Setting: A condemned school, 2300 AD. Surprisingly well-maintained and lit, the building isn't what most people would consider condemned, and there have been suspicious power draws from the building of late. As a result, a small squad of troopers have been sent in. The time is just after midnight.
A trooper makes a discovery. For safety and to follow procedure, he reports immediately to his superior.
Audio log
Trooper: Sir, you need to see this.
Lieutenant: What have you found?
T: Best you see for yourself, sir.
*footsteps, door opening*
L: My god... another one? She was like this when you found her?
T: Yes sir. Seems to be in the middle of a recharge cycle. Doesn't seem to be aware of us, or respond to external stimuli. What should we do?
T: Sir?
L: ... take her. Our scientists can sort her out. Assume she's combat capable until they determine otherwise.
T: Yes sir.
*ominous hum, recording ceases for approximately ten minutes, resumes*
Trooper 2: There. That should do it. You should know better than to use stunners near electronics you don't want affected. You done with this?
T1: The LT told me to pack it up. Shut it off and load it on the truck with the robot. We're done here.
Recording ends.
Three years later, in a military research base, 11:32 PM.
Recording begins.
Doctor Sato: This is recording one hundred and twelve, regarding the subject. Gynoid, that is, feminine android for you who don't know, unknown origin and capabilities. Subject again refuses to respond. Her eyes track targets that are presented, so we know she is active, but she does not move or speak. At this point, I can only conclude that her brain has been damaged, she is waiting for some stimulus, or she is lacking... something. What, exactly, I cannot say. However, I have determined that she is combat-capable, if not, exactly, designed for combat. Her 'wings' seem to be a sort of energy focusing device, or a collector, I'm not sure which. She seems to have emitters hidden under her palms, as well. Perhaps a solar-powered weapon of some sort? We will attempt to discern the nature of her armament, if we can. Tomorrow, we will attempt to open her up.
Recording ends.
There is no recording for the next day. However, an alert went out around noon the next day, and contact with the base was lost. Doctor Sato was not found, and the robot he was investigating had vanished as well. It is assumed that he activated her, and fled with her.