Ah, high school. Home to all the bitches and pricks you've grown to hate over the years, and all the cliques and opinions and rumors you loathe. Unless, of course, you're popular, in which case you're one of the loathed, as it were, even if you're envied. Most of us have been there, and few of us, I think, truly miss it.
Maria, however, loves it. There's a simple reason for this, though: She's the alpha bitch.
Now, that's not to say she's the most popular. It's not to say, either, that she's the prettiest, or the smartest, or any other superlative. What it IS to say, is that she's the top of the food chain. In a world where vore is a known factor, being the toughest predator pretty much takes you right to the top.
You'd never think she was capable, mind you, from looking at her. She looks pretty much like any other girl her age: Five and a half feet tall, toned and yet curvy, with long blond hair that comes down to the lover curve of her rear, she seems perfectly ordinary. However, her family is quite well off, and she's got a rather hefty monthly allowance, most of which she has spent with Vor-Tec. Over time, she's molded and reshaped her body to her liking, adding new abilities and a few extra pieces for some added fun. The end result is that she's stronger than other people her age, faster, and hungrier, with the added bonus of having some shapeshifting ability to take full advantage of all of this.
Of course, she'd not get away with any of it were it not for another, very specific add-on: her body can 'save' another person's information, essentially everything about them, to remake them later. It's an expensive little toy, but it means that anyone she eats COULD, in theory, be brought back. Most, in fact, are, simply to avoid lawsuits(perhaps with a little missing memory to help that along), but there's always a few people who simply disappear, never to be seen again. That's not to say it's Maria, but coincidence is such a dirty word, isn't it?
However, that's not all there is to Maria. She's got quite a list of abilities, but what makes her the alpha bitch of her school is something more basic than that. Oh, it's helped by her added capabilities, to be sure, but in the end, she'd probably still be on top without it: She's insane. The exact flavor of her insanity is hard to know, but when it comes right down to it, she's a crazy bitch, and while she may be acting quite nice and friendly, if you press any of her buttons in just the right way, she's going to do whatever she wants to you. What that entails varies on a day to day basis, but she will humiliate, hurt, and devour you, simply for her own amusement.
So, you know. Have fun, hey?
Oh look, a link!