An alt of the Shrine_Of_Tails
Name: Maria Felland
Age: 13
Height: 149cm
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Ethnicity: Caucasian (European)
Current City: Osaka, Japan
Maria is a young girl who moved from Europe to Japan when she was about seven or eight years old. While it was quite and interesting move for the girl and of course there would be a lot of new experiences for her things did certainly not turn out the way she hoped they would turn out. She is a cute and formal girl however her blonde hair and blue eyes can be a little bit scary and outsider-ish in a class and school mostly dominated by dark haired and dark eyed students. This is at least what it's like to be a foreign girl in a Japanese school, she knows the language to a certain extent by now but her sentences are still a bit weird. She tries to make friends and while she has one person she can talk to every now and then they are not really real friends, in fact most people tend to leave her out of things or even bully her if they feel like doing so. Maria tries to not get pushed over by them but when more than one person does it she pretty much crawls into a corner and hopes nobody can find her there.
She hopes that this will change when she comes into high school, but of course there are still a few years left of middle school and her current situation until that happens and she tries to live by friendless and left outside from activities during this time. Of course she also tries to stay positive and happy even during this...but it's very easy to see that she is a lonely and slightly depressed girl. She does not speak to people often either because of this, afraid that they will ridicule her for her weird speech and of course her different accent. She hopes that one day she will find a friend, maybe one like herself that she can help out while she herself is being helped out, but her main hope is to be accepted for who she is in the new different country she lives in.