Imagination can be a powerful thing.
Everyone knows this, of course. Every great advance in history is a result of applied imagination, of someone who dared to think of something new, and better, and then actually managed to make it real. Of course, some places are more able to allow such feats than others. For example, in Gensokyo, belief and imagination are often intertwined, and belief is a force to be reckoned with in its own way, sustaining gods and youkai and allowing for incredible feats.
So what happens when a silly girl who wants to make something of herself gets a crazy idea in her head, and has just enough belief to make it happen? Well, then you get something like Maiyuki.
Before she had this idea, she was no one special. Just another face in the crowd. Just Maiyu. Cute, sure, but with no admirers(that she knew of), a thankless job, and low self-esteem. All of that changed one day, though, when she read in the local newspaper about a particular type of hero. Something about the very idea lit a fire in her heart, and mind... she could do this. She could BE this! ... but she would need to get a few things.
Of course, the most important part of this would be the outfit. You could not, after all, be a magical girl without one! To that end, she went to Kourindou, and actually haggled with Rinnosuke for half an hour, before being given what she wanted(with advice from a cute tengu girl who happened to be standing around at the time). Then, she went to the Kappas, where a bemused metalworker listened to her request, and then crafted it for her, for a modest fee.
From there? ... well. Nothing, yet. She's gearing up to try something bold, and perhaps stupid, but something about the uniform, the sword, and the shield she has now makes her feel bold, and brave! She could take on ANYTHING, as long as she's wearing it...
And it IS stylish, too! A black, pleated skirt with purple at the base, accompanied by stylish black thighhighs that stop perhaps an inch below it, as well as a pair of bloomers, for modesty's sake, is accompanied by a snazzy button-down shirt, with a corset of sorts cupping her chest(leather, of course). Finishing this look is a pair of thin, fingerless, black leather gauntlets, and a pair of combat boots that add a full inch to her height. As well, something about wearing it changes HER, too!
Usually, you see, she looks like any other girl in Gensokyo. She's somewhat petite, at five feet three inches tall, with long, silky black hair and bright blue eyes that go nicely with her somewhat pale skin. Most of the time, she's wearing a simple, blue kimono or yukata, depending on the occasion, and busy working at her job. But, the Magical Girl outfit changes her.... the tip of each strand of her hair turns purple, and her eyes tinge purple as well. At the same time, she's bolder, more confident, and, surprisingly, more capable! The question is, is it magical, or is it just her belief?
... the answer, of course, is yes, but we'll see where it winds up taking her, in the end, won't we?