Life on the seas. The constant, peaceful breeze, the scent of fresh, salty air, and a beautiful horizon every way you turn, presenting near limitless possibilities and total freedom. The thrill of being a fisherman, fighting the waves, the tides, and competing against other fishing boats for the biggest haul and the best spots.
That's right, Mallx lives the life of a deck hand on a crab boat. His ship doesn't frequent the more dangerous, more lucrative arctic seas, preferring the safer, more temperate seas of the Nexus. The money isn't as good, but with free room and board for four months of the year, it's a fairly lucrative occupation for the young dragon. Even if he does usually come home smelling like fish and crab.
It's a life, at least, and way more of a life than he had previously. Mallx came from the soviet parts of the Nexus, and it shows in his thick Russian accent. The dragon grew up in poverty, eventually finding factory work and saving up enough money to move out to greener... well, bluer pastures. Now residing in the Nexus' largest city, he finds the life to be far more enjoyable here, even if everyone and their dog is trying to eat him.
Mallx isn't the only one to move. He took his younger sister with him, now living together in a small apartment. While he's out on the boat, Ferun looks after the house, making sure everything is nice and spiffy while he's away. She's not useless, of course, holding down a job as a culinary chef in a fairly nice restaurant. The two eek out a comfortable existence in... well mostly in peace.
Ferun had originally been skeptical about entering the Nexus, having heard the stories of what goes on in this particular place. Strange monsters creeping around, devouring whomever and whatever they please. Almost an entire economy based on the consumption of living people, it was scary to her and she didn't exactly want to go. However, Mallx was able to eventually talk her into it, finding a good life in the Nexus and living in a good home.
Her first few weeks inside the Nexus, the poor girl was terrified and paranoid. She'd constantly look over her shoulder, check alley-ways before walking past them, and rarely ever left the house out of fear of simply being devoured. Mallx had been to the Nexus prior, and it was actually he who helped Ferun overcome her fear of the place. The two would sleep in the same bed, with Mallx close.
Ferun grew a certain trust with her brother, a trust that she wouldn't have to be afraid of anything so long as he was around. A trust that, well, combined with her kinkyness, developed into a forbidden love. Ferun would gradually rub more and more of herself on her brother at night, as if trying to seduce him, and they two would watch porn together. After one hot night that involved a bit of alcohol, Ferun came out to her brother, a night that ended with all their clothes on the floor and a set of bed sheets that needed to be cleaned.
With how much Mallx talked about it, and with it being the standard economy of the Nexus, Ferun's curiosity would get the best of her. She knew that Mallx partook in this "Vore" thing, and secretly found it erotic. The two had watched a few vore films together one night at her request, and at the end of that, she asked Mallx to do the honours.
Mallx went to sleep with a full belly, and Ferun had come back the following morning, with Mallx still digesting her previous self.
This sparked her love for the act, and was soon to return the favour. She didn't think she'd be able to do it, but sure enough Mallx had managed to find someone small for Ferun to devour, and for the first time, she too was able to go to bed with the belly of a predator. Ever since then, she'd been chasing after her fetish of vore, trying to get that sweet, sweet release from when she devoured someone, and sometimes from when she herself was devoured by others.
The two are surprisingly comfortable with each other, with complimentary personalities. While Mallx is a strong man, he's somewhat timid around people he does not know. As for Ferun, she's far more open with people, and especially her brother. She's been known to bring people into the apartment while Mallx is gone, and have her way with them, resulting in the Nexus losing one more resident.
The two have taken to Nexus life a little too well, it seems. While both of them have taken a liking to being "Predators", they've also found a joy in competing with each other for the right of being the one to devour a victim. Often the two will have three ways with their prey, partially to wear down the victim, but mostly because the two just like it. Once the sex is done, it's a game of wit to see which of the two will end up with the full belly, while the other is stuck eating out of the fridge.

His sister Ferun
Quick note. If you want to play with both Mallx and Ferun, go ahead and ask! I'm fairly good at playing multiple characters, or at least I like to think I am.