Age: 18
Orientation: Lesbian
Current Lover: n/a
General Bust Size: Anything - prefers B-C range
Height: Normally 6' - can go as high as 20'
Normal Weight: Normally 50 lbs; 100 as human
... *tilts her head curiously at the reader*
Malin Selena Geller is a rather odd ZergAlt. Imported from the annals of the FLL_Foundation, this is the original product of their experiments. A vast majority of the researchers became so attached to her that they granted her a spot among their safe ranks as a security officer. What Malin does in her spare time is... well, go about the town, seeing new things without fear of permanently dying. The Foundation is heavily guarded, so no threat to her reformation chamber.
Given that Malin is a slimegirl, she really doesn't have much of a need for clothing. She can develop or omit the presence of any genitalia at will to compensate, though she will never develop anything resembling a male's penis due to conditioning. When she decides to take human form, she can usually be seen wearing a white polo shirt and a light blue tie, with red-framed glasses, khaki shorts, and black-and-white sneakers. No socks, for some reason, or even underwear. The reason for her wearing the glasses when she technically doesn't even need them is unknown, it might just be a personal preference of hers.
At first, Malin can come off as rather shy given the fact that she never makes a vocal sound except when aroused sexually (which is surprisingly rare for her). This is partially due to her lack of vocal chords, which makes any kind of vocal sound from her (even breathing) a bit of a paradox. However, she is often shown to be an intelligent being, as evidenced when she is seen handling materials with care and making calculations in rapid succession, a holdover from her days in the FLL Foundation. On top of that, she has a certain affinity with women in lab coats, or anyone with a particularly high IQ. She's slow to show much emotion, as she's still trying to work these out, but she's been known to sense and seek the sorrowful, often trying to comfort them as best as she can.
As a slimegirl, Malin is capable of melting down and reforming her body at will, even split herself into smaller copies to swarm targets, on top of shapeshifting. This works to her advantage as she can take on forms more suited for the situation at hand, whatever it may be, though she seems to exhibit a personal preference for a human form. It's also worth noting that for a slime-based being, she is quite clean and rarely covers anything she touches in slime, perhaps part of the experimentation performed by the Foundation. It's a wonder to see the slimegirl actually folding clean laundry on a nice day without getting them all dirty again. To regain lost slime, she can do so by cellular replication, although she will need large amounts of energy from fruit to do so. Yes, fruit. Not that many predators will know that, since she seems to have developed a fear of teeth for whatever reason, but the smell of a delicious fruit medley is unmistakable, and she will allow licking.
If she is administered a special chemical, her slime solidifies and alters color to resemble human flesh for 24 hours, after which she begins to melt back down to her normal slimegirl self. As a human, Malin is relatively helpless and still mute, although her resistance to physical abuse is rather impressive as she can survive a seven-story fall unscathed. This might be due to her lack of a skeletal system in human form, and that, being still technically slimy, she can heal wounds easily. Her insides become appropriately red/pink, however, so there's no worries regarding dark blue insides or something like that.
A product of ZergAlts.
... *waves to the reader*

Her human form.