is a pink squishy bubble gum like girl of immeasurable power and hunger, she loves cake, lollies and any other sugar based food or refreshing beverage. So much in fact she will even transform living people into sweet treats just to stuff her cute lips with them, though she is in no way limited to just transforming folks. No. Rose is very stretchy and can simply gulp down people and cut out the middle man, or she can cover people in her own body and absorb them directly into herself.
Vain, moody and very destructive are some among many traits she has, knowing full well that she has a certain alien attractiveness about her body Rose considers a truly beautiful woman. Though anyone who disagrees usuAally finds themselves near d to a pulp or worse still, Ate. Her body which she loves beyond wods is very durable, though able to feel pain like anyone else, Rose can regenerate from nearly any form of damage inflicted upon her. In fact it has come to a point where Rose gets off on the pain inflicted upon her, given her love of fighting and blowing stuff the hell up its no wonder.
Stretchy, Malleable, Durable gum-like body.
Beam that can transmute people. Beam that can heal and many more destructive kinds of beams.
Can control detached parts of her body and can shape shift into goo forms.
Able to absorb people encased within her body. External and Internal.
Power to shatter dimensional barriers/walls, usually when angry.
Insanely powerful.
Kinks and Ideas.
Crushing with external goo.
Force feeding someone till they pop.
Mass destruction.
Powerful pred vs. Weak prey.
Powerful pred fighting powerful prey.
Digestion after consumption/Absorption.
Prey begging, crying or pleading.
Candy........But no frickin Jaw Breakers!!! *Shivers* never again......
Simple constant Idea, Dbz inspired characters fight me, get beaten up and consumed.
Invading a planet, consuming all and vaporizing any who stand in the way of Snacks!
Always looking to absorb folks for new powers.
Gooey gummy fun, enough said.
Strong prey that I can wail on like a punching bag. Tenderized meat is tasty.
A good chase scene.
Random Facts and Tidbits, Possibly Useless.
UF. no #1. Rose likes Shoes.
UF. no #2. Rose is addicted to energy drinks.

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