Welcome to Maise's profile page!
What? you haven't been eaten yet? lets see about that then shall we...
AND FOR THE LAST TIME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. NO. HUMANS OR DEMIS. PLEASE! If you -really- need to know why or if you havent already worked out why they dont fit vore or fantasy at all, read my human slider down below or ask me, ill tell you. >.>
Maise would highly suggest you find yourself an
Umblaro! They are lots of fun to vore. If your curious about one ask her if she has seen one lately, she will be more then happy to reveal their locations!
Just to let you know: Huge profiles with massive books of writing explaining a character are unnecessary and 99.9% of people wont read them, why? because there too long and people dont have time to read huge blocks of writing in most cases, if you do, then awesome, read away. :3
For those that want to know Maise quickly, skip her story, its optional to read and read anything else that catchs your eye or hey, just go to her preference sliders, thats the quickest way.
Everything explained here by Maise is well laid out, though, and easy to read and in some ways humorous or entertaining, but decisive enough that if you read everything, which should only take about 5 minutes, then you should know everything about her... but she still has alot of secrets, that will never change. Oh yea, and her favorite colour is purple. :3
Note: I don't want sex with young characters, That's rather creepy and is a turn off! Touching is fine, as long as it isen't sex, nor sexual interactive like fingering. Petting and cuddles, caring and nurturing is hardly wrong.
CURRENT MOOD, PLEASE READ BEFORE ASKING FOR RP! (Her moods change all the time dont worry, but she will be very annoyed if you dont read this for whatever reason!): Sorry Maise is not interested in straight voreing of prey chars at the moment, she would much prefer watching a semi-pred and prey character, possibly feral, greedily devour down their own prey (which I will play as) for her own arousing entertainment, possibly arousing her so much after she will stuff you in her cunny and slurp you up. ;3 If done well enough she may feel tempted to return the favor somehow after many belly rubs and teasing you, the favor can be anything you ask from her! tempting... isent it? ;3
And if you actually like to show off and flaunt your greedy vorish actions to somebody or something and want someone fun to watch you stuff your belly until its big, round and squirming with as many prey as you can fit in there, by all means, give Maise a nudge! she likes to take a break once in awhile and just let others do the work for once... butting in sometimes and giving a reward in the end of course, shes a fair cow dont worry! ^^
If you just want to be eaten though and nothing else with this big multi-use cowess then she wont get anything out of it im afraid, eating prey for so long has made her immune to the joy of swallowing prey sadly enough but made her more succeptable to watching others vore instead, and giving out rewards for such!
Basic role play Info:
Name: Maise the cow
Species: Cow
Age: Unknown
Gender: Herm, Prefers to use female side alot more.
Body: Feral and anthro mostly, very rarely does she use her taur form.
Size/height: Bigger then your average cow
Sexual preference: Why dont you go over to her and find out
Dom/sub: Dom, she hasent been a sub before, things usually arent outside of her for long enough to dom her
Genital size: Large slit and bull sized cock
Willing/unwilling: She loves unwilling food, but willing are also nice
Things to note about Maise:
Maise makes a great pred, why? mostly because shes very naughty and playful and she can talk to anybody if she chooses, another main reason is because shes very greedy, its almost impossible to sate her lust or hunger. but here are some things about her that are certainly out of the ordinary:
-Addictive milk: Yes, her milk is addictive, more so then any drug on earth, just one sip and afew minutes after and youll be craving for more so badly you'll do whatever it takes to get more. Drink enough and youll eventually lose part of your ability to control yourself, this is Maises most powerful weapons, and its usually very easy to get prey to drink her milk... seeing as she is a cow after all, its yummy!
-Female musk: Maises vagina/pussy/cunny (however you call a vagina is fine, cunt works too, shes very open to swearing) emits an extreamly potent scent of female musk when she is in a mood which is almost all the time, but she can stop it at will. She will almost always have this smell automatically coming form her rear end as she is always in heat unless she halts it for whatever reason. It has an extreamly sweet and alluring scent to it which makes it ideal to lure prey in from afar, especially male prey but it even effects females, sometimes when she dosent even know they are around.
-Four stomachs: Like all cows she has four stomach which means she can eat up to four prey at once squirming in her belly, her belly can grow and stretch out greatly but it has a limit like everything. Her first stomach cant digest prey, its the biggest and can hold two prey at once before passing them to other stomachs. Her second stomach is slightly smaller, but about as big and is where the main digestion goes on. Her third is small and further digests food, her fourth is the smallest and has the most potent acid used for churning away bones or even a whole prey in one go, which it is then sent along her intestinal tract to turn into a nice big cow pat.
-Oversized womb and cunny: Her womb is double the size, due to some mutations with human genes, this means she can fit up to three or possibly four prey, pets or playthings inside her womb at once and usually enjoys them the most when there struggling and trying to escape out of the only entrance and exit. Her slit in which case is bigger and can stretch alot further then normal and is usually very hungry and wont hesitate for as many meals as it can get... every part of her is greedy, especially her cunny, mostly because she wants to sate her strong desire for stimulation and hunger, and both things can be done at once with a nice big cunny meal.
-Hidden cock: Surprise!~, she has a bull cock hidden in a sheath under belly just in front of her udder which is also greedy, but instead of balls she uses her udder, in which case when she orgasms out of her cock guess what happens... milks splurts out! alot of it, and its not all milk either...
-Udder stomach: Her udder is able to digest anything inside it into milk. There are four ways to get inside her udder, by going through the tube in her fourth stomach to it, and not accidentally going into her intestines... which means she would have to crap you out. Through one of her four teats directly. Through her cock and on rare occasions theres a small entrance tube leading from her womb to her udder as well. Nearly every place inside her leads to her udder, which is conveiniant seeing as her demand for milk can get rather high sometimes, it is addictive after all and luckily endless.
If Maise's status is one of the following it means:
Online: This usually means she has just come online, give her afew seconds, maybe wait for her to change status and feel free to give her a hello but don't expect an immediate desire to RP or have a conversation, giving an very interesting scene idea might change her mood...
Away: This means the player is away from the computer and will take much longer then usual to reply, if at all.
Do not Disturb: 99% of the time this means Maise is currently in a RP with someone else, unless you were talking to her before she put up the status then don't expect an immediate reply or one at all. Try another time.
RP as prey: This means she is in a watching mood, most of the time she will be more interested in watching vore then doing it herself, and giving the character who gave her a nice vore show whatever they desire from her afterwards, be in sex/yiff to vore them as well or maybe a gift.
RP as pred: This means Maise is in a very dommy mood and is very hungry in more ways then one, although oral vore bores her in this status she is more then happy to vore in any way to anyone (other then humans of course).
OOC out of character: This means I want to have just a normal conversation which may or may not include vore topics, chances are I won't want to RP unless a brilliant and interesting scene idea emerges.
IC In character: This means Maise will always be talking, It will be like the player never existed. Maise comes to life when its to her doing the talking, you'll easily see the difference between IC and OCC chats.
Open, open to approach in RP: This actually means Maise is looking for ideas and interesting scene to play out, feel free to look further down on her profile to see some of the ideas she would most enjoy, choose one and come up with something and chances are you'll be having a little play time with this large cowess.
This is what Maise looks like in anthro form after a recent enouncter with somefur that groped her udder except with black splotched fur like a dairy cow. ;3
link <--- Click here
Here is another pic of her nice and bulgy
click me <--- Click here
What she looks like: (You dont need a picture just google dairy cow, if not, theres a picture of her at the top left)
You probably wont see outside of her for long, anything alive thats around her will usually end up seeing her insides after afew seconds... usually not alot she can do about it either, tho, she isent going to complain.
Shes a dairy cow in which she has a typical black and white randomized splotch pattern all over her body. Shes bigger then most other female dairy cows and has a hidden secret under her belly which explains her size, but she isent gigantic. Shes fairly pot bellied like shes eaten a large barrel but thats just the natural size for most cows bellies... they can get pretty big and she weighs alot of course being a cow and all and looks pretty much like an ordinary everyday dairy cow, except she defiantly isent, not by a long shot. She uses this ruse to pretty much fool anybody wanting to milk or pat her into thinking shes a regular innocent cow, but she has alot of alterior intentions for people fooling for it. This isent her disguise tho... her back story explains everything.
Her story.... (Good mistake or bad mistake?... who will ever know)
Maise was once a pretty young girl called Jenifer Maison living out in the outskirts of Texas. After spending three years getting a science and biology degree she got to work producing her own independent experiments in a secret ungrounded lab. It seemed harmless enough and safe but no one knew of her lab or what she did in there...
She experimented on animals, but in a safe humane way, seeing if she could somehow get the traits of some animals to transfer over to humans, stupidly, she used herself as the human guinea pig. She loved cows and owned afew in a paddock, taking there genes, altering them, and adding them hers to see if she could... possibly get the same type of milk production as they could. No results turned up, but one fine day, after all those cow genes she put into her... she finally started transforming overnight. It was in a matter of days that she was a dairy cow... but she still retained every iota of intelligence she gained and she could talk. Somehow she was still 20% human... in a female cows body, and the genes she tested on herself from a bull also gave her a subtle side affect as well... one that would be hard to miss if it was hanging out. Hundreds of other side effects overtook her new body too, all a reaction to the sudden change and she decided to trod off and drift into the dessert so she could... just end herself, and get rid of the mistake she made.
A rancher called Pea-Pully Pete, as he was nicknamed, spotted her on the way to the markets and wrangled her in, much to her shame she had no choice and was soon part of his diary farm. She eventually took a liking to her new body however, and the hundreds of fellow dairy cows around her which she could oddly talk to in moos.
Pete eventually named her Maise after her favorite treat, Maize, which is like a sort of bitter sweet corn. After a year she became the Petes prized cow and he took her to the country fair where many people would pat her and walk into her pen to take a look at her beauty, being much better looking then your ordinary cow, and slightly bigger. This is however, how she learned to do many of the things she couldn't think possible, the people that went to the country fair slowly thinned out. People still couldn't work out why... and all the instigators have gone missing too. The only thing that seemed to change was the amount of people... and the size of Maise's large belly.
The country fair still goes on and plenty of new people come everyday, Pete found a new market in renting or even letting people buy Maise for a fair price, tho, she always came back to him afew days later and he had no idea why but it didnt worry him. He didnt even know what to do with all the money he was raking in from her... so, he invested in the country fair, got it upgraded and has got advertised everywhere, even in cities, maybe you might even see a large billboard somewhere posting about Pete and his top grade cow Maise at the country fair. Maybe shes still for purchase... if your interested.
What she dosent like: (Yes there are some things she just cant do, sorry)
She hates the thought of blood, no blood please. If she uses digestion on you dont scream or describe it in full detail if your unwilling its totally unnecessary, I know what it would look like and i chose to forget, especially if the prey reforms in the end anyway. She will not do hard vore, she cant rip things apart anyway, she has hooves and no teeth. She can only transform things inside her womb, in which it usually goes pretty fast depending on the prey size. She dosent like sex alot, but will do it if the prey asks for it kindly seeing as she enjoys a good cream filled donut on the occasion.
What kind of things shes interested in and looking for: (Here are some things to get your mind started on what you might do with Maise the first time. ;3)
Maise is a big girl with big needs. She randomly has desires for certain kinds of scenes and preys or sexual partners changing in her naughty mind all the time. You dont have to follow one of these scenes listed below, these are just some she desires, she has many, many kinks to sate her and loves a good tease by her prey before sending them inside her belly.
Panties and underwear are always great for teasing, same with skirts if your character is
female or just a smexy
girly boi, or just showing off the goods and what your character has to offer in the sexiest way possible.
She also loves
watching others vore, or
forcing/motivating prey into eating other prey or small creatures, the most basic being guinea pigs and rabbits, to fill there belly up and become more filling for her. If you impress her enough she will likely want you as a pet, meaning she wont digest you if swallowed whole, and use you as a toy for the most part in further RPs. ;3
Here are some of the scenes shes been edging to do lately, and usually all the time:
-Feral force feeding: Maise loves any feral creature or species like herself, and loves to watch them stuff there hanging bellies with squirming morsels even more. Theres just something really sexy she finds about ferals and watching there bellies fill that she just cant put her hoof on. Any feral would be suitable, more notably she interested in dogs, dragons and any type of lizard or dino ferals out there. Offering any reward they please from her for forcing there gut with prey and letting her watch the show.
Tho shes fine with any type of force feeding, even on anthros, she greatly prefers to watch ferals, and can change into her anthro cow girl form to aid them. ;3
-Cubs/young prey: Maise adores cubs and will likely never digest you if you are one or have the ability to change your age at will, if not she can do it for you via unbirth. She will usually want to keep cubs as pets and will be especially convinced if the cub character agrees to wearing a diaper or pull up, for effect. I know alot of voraphiles here dislike the thought of cubs greatly and the thought of diapers/pull ups but I find them very fun little prey to mess around with, cubs are optional, but i defiantly wont pass you up if you offer to be one.

And yes Maise does have a cubby form right here! =P
link <---- Click here!
-Swarm/group prey fun: She loves swarm prey, especially if they willingly all fight to get a spot inside her, why? because shes a greedy and hungry girl of course and one prey isent going to do much for her. ;3
All swarm prey is acceptable, except humans, which she cant seem to find a place for in her fantasy world, sorry, they just seem too aqwerd to be involved in vore fantasy.
-Pets/playthings/toys: She has lots of needs and the more pets she has the easier they can be sated. Sighn up today by giving her a good tease, maybe you might get through till the end in one piece to live out this desire. ;3
-Erotic clothing and teasing: Yes, exactly that, erotic clothing like snug panties and miniskirts are her all time favourite especially when such weapons are in the hands of a very naughty, teasing female... but hey, if your a girly boi too and love to wear such things and flaunt it to get a cowess very wet shes more then happy with that too. ;3
Panty teasing, crotch smothering, mound grinding, skirt flashing, panty vore and hiking are just some of the mega sexy things that go in this section that she is craving to see. ;3
-Piss play: Yes, basically watersports, she has alot of pee in her bladder on most occasions and needs a good sized belly to drain it out into. ;3
Soon after, she might want to fill back up that certain place with you if you like it or not. (Urethra vore, similar to unbirth as the bladder is close to the womb but not as big. Both her bull cock and cunny urethra lead to her bladder. She only has a single big one which both urethra share instead of separate ones like some taurs do)
More scenes might appear here on the occasion so keep an eye out. ;3
Specific scenes and prey/partners are unlikely as shes a very flexible and versatile character that enjoys most things, but may get listed with one the base scene ideas listed above if it has something in common.
Please feel free to throw other ideas her way, she loves to hear them! ^^
But... be abit creative, ya know? same ol boring oral vore scenes where she just catches you, eats you, digests and turns you into a cow pat after is abit plain.
Fantasy is endlessly amazing in its extensive fantastical possibility, let your mind go free, dig yourself a hole to fantasy land and open those gold plated barded doors of mystery and wonder to your heart and soul, let yourself go free~ ^^
Just keep that in mind. ;3
Characters RPed with: (If you dont want your name being on here feel free to ask me of its removal. I keep names here as memory, and to show others the fun Maise gets up too. I will never post a whole RP thats happened publicly without permission)
KazulIvanovich - Big kinky dragon. Forced a big pig gal "trash" down into Maise's gut to get trash compacted
Malduran - Fun little white dragon/drake. Done lots of RPs to mention, mostly involving us as cubs together in some way and trading places as pred. Diaper stuffing too.
furdrake - Huge black dragon. Impregnated Maise where she developed the young inside her overszied womb and cared for them.
Krista_Sparks - Lovely anthro skunkess who brought her from the fair and took her home for some fun
Eddy_Bull - A bull anthro with a big cock, Maise and him got into some messy fun
Gloom - A very willing anthro bat, fed Maise four nice unwilling meals in exchange for being turned into a cow pat to add to her collection.
Utoru - Awesome little herd of horny raptor creatures which Maise took full advantage of, slurping up her cunt and filling to the brim with all kinds of juices.
Rendar - Horny deer buck who filled his balls and bladder with critters in a secluded forrest for a reward. His reward was her pussy, filling it with all that new cum he had made.
shadowulf - Playful feral wolf who came into her barn and gobbled up all the rodents infesting it as part of the deal for him to have a free meal. He gets stuck in the door on the way out though and misses one mouse so Maise swallowed him up after and gave him a full tour.
Euophoria - Naughty female dragoness in heat who forces a horny dragon pet of Maises into submission for a good unfing but then another little dragon decides to barge in and take her rump, she teachs him a lesson via tight unbirth and he humps the dragons nose in until the end.
Trex - Such a cute little baby dino... such a greedy one too!
Pending RPs: (Scenes we've set up but not completed yet)
AnnaNocturne - Sexy wolfess who she will unbirth then urethra vore PERMA VORED BY SOMEONE AND GONE
Firestorm - Various vores, watching him vore others to become a pet
Anashi - Horny bun girl who Maise is going to have fun with and put inside hir
Jesse_Aldridge - Little male husky cub. Maise plans to use his devotion for lots of fun little things, to many to mention in a short sentence. Force feeding, stuffing, watersports, cock vore ect
Eboz - Filthy minded german shepard who stuffed his gut with rodents for me and Maise stuffed him in here tailhole in return.
Baby_and_me - Smexy fully preggers human female who asked for a Umblaro which Maise fetched and fed her, fighting it to stay down before it took revenge.
Kinshar - Greedy smoke dragon who plans on helping me get rid of some of my pets via down his gullet
Sallyy - Cute and very naughty minded neko girl who decide to rile Maises soft spots up by giving her cheeky panty and belly teasing, helping her get rid of some anthro mousies down two holes before more RPs along those lines
Zebre - Nice little subby bat girl who Maise is going to boss around to do as her will before pumping up her womb with a huge load and knocking her up heavily.
Smendrich - Subby little kitten boy who Maise steals from an orphanage and makes into her own personal little toy and pet
Lumine - Feral wolf that eats all of Maises chickens so she teaches him a lesson
Jackjackel - Greedy jackel feral who gobbles up some bunnies for Maise before she swallows him down herself
Faenivel - Vute, fun little kitsune/wolf puppy who plays under Maises skirt and lets her play under her own eventually leading to a very messy end
Mareschild - Buck is going to come in and make this sexy mare a very pregnant sexy mare. ;P
Pop - A very friendly, greedy and cheeky feral weasel which Maise follows around her farm and watches as she fits as many creatures she finds into her belly... eventually earning some boob rubs. =P
Tristen_Queensway - Kinky girly boi wolf who finds Maise wandering into a night club needing to find a toilet and instead uses his belly as one after a good teasing up his miniskirt eventually leading to them drinking, getting drunk and Maise 'accidently' swallowing him to waddle out of the bar and waking up the next day wondering what happened...
Constacia_Kay - The kinkiest skunk girl that has ever lived!
Sweet_things - I could just eat you up!
Bell_the_otter - If a kinky minskirt, brightly coloured panty wearing otter girl turns up at Maises door step it isent going to be long before things get messy... and possibly knocked up. ;3
(Holy shit this counters going up fast. X3)
As Pred
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes very dommy... you'll likely never find her not in a horny or hungry mood. But I can play as prey characters for other predators if your curious, it dosent have to be Maise I'm capable of alot of fun. ;3 |
Soft Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She loves the feeling of something squirming in her belly... in fact it just makes her hungrier and hornier. |
Hard Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes a cow... what do you think shes going to do beat you to death with her hoofs? |
Digestion |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She can stop her digestion and push things straight through... but what good will that do for her hunger? |
Fatality |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She would rather not think her prey is gone for good, seeing as there is reformation technology now days... |
Reforming |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She wants you to come back... so she can eat you again and enjoy you... again. |
Endo |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Love it~ really enjoy getting stuffed full of prey and casually plodding about with a big gut as they shout, beg and kick for freedom and keep failing all day to escape, it's a predators main desire after all why not enjoy it for ages~ If any other preds will do and show this off for me, I have alot to offer. ;3 |
Oral Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Down the hatch is one of her favorites although by now you can only imagine how much shes eaten, she getting really bored of plain ol oral vore, maybe think of some way else to get in. ;3 |
Unbirthing |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Her favorite place to shove squirming morsels!, her cunny will litterly drip with pre when something yummy is around, which is pretty much the same as drooling... except in a different kind of mouth leading to a different kind of stomach...and a different kind of outcome. ;3 |
Cock Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She has a cock, and she will use it if you get to close, sending you straight to her udder and possibly shooting you back out if your lucky. |
Anal Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Not really my thing... over time ive found the dirtyness of it being a place where poop comes out of rather gross. Sorry to dissapoint, I only do full tours for you to end up coming out of this hole but... im always open to kinky ideas after all. |
Tail Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Her tail is long and thin... so nah. X3 |
Breast Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She has an udder, thats her breast, it can and will digest you into milk if your inside it... you have been warned. |
Vampiric Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Huh? shes a cow... she has no teeth. |
Soul Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes a good pred... but not -that- good. Could be interesting tho to gulp a ghost of air of goo tho. |
Unconventional Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Feel free to throw ideas her way... im sure she will like them. |
Stretchy |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She stretches abit, but dont expect her to fill to the size of Earth or something. If you hear a loud thud, thats her belly, it means the tank is full... but thats unlikely to happen, tho its not impossible, nothings impossible. |
Realistic |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Yes... everything about her seems pretty real, but always remember its fantasy (Although it would be nice if she existed, huh?) |
Cooking |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She hasn't got hands... |
Food Related |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She enjoys a good fill of wheat, grass, corn, maize and other stuff... as a snack. |
Rough |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Slightly rough... |
Gentle |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Slightly gentle... |
Sex |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
If you want... but she will be much more eager to just shove you in the genital then use it for messy explosions or implosions. |
Pain |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes soft, has no teeth claws or spikes... no pain here, digestion is usually painless as well seeing as it can go really fast if she chooses. |
Transformation |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Sometimes if your in her womb... you'll turn into a calf, she likes adding to her numbers. |
Blood |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Ick... |
Scat |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
If shes had a big meal... be warned, you know whats coming out of her backside eventually, nothing she can do about it~
Thats just a tease tho. =P She isent into scat at all tho, sorry to dissapoint you if you majorly are, she does like it in certain ways tho so feel free to ask. |
Disposal |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Cows have four stomachs, a long thick intestine and their digestive tract is basically a grass mulching machine... guess where it all goes? |
Watersports |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She likes to mark things... or have something squirming in in her bladder getting soaked in pee. REALLY enjoy pee holding and bladder bulges if your willing to offer it to me for fun pre or post vore from your character, I can offer alot of fun back. ;3 |
Bondage |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Does trapping prey in her belly count? She likes her prey to be fully operational and with as little tied up limbs as possible... so she can feel them in there trying to struggle there way out. <3 |
Magic |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Maybe.... maybe not. |
Willing |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She wont stop you if you want to get inside her... her milk is addicted, after that you'll usually be willing to do anything she says, which is usually asking you to hop in of course. Nothing like an easy meal. |
Unwilling |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She loves a helpless prey squirming on its way down or in and especially when its inside her. By all means try to escape, she enjoys that the most just dont be surprised if you dont get anywhere in a hurry... or see a huge puddle on the floor if you get out. |
Micro/Macro |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes hungry... whats a little bug like you gonna do for her? A guess she could go for a light snack. |
Same Size |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Half or slightly smaller then her is great... if its bigger then her she cant exactly get her mouth to stretch out that far, shes only bovine. |
Male Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Males are okay, they make great toys. |
Female Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She would prefer a female partner, simply because there sexier and and have a cunny like her to play with. |
Herm Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She likes males and females so of course she likes both at once. More choices and kinky ideas with them and hirself as well. |
Human Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Theres way too many humans around here as it is... there not fun prey. This is fantasy. If your a human prey please be a very, verbose and literate good one or sorry no interest. Only really accepting multi prey humans currently. |
Demi Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
They can be sort of interesting... and kinky, like nekos. |
Fur Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Furs are always yummy and squirmy and belong in her belly... forever. |
Scaly Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes very happy to let a dragon play with her and have abit of fun... not sure if she would want one inside hir tho. |
Feathered Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
As long as its squirms... meh, down the hatch. Feather tickles and feel good in four stomachs. |
Plants |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Huh, plants? like pickles?... mhmm, pickles... |
Animal / Non-morphic |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Shes one herself... so yea sure, why not. |
Non-Sentient Partner |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Moo~ |
Underage Character |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
If your an underage prey or predator I want to have fun with you now! Especially the really young characters on here, if they exist, favourite ages are cubs, babies and toddlers and I have a HUGE love for diapers and toddlers teasing me, if you want to exploit that~ |
Verbose Posts |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Details... she likes to know what shes eating, what its doing while she is and how its feel about that, reaction to everything is essential... im not a mind reader. But dont go telling me what the weather is like, thats not exactly on topic. The more details the better! Especially with bulges, that's all I ask. |
Quick Posts |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Dont make her wait... shes a hungry moo moo. ;3 |
Evolving Character |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
It happens... you learn things everyday. |
Breaking 4th Wall |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
What walls, she lives on a farm?... |
Staying In Character |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Please do it as much as possible... |
Surprise Me |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Surprise her as much as she will surprise you and you maybe get rewarded... |
Multi-Session |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Its doubtful you wont be able to resist coming back for some more of her milk or more voracious fun... |
Grab and Gulp |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Hello. Heya. guess what? what? *gulp* that... Quick roleplays can be fun if your detailed enough, give me those juicy bulges and squirms~ make it worth my while. |
Group Roleplay |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Loves swarm prey... mostly because there nice and filling, and just more fun! If you can anything in multi prey even if it's snakes chat to me now. ;3 |
Vore game |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Wanna see who can eat the most -insert prey here-? *gulp* I started, your turn. ;3 Love vore competitions with preds a ton, even with prey, betting them they can't go in my stomach and escape and such and feeling them try all day and fail and realized they were tricked. ;3 |
Whisper |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Go ahead... you know you want to~ |
Public |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Maybe.... but generally no, I just like private, simple back and forth real time roleplays please. |
Private |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
She lives on a farm so yes... it will be nice and personal~ If not, taking her to your house works too, or somewhere else. ;3 |