"I cannot believe how many here lack an appreciation for the finer things in life~!" -Her Majesty, Mairri Torkak.
Royalty is no stranger to a place like the Nexus, but Mairri may very well be one of the first of her kind to make the trip to such a place at this point in time. The descendent of a long line of dwarven royalty, Mairri suffered the standard fate of women of royal-birth the world over in that she was married off to a dreadfully dull man who just wanted a chance at the Goldstone Throne rather than any attachment to the woman he had to go through to reach that point. Mairri was lucky in the sense that she was able to live out her life much as she would have otherwise since her husband was a rumored pillow-biter and fine with hiding Mairri's indiscretions so long as she kept his secret as well, something she was more than happy to do. Of course he didn't anticipate his wife's own voracious appetites when it came to every bodily pleasure nor the fact she would be able to leverage her dalliances into actual political power that rapidly eclipsed her husband's own influence and pull. When her father finally passed away and rulership of the sky-citadel turned over to her husband, no one was really surprised to find out that it was in fact Mairri who was the real power behind the throne while her husband became more of a figurehead but the most perplexing thing was...she didn't
do anything of note with it.
Mairri was perfectly content to let her husband carry on as always because she wanted simple, hedonistic pleasures that could be easily accrued in tremendous vaults that held a king's ransom in gold, silver, and priceless artifacts of beautiful make and design. What couldn't be held in her Vaults were fine foods, liquor, and other delicacies that others of her kind didn't quite enjoy and lead to her softened, plump figure that was quickly emulated by many other dwarven females at court. Fine clothes were another passion of hers that others had long since ignored, allowing her to accrue a wide wardrobe of garments to drape over her pale, soft body in the most alluring of ways. Money, food, clothing...she even dallied in collecting lovers at one point, not physically of course, but rather in exploits that she would regale guests with at the social functions she held. 'The Hidden Queen' as she began to be known as was famous throughout the citadel for her hedonistic life-style that was tempered by dwarven pragmatism the few times she felt the need to force herself into political matters but there was one thing she hadn't accounted for...
...Her husband. He had been content for so long to let her do as she wished that she had never noticed his growing jealousy of the influence she wielded despite the fact that it was him that wore the crown on his brow. He rankled under the fact that despite his success in attaining his position, it didn't quite have the luster that it used to have and so he let his resentment grow. It came to a head when Mairri, entirely by accident mind, slept with her husband's lover. How was she supposed to know who the man was?! In either case it brought a swift end to the mutually beneficial arrangement that the two had enjoyed for many, many years and the king made it clear that her time in the sky-citadel was drawing to a close. Seeking to bridge the gap between them in a final moment of reconciliation, the king offered to let her leave the citadel with her riches, to a place of her choosing, as a 'diplomatic envoy' with no word being given as to why she was leaving. Mairri agreed and quickly sent about moving her power-base to the place she had selected, a bizarre city where she had heard word of unheard of delicacies able to be sampled...
Not really a predator and certainly capable of being eaten in turn, but she doesn't really seek out vore most of the time...it just sorta comes to her instead. She is however interested in hiring a sort of....vore 'tutor' to show her a way of becoming a predator in her own right. When it comes to her interactions in other ways, Mairri is incredibly self-assured and isn't afraid of flaunting her wealth, power, or position if it'll get her what she wants. It's just what she's used to.
I'm looking for well-written and verbose roleplay from experienced partners, but I'm also perfectly happy to just chat with people too about ideas or other things as well. Y'know, just showing some courtesy and politeness is all, nothing too alien.