Unh... my head... wh... what happened?
It STARTED simply enough. She just woke up one day with a headache and no memory of the night before. She woke up in unusual clothes(A short skirt, stockings, heels, and a tank-top, with long, detached sleeves. VERY odd, considering she's 14), and with a funny(but delicious!) taste in her mouth. Also, a headache. However.... nothing seemed to have happened. She was at home... safe and sound, without even a hint of booze or smoke or any other horrible thing on her, or anything untoward seeming to have happened to her body. It was just... weird.
And then it got weirder.
As the day went on, she kept thinking she was seeing things out of the corners of her eyes. Little things.... flickering lights, and the like. Nothing too untoward. However.. over time, they started getting more and more persistent. And, well, with them came other things... cravings. Food, first and foremost, drink after that, and... something else, after that, which she couldn't place, but which could only be the odd taste in her mouth. It had the same feel... Still, after packing away a pizza by herself she felt better, even if the ability to eat a whole pizza was surprising. Only slightly surprising, in a 'Huh. I didn't know I could do that' kind of way. Sated, for now, and slightly bloated, she went to bed.
And when she woke up, things were DEFINITELY different! She opened her eyes to see... what could only be a HUD. A gamer herself, she instantly recognized it. She could see how much health she had(Sixty, for those who are curious), an MP bar(wtf?) and a reticule, as well as a hunger meter. No weaponry details, though. Still, this was fucking weird, even compared to the day before! And when she freaked out, her mom walked in... and the HUD listed a number of 'stat boosts' for 'Equipping' her mother, or 'Consuming', as well as the woman's actual stats. Marlie failed to do either of these, though. Instead, she opted for the simpler action of just plain fainting.
Sadly.... fainting never fixes the problem. When she woke up, the HUD was still there, her hunger meter reading a bit higher, and her mother looking very concerned. Marlie was quick to assure her mom that nothing was wrong... but, well. She wasn't sure. She just had to deal with it... there was no clue as to the source, and it was just... weird! Besides, what else could she say? No, the best option was to ignore it and hope it went away. Even if it never did.
She's been dealing with it for a few weeks now, and has grown accustomed to it. She's gotten used to some of the quirks associated with her new state of being. Food and drink actually DO heal her(at least from minor injuries). A scrape is nothing but a candy bar away from being gone. A deeper injury? Two candy bars and a little soda. Odd, but it works. Still... she hasn't leveled up yet. and there's still that memory of that odd taste in her mouth. And she hasn't figured out why everyone has stat boosts for two different actions that she doesn't know how to perform yet... She'll learn, though, or figure it out, soon enough.
Fourteen years old, just starting to get some curves on her slender figure, Marlie is four feet eight inches tall, with medium-length light brown hair, blue eyes, light skin, and a band of freckles across her nose. She wears simple glasses most of the time, with green frames, and often wears the uniform of the private school she attends(Skirt, jacket, the works). When not in school, jeans or shorts and a simple shirt or tank-top are the norm for her, with shoes being entirely optional. She almost always has some candy or other snack on her, as well, just in case.
Character is very much focused on interaction, and may change from completed instance to completed instance, please PM if interested!