Can be played in conjunction with
Bikini_Models, if one so desires.
So, female eye candy is all over the place here. That's fine and dandy, if females are your candy of choice, right? But what if you're looking for a few boy toys to take advantage of? Well, here's your chance.
The player loves both hard and soft vore, and a million other things. Feel free to be as soft or as sadistic and gruesome as you want! If you cross any lines, I'll let you know, and we cna move on from there.

Honestly? A decent guy, going through tough times. He showed up to a talent agency as a last ditch effort. He had been a personal trainer at a gym, but when the gym went under, he couldn't find a job. Well? The job actually paid off, despite his agency getting 20% of all profits. He has a job that puts food in his stomach and a roof over his head... and really? That's all he needs to be happy in life.

A fun-loving and good-natured guy. He's hardly got a negative bone in his body. Of course, this does leave room for some naivety and even a bit of over indulgence on his part. He lives as if he thinks he'll be young and healthy forever, and doesn't always consider the consequences of his actions.
He is good friends with Trixie of the
Bikini_Models, and the two share a mutual friend named Jessibelle. The three are polyamorous, and live each day only to enjoy themselves.

Vain, shallow, simplistic... no WONDER he's dating Melony of the models. He's the only one that can see past that ugly, terrible personality of hers to recognize her for the great thing she really is: a hot fuck. That's about it. You can expect him to be the first to try to act macho, but also the first to run away when real danger is present.

This is the guy Timothy could only DREAM of being: tough, sexy, smooth. This guy constantly has women in his bed... and somehow manages to do so while looking like a charming gentleman. He flirts, but realizes, fairly quickly, when his attentions are not wanted, and moves on to the next girl.