing quickly in her mind, she shook her head, trying to get through this and freedom would be only one more obstacle away. Then before she knew it after she opened her eyes... she was across, a simple motion that was yet so... accomplishing.
She would have let out a sigh of relief, looking ahead and seeing a long tunnel that goes up, the heat was growing less with each foot she got away from the gates. Her disguised had worked up to this point... all up to the point where a golden trident would have nearly struck her out of the air just mere inches away, her invisibility shattering and causing her to suddenly fly back away.
"Halt." It said in a deep male voice, descending from above came about a golden winged warrior, halo on top and hand outreached, his trident quickly returning to his grasp.
Maylee gulped, this couldn't be...
"You all know me as the guardian, am I not wrong? You seek to leave this realm, yet you are born of sin and have committed such acts upon those who are already damned... tell me, why should I not turn you back be it by force or mere words?" He asked, his words threatening and his actions preparing to deliver.
The memories of such an event were so vague that not much was really known, but at the end of a near several hour discussion, she does remember the words she said and his response...
"I know this body is one of sin, I know that the heavens and the mortals above despise who we are... though I come to seek one thing that I know many before you have seen entered beg for... salvation. I am very vague to such a concept, hope was... not much where I come from, and I know I have sinned, and I beg for forgiveness for such actions... though I know many before have done so... I was the punisher, a reminder of what the people have done, and I was born from such... but being born from it does not mean I want to continue living such a life... all the same, it get's so... boring? To put it simply? It drives one mad... which is why I can't seem to understand how you stay here, for as long as you have, watching over and... doing your job." She explained, herself sat down and looked down.
There was silence before he responded, laying his weapon down and sighing, probably for the first time in a long time... he felt... sorrow for the young succubus, "I envy you, while I do indeed not suffer in such a realm, it is unfortunate that there is a constant flow of damned souls that can never return... but you are different, I sense that you yourself seek redemption, something rare that has ever happened... you seek to not give no more pain, you seek out new things to explore, learn... and hopefully stray yourself away from such a place..." He would close his eyes... a few seconds of silence before he opened them again, eyes glowing gold and Maylee looked up, before everything went bright before she herself lost consciousness...
She later woke up, to have the sight of blue skies, white clouds and the smell of fresh air... she got up and looked around, completely... astounded by the sudden change of scenery... it looked so peaceful, she cried... for several minutes. She's heard the stories and tales from so many she's met in Hell... and to see it come true, she wishes she could take a few out of the many with her, those who seek redemption in the afterlife... but she simply is fine accepting just herself that she has officially escaped Hell... and can learn to live a new life in a new world.
Life Today
Life today for Maylee now would have taken her many many years to adjust in the mortal realm. Though she has learned to accept the world as it is, despite it's flaws, she herself can agree that hell is no place of paradise, and that she can certainly make her paradise here, or her own personal hell. Of course... she'll have to adjust with her human form more often than her natural one~.Modern World Lore
Maylee's life in the modern world has certainly thrown her in the gauntlet of trying to learn what a simple cellular device is, let alone the internet and more importantly modern fashion. She's heard of how religious humans can be and has to be very careful as to not reveal her 'true' succubus form, though it would seem that her body alone in her human form isn't really helping getting the attention off herself due to her... bodily plentiful proportions.However, adaption for her was surprisingly quick in just a matter of a couple years, getting a job and working in the business side of things, she would have went to school with money she worked for in such a short time to get a degree and later open her own business, by now she's learned very well to keep her human form to where it was an everyday thing, and even at times she would refer to herself as a 'human' instead of succubi for a couple obvious reasons, one of them being to not want her cover blown.
She owns a business called Lotus de Syndra, a massage parlor in a small quiet town. Just simply living life~.
UPDATE: Amythyst and I are in an official relationship with one another, such a lovey dovey lewd dragoness~.UPDATE: Chrissy Desirae officially owns me now. I am her's, forever and ever~. My goddess mistress~.
Due to seeing various people using my profile layout on their own profiles. Let me make something clear, I am okay with you using it, however, please ask me if you wish to do so. While I own the profile layout, the creator of it will be Jobix. I will say once more, if you wish to use my profile's layout, please ask me, thank you.
Did you make it this far? Great! Did you read all of that stuff above me? Fantastic!If you didn't... well that's still okay! This character can be open for anything! Be it this IS a vore oriented character for mostly being prey, but still, I wanted to add the lore to give more flavor to this character, and not be just some boring regular human girl to be slurped up on the daily. So here we are now! The two dropboxes below are pretty much self explanatory! All that said, I hope you enjoy!
PS: There will still be some things that need to be added, but I feel that the major part is done, and will add stuff when necessary~.
My Rules and Regulations
Well the answer is pretty clear, but before I delve into that. Please take note that my rules of roleplaying don't neccesarily have to apply to everyone (i.e friends) here. Please bear that in mind, i'm not gonna make out myself to be some form of picky person... though even that depends per person. Still, here are what I want to set in stone before moving forward with messaging me (assuming you're reading this of course).
Rule 1: Males... I have to point this out first and foremost because there needs to be some serious understandability between male characters and my own. I'm going to spoil you all and maybe even ruin it to some of you about this... they're not my type, that's... all I really have to say.
I take my 'Bisexual - Female Preference' on my profile as seriously as it can be. This means I have a more likable bias towards females (obviously), hermaphrodites and shemales altogether, basically, whoever or whatever has a female figure despite her having a dick, i'll say it, the female/feminine look and body are a turn on for me. Very rarely will you see me roleplay with a male character. HOWEVER(and I mean 'however' strongly), if the male is more effeminate aka: traps, femboy's, and the like do have a more better chance as a male to roleplay with me.
So basically what that means is traps, femboys and whatever, you have a chance I might come DMing you directly for play~. Any other males I will come to you, though it will be rare and I have to be in the mood to participate whoever male character you are.
Though if you do approach me, by all means i'm not going to block you, i'll read your profile first, look at some images assuming that you have any and my decision will be a direct or somewhere along the lines of 'Yes' or 'No'.
TL;DR: This is by far my most passionate rule I need to address in detail. Femboys have a better chance. Females/Shemales/Herms are an automatic yes depending on who you are and 'other' males will be a case to case basis, though still a rare chance of play from me.
Rule 2: Post Length! Okay so... to give it to you straight... I come here to roleplay, no, not roleplaying if you count one to two liners as a 'post' but I mean, firm grasping detail that get's the attention and explains the scene very well! It not only drives me to create but if you return the same, I will promise you I will try my damnest to respond with the best effort I can. But give me only peanuts to work with here in comparison to a whole sack of em just makes the roleplay dull to me and I don't have anything to work with and really... it makes me feel like i'm doing all of the work, now explain to me by whoever deity you worship is that fair?
I prefer at standard 7 to 10 sentences, if my mood strikes me good, i'll end up writing multiple paragraphs if my inspiration boils over with so many ideas. Which often does happen to me! At minimum I can take half paragraphs and I can size down to such, but please don't make the roleplay bland and drawn out with short posts that give so little to forward the scene. The ONLY exception I will make short posts is to either friends or in public chat rooms doing small stuff for the fun of it.
TL;DR: I prefer detailed verbose posts over small posts.
Rule 3: Approaching and First Impressions... alright this one is self explanatory with a bit of explanation... first things first don't be an ass, be polite, and respect others as you would respect the ones you cherish. Simple as that... Secondly... do not approach me In Character (IC) this is a rule I will strictly enforce without prejudice. HOWEVER... I will make the exception for two kinds of people, those whom I roleplayed with before and have left really good impressions on me or... well you guessed it. Friends.
TL;DR: No IC approaches save for friends or good acquaintances. There will be a strike system to this too. One's a warning, two's on my shit-list and three's a block.
Rule 4: Vore... not exactly a rule but more of a preference of mine. This is more of a vore oriented character, and she is a switch. I enjoy all sort of vore save for the following. Hard Vore and anything gore/pain related. Though I have opened up to a series of rather extreme stuff in the recent past. Such as scat (post vore only), farting, watersports and even dirty anal vore. Referring back to pain, some minor pain or sexual pain is fine, blood is fine if it's minor but too much makes me queasy and nauseous.
I'm open to all sorts of vore but oral vore is a huge maybe, since I have to be in the mood for such. Though any alternative vores i.e Cock Vore, Anal Vore, Unbirthing, Breast/Nipple Vore to even some unique vores i'm open too. ♥
TL;DR: Soft Vore, no hard vore and some extreme stuff i've opened up to.
Rule 5: Profile play... Okay so this is another rule that I have to add onto this list because I need to address it in order to get a basic understanding on my thoughts on such. To start off with, I have nothing against profile play, in fact i'm all for it, you may see my partake in such like temp-vore or some sort of transformation that'll occur to my character here, perma-vore as prey will never happen to this character, for those that are wanting to do so. But here's another thing, and this is to those who only do or take major priority of profile play roleplays over non-profile play roleplays (okay to really just simplify it up, P-Play and Non P-play will be used).
First off, I know that most of everyone doesn't need p-play to really play with whoever, which hey, that's great! Though to those who do only do such and approach me or anything like that, chances of us roleplaying is gonna be slim, how slim? About the same chances of me playing with a masculine male character that's into gore and scat swallowing and me as the dom to top it all off... yeah it's really really slim. But hold on, to just say this... I have nothing against those who do such. I get p-play, it's fun, invigorating, and most of all, it can be thrilling and/or rewarding! Though if that's how you only roleplay, then personally, if you approach me, the first thing I will ask will be; 'Is P-play something that you take as a priority over non p-play? Because I am not looking to temp my character in any way shape or form.' If that answer is yes, i'll bare you a good day and appreciate your interest. The same applies if I approach you interested in setting up a scenario.
Of course, if I am looking to temp my character, i'll put it in my status on f-chat, and hey, feel free to approach, assuming you can get to me before anyone else does~. ;p
TL;DR: Profile play is something I am not looking for unless I say otherwise. If you take P-play over non p-play roleplays and approach me for a scene, I will ask if you take p-play over non p-play. Answer yes, then good day, no? Great! Let's discuss lewd things. :3
Rule 6: Another yet very important thing that I need to go ahead and pour the cement and let it set for other's the read here... That is post time limits, and to shoot you straight here, I don't work with them and/or have a difficult time working with them. Truth is about me is that I view writing as a hobby, I view it as something that I like to take my time on, I need time to think, to consider and to make sure that I don't have any sort of errors within my post. Call me a perfectionist if you will, it's just who I am and what I prefer overall.
Though understand that I get that if posts take an hour long or once a day is understandable and even something that even I can't stand, but if it's so short that the time to do posts is more important than to actually enjoy the roleplay itself? Unless you want to see shitty typed up posts in terms of quality here, then that's what you're possibly going to get from me. I'm probably going to lose some favorites here and maybe get a few blocks from people I have met before or never met in my life on this site. So please, understand I will take my time to make sure that shit is right, get what i'm saying?
TL;DR: Give me 20 to 30 minutes or hell even an hour or two, please be patient with me when you and I are role playing.
THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERY POST AND/OR ROLEPLAY! There are times where I can be quick with my posts! What I explained is something on a more 'averageish' day for me. I can however work with 10 minutes being my fastest and a little above.
Rule 7: Profile Play continued... This goes to continue the profile play rule, but how to set one up with me, and this is for the sake of both our integrity and honesty. So you wanna offer your character to me, well first off... glad you decided to choose me! I'm glad that my character offers up that much interest to you! Let's both set something up and therefore move on to create a lasting roleplay that will be an epic final one for your character~. BUT... you have to first, do a few things for me.
To start off, and this is very important, and while this hasn't happened to me yet... i'm wanting to build up security for myself. That is... do you have anything set up with another character that involves profile play? As in, is there a scene you planned prior that will affect our scenario together? If so, please notify me and sort the situation out, but please do NOT come to me offering your character to my own, then set a date to play, and well, come back and you're gone... that's like ding dong ditching, it's annoying and get's super irritating and will destroy your integrity and even your honesty if it goes that far. So please, be honest with me, i'm not going to judge you if you want to go with someone else. I get it, interests change, minds alter, so on and so on. All I ask is just some honesty, it's not going to hurt me if you're not interested in me anymore.
TL;DR : If you wanna do profile play of any kind with my character, please make sure that you aren't planning to off your character the next time we interact.
That's it for the rules, if you have read this, thanks much!

I'm willing to eat you if the mood strikes~.
While I am a switch, I still put being prey as a priority for myself~.
I prefer the prey being whole when swallowed, and softly melted away when digested inside of someone~.
I like my people the way I like myself and/or others to be ingested. Whole and not in bits and pieces.
GuUGEPlrelplgpEooorrp ChreplguerplplplGureplgchuerelsh~. Of course, that's the fun of it~.
It can be in scene or can involve profile play, up to you! Absolutely adored~!
While much preferred out of character, if the play calls for in character reformation, let me know beforehand~.
This depends, and is also mood based.
Nah, not my thing, sorry ya'll, too bland for me.
This is also fun! Here and there though~.
Oh yesss~. The best kind of vore out there!
Clean or Dirty is fine with me~.
While I understand that this is technically a staple for me, i'm actually quite picky with it;it's mood dependent..
Nipple highly preferred over cleavage~.
Actually, I want to try this, specifically with vampire transformation afterwards~.
Ehhh, I don't see too much of the appeal in it.
All depends where to go~. Ask me~
Mhm, as it should be and what I love seeing and even being too~.
Ehh, not as fun really.
Normal food only.
Food Related
A hard maybe.
Love the dominance of it too~.
Or treat me right~.
Prefer straight to vore in all honesty, though i'm not totally against it, do ask of course for this.
Picky with this.
Change me or I change you~!
or Vampiric vore or more extreme plays, i'm still queasy of it though.
I love it in all forms~.
Pretty much a requirement from me, make a nice mess~.
Golden Shower, whatever you wanna call it, i'm good with this~.
This... greatly depends.
Purely neutral on this.
Oh, a meal coming to me willingly~? Of course, I have no problem sacrificing myself without any resistance~.
Squirmy meals make the best meals, and also, I love this just as much as willing!
Minor Size difference is fine, but not Micro/Macro, I'd rather feel and be a nice bulge than none.
Muuuuuuch preferred, they're the best bulges seen going down~.
Femboy's and Traps are an exception to a point.
Classic, but always nice!
Monster Girls~!
Snouts are always cute too~!
Though scales are a nice glistening touch~.
Birds! Or something with feathers is fine~.
Photosynthesis and Fertilization!
I prefer to talk to a living being. Androids/Robots depending on who and what they are/look like can be an exception!
I don't mind em at all, underaged preds especially~.
HIGHLY Preferred over quick, at least 4-5 lines minumum.
This is only acceptable to me when i'm on mobile and/or if you are a friend. Otherwise? Hard no.
I will LOVE you for this~! Moreso if you do it to me and with face sitting~! Break me~.