
Balls final resting place:
No longer a person, just a tool for someone else. IN her final show she become nothing but a tool to for another to use, a simple purpose to create and pump cum for Mozex_Asterion. Her last moments were that of a film at the beach, ending with little more than an extra bulge in his sack, the true star of the show.
Name: Mariana_Fredricks
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 6'7''
Weight: 216lbs
Bust: 44FF
Build: Curvy, Atheltic
Mariana is a beautiful woman, aged 31 and the youngest of the Fredricks sisters. Tall and beautifully curved, her body is a wonder to behold. Her hair is died blue to frame her stunning face, cut short and spiked in an anime like fashion. Her large blue eyes glinting in the light, just above her small nose and small but full lips. Giving her a very exotic appeal. Her body is beautifully toned, showing that she exercises well, but not at the expense of her curves, with her very large breasts, pushing 44FF in size. Her body with a bit of fat, but just enough to enhance those sensual curves and make her that much more appealing. Her Hips are wide and her thighs thick and powerful. Leading to what can only be a very beautiful and powerful woman.
By age 16 she had a wondrous body, she was not a stick figure like many of those stars, she had muscles, real curves and her breasts were the envy of many of her classmates. She did not let the bullies or the other girls get the better of her, and should any truly try to harm her, she would deal with them and have to spend a few extra hours at the gym to work off those extra few curves those former people would undoubtedly have left on her.
When she left college at age 18, she was top of her class in drama, but that was not all, she still attended the gym, but had been taking martial arts classes also, training herself not only to be fit, but how to defend and use her body in the most exotic of ways. She proved herself more than able to defend herself, having gained the highest rank attainable at the martial arts school by the age of 21, the same year she finished her Drama School with honours.
She managed to score her first film at age 23, before then she had mostly played extra's and bit parts in some smaller films, but it was her last film, an action flick where she needed to defend herself in one scene, before the character she was playing was thrown from a roof. She completed the scene with grace and ease, impressing not only the staff but the audience as well. And since then she was works in numerous action flicks and some other very speciality films.
It was found she could devour others, when a she devoured one of those annoying paparazzi who kept bugging her on the streets, she had lead him into a dark ally before capturing and devouring the man whole. She was spotted though by another, and though vore is not illegal, not many can do it so openly. There she got herself a few extra special film roles, to create numerous horror films, along with her action movies and similar flicks, though for her she loved those horror and suspense thrillers, because the scenes where she devoured characters in weird and wonderful ways, all really happened, each struggle and each character, lost to her beautiful body.
Now aged 31 she is a well renowned movie star, known for her strong body and athletics, but her wondrous body and those exceedingly realistic horror movies, which she oh so loves to star in. Who will be the next star to be extinguished by her own, or will fame be fleeting and she finally fall to a new rising star. No one knows what the future can hold, but it is clear she will not be easy to claim, as many of these scenes in those films, were real and she truly fought to claim her food.
Mariana does not devour people just to enjoy a meal, she adds them to herself for ever, and should she ever be devoured herself she will be done. She is mortal and has one life only and she is primarily for permavore only, whether its to add to her curves or to join another's, this woman. plays for keeps.
Permanent Victims:
Will you be next to be adding to the wonderful curves of her body?
As PredAs Prey
Cock Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |