A second-year, No-Star student at Honnouji Academy, a sadistic high school ruled by the student council president like a dictatorship. As a No-Star student, she and her family live at the bottom of the city. She is an airhead whose antics never cease to confuse and awe the people around her, and also possesses a large appetite, even taking time to eat during class! She becomes Ryuko's best (and only) friend as soon as she meets her. Se may be sweet and silly, but she can be pretty ruthless when someone stands in the way of something she wants...
During a brief stint as the president of the short-lived "Fight Club" to earn a better life for her family, Student Council President Satsuki Kiryuin granted Mako a special Two-Star Goku Uniform to do battle with Ryuko.
Though Ryuko destroyed the uniform after their battle, Shiro Iori later recreated it from destroyed COVERs, giving it to Mako to aid in the final battle against Ragyo Kiryuin and the Life Fibers.