Elaina "Mommy" Mash
Life's never easy when you're a single mom, even when your special talent is caring for children. Just ask Ms. Elaina Mash, head caregiver at the Ponyville daycare, also known as "Mommy" Mash by her friends and the children she cares for.
Elaina was raised in farm country on the outskirts of Ponyville, and her family was one of many in charge of Equestria's produce. One day a horrible twister ripped through their farm, and she had to take care of her baby sisters while huddled in the shelter. During the storm and its aftermath, the young earth pony fed, played with, and comforted the little scared foals all through the ordeal, and when it was all over she found that a Cutie Mark of a loving heart and a baby bottle had appeared on her flank, showing that she had discovered her special talent as a motherly figure.
Over the years that followed, Elaina would develop her special talent more and more as she went through her studies, but her intense interest in the subject caused her to become quite the sexual deviant behind her parents' backs. She had even started a relationship with an old childhood friend from school, a young colt who she loved for his often times humorous antics. Eventually, after graduating high school, she and her coltfriend went at it for one last time before he left to move to Canterlot. This time was out of passion, and she didn't expect to get pregnant from it, but she did... By the time her son was born, however, her old lover was unable to be reached... She still kept a few items of his to remember him by, one of which being the fake mustache he always wore when they had sex...
When her son was born, Elaina hadn't yet thought of a name for him. As she held him close to her chest, the nurse exclaimed to her that she thought the little colt was cute as a button. The compliment served as an inspiration to the new mother, who decided to name her newborn son Button Mash.
Nowadays, Elaina maintains her job as head caregiver at the Ponyville daycare to help pay the bills, but that's not all she does to ensure that she and Button have a happy life... Mommy is still quite the little deviant, and has often been sighted performing lewd acts for certain ponies upon request in the long hours of the night, for a bit of extra profit... It has even been rumored that she and her son may be in an intimate and incestual relationship themselves...
--Elaina got an unexpected visitor when her son ran into one of her old high school sweethearts while on his way home.
Velvet_Kinky had stayed in contact with her old friend and lover through sexy letters and pictures from Canterlot, but when the dickmare moved to Ponyville she was instantly recognized by Button, who had seen her in copies of "Porny Star" magazines that his mom kept, as well as some of the pictures she had sent her. Being that he had never seen a dickmare before, Button's curiosity got the better of him and he touched Velvet's cock to see if it was real, an action his mother saw as extremely rude. As a form of "punishment", Button was forced to endure having Velvet's cock stuffed down his little throat while his mother spanked his tender young flank, before she used him as a condom and sent him back into his mother's womb, where he was temporarily absorbed pending reformation...
When Button was no longer around to hear them, Mommy decided it was time to reveal the truth to Velvet... Back in high school, during one of the girls' sexual experiments, the condom Velvet had been using broke, and Velvet ended up filling Mommy's womb with her cum. When she became pregnant, Mommy got a DNA test... The results did not lie...
Button Mash was
Velvet_Kinky's son...
The two mares have agreed not to tell Button about this... for now... But Velvet has promised to do her best to watch over and take care of him as much as she is able.
--Elaina was in the market for a well-paying and fun nighttime job that would both entertain her and help her earn a few extra bits to pay the bills, when she came across an ad for the "Food Chain" nightclub in the park. She visited the club and met with the two head dancers, Jenny and Tabby, asking if there were any job openings available. Jenny and Tabby were charmed by Elaina's friendly nature and fun-loving ambition, and after a discussion regarding her duties in the establishment the earth pony had earned herself a position as one of the
--Elaina ran into the malevolent queen of the night known as
Dark_Moon, and was actually able to engage in a civil conversation with her about the nature of the Nightmare and what her own Nightmare form would be like. When asked if she would help her obtain such a form, Moony agreed, saying that the best way would be for the dark pony to crawl inside Elaina's womb, where her umbilical cord would sap her magic and transform the mother's body. After the process was finished,
Dark_Moon was reduced to a sleeping infant in her new mommy's womb and the source of her newfound power. Soon Equestria will have a new Nightmare to fear... for Nightmare Mom has risen!!!
Button Mash
Button is an excitable little colt who lives with his mom in Ponyville and absolutely loves video games. He doesn't have a Cutie Mark yet, but he hopes that his special talent will have something to do with gaming. Besides that, he enjoys what all little colts his age enjoy--playing with his toys, exploring, getting into trouble, and just generally making a mess when he can.
Button doesn't really have a lot of friends, but the best of the friends he does have are the unicorn Sweetie Belle and the pegasus Rumble. Applebloom and Scootaloo have taken a liking to him being around Sweetie Belle often, but sometimes they get the sense that those two have... "experimented" with certain things by the way they act at times... Same goes for times when they see him and Rumble together. In fact, one that hangs with Button long enough could say he's somewhat bi-curious, leaning towards one side or the other. That's all well and good, but really uncommon for his age, furthering the rumors that he and his mom may be sexually active... Talk about mother-to-son bonding...
--After a threesome with Button's mom which ended with her eating the two colts--with the promise that they would be revived, of course--Button secretly pledged himself to be
Rumble's pet after being brutally fucked in the ass by his massive stallionhood while inside his mom's stomach, just before the sexy mare digested them both...
By extension, Button is also the pet of
Rumble's special somepony--and Button's new sister--
Scootaloo_Scoots. He loves his master and mistress very much...
Button in quite the perdicament after being sucked into a weird enchanted game that he had gotten in the mail called "The Binding of Button Mash":

Amy Mash
One day, Mommy Mash came upon
Sad_Amy_Rose, a cute pink hedgehog who wasn't in the best of moods. After comforting her the only way a mother could, Mommy learned that Amy didn't exactly grow up with the best of mothers out there, so she offered to be her new mommy and turn her into her pony daughter through unbirth. Amy now lives happily with her new Mommy Mash and her new little brother Button Mash.
Timmy Mash
One morning, Button and his mom went to see the Great and Powerful Trixie's magic show. When Trixie asked for a volunteer from the audience to be the one to test a shrinking spell and become tiny for the whole weekend, Button eagerly raised his hoof and was picked. Later that afternoon, during a cute game of giant Hide n' Seek, Button ran into a cute little mouseboy whole hiding from his mother in one of her slippers. The two were eventually found, and the mouseboy introduced himself as
Timmy_Mouse, an adorable and shy little one who was just looking for food. After getting to know the mouseboy better, Elaina asked him if he would like to come live with her and Button. He was reluctant at first, but after he saw how much her care for both Button and himself reminded him of his own mommy, he eventually agreed to stay with the Mash family and not have to worry about ever coming to harm again. Timmy loves his new mommy Elaina and his brother Button, and even allows his brother to play with and swallow him sometimes.
Scootaloo Mash
One day,
Rumble had to go on a trip with his brother and had ordered his pet Button to inform his special somepony,
Scootaloo_Scoots, about the new arrangements in his absence. Doing as he was told, Button went to the orange filly and told her about what he and
Rumble had done with his mom, and how he was not only
Rumble's pet, but by extension, hers. Scoots decided to bank on this, and made Button stuff himself until he was full while she sucked him off before having him shit it all out on the floor in front of her and then asking him to force her to do something. Not being very dominant, Button suggested calling his much more dominant and sexy mother, Elaina, to come over and turn it into a threesome. When the slutty mare arrived clad in leather lingerie and with a bag of toys, Scoots requested that she swallow Button, then cuddle her and be a mother to her. After giving Button a revive potion and herself an expansion potion, Elaina gave Scoots a strong laxative so that she would shit herself while watching Elaina swallow Button, and afterwards she gave little Scoots a diaper change. She then offered to make Scootaloo's fantasies come true by making her a part of the family for real, which the little filly eagerly accepted. She is now living happily with Elaina and Button as a new member of the Mash family.
Button and his mom don't really know much about vore, though Mommy has heard a little bit about it from a few unicorns and may be up for trying it. Button might also think it's a cool idea!
Oh, and one more thing...