Name: Maion
Race: Angel/Demon
Age: 16
Height: 5'8' / 5'5''
Weight: 149 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Occupation: Student
Pred/Prey: 50/50
Sexual orientation: Mostly straight.
TL:DR: Somewhat bratty teenager with mood swings and small control over his impulses and powers.
Reformation: He can reform himself or others.
Healing: Not difficult to figure this one out.
Time Freeze: He can, within limits, stop time.
Gender Shifting: An ability that is not entirely under his control, what causes him to switch around isn't entirely clear, but he's trying to get control.
Tall and lean, Maion doesn’t really look all that powerful or threatening, only when you look into those shining green eyes you might catch a glimpse of something supernatural, inhuman. Take into account his almost golden hair, which is a different length every day, depending on how he likes it at the time. His nose is straight, rather unremarkable, his mouth always curled in a subtle smile, as if he’s in on an inside joke. Most days he’s dressed in a white chemise with short sleeves, along with some dark pants and comfortable sneakers. If he chooses to show off his wings, which rarely happens, he usually goes topless, showing off his lean body, smooth, pale skin. Always he seems to radiate with an inner heat, warm and pleasant, a feeling which is only emphasized when touching him.
His female form is quite similar to his male one, the difference being that she now has some noticeable breasts and hips, not massive, but what you'd expect in a supermodel, a young one, but she's quite stunning.
Female form!

Story time:
Angels. Gods very first creation, created in the image of god himself, who, truth to be told, was in essence nothing but an angel of immense power himself. His origins are another story though, we’re here to talk about angels. As stated before they were created in god’s image, meaning they had powers similar to his own, and as one might expect, they started to create things themselves, placing them on earth, the planet god had chosen for himself and his creations. The angel’s creations were things of wonder, beautiful and terrible, as divine as themselves or twisted and horrible as only a pure mind can imagine. First god was pleased, then, when the angels started arguing among themselves as to who had created the best, the most wondrous, imaginative creature and when god refused to pass judgement, the angels started to make their creatures fight among each other, and their creations became more horrible, dangerous, even to the angels themselves. It had to end, god knew it. Angry, more with himself than the angels, why had he not seen this coming, had not stopped it, he locked the angels away in heaven, then set foot on the terrible battleground that the planet had become, killing and destroying the angel’s creations. Some of those creatures were too powerful or too beautiful in their own right to be destroyed, those he locked up, eldritch creatures, furious and angry with the fate they had no influence on, and where were their makers? The gods that had created them? After fixing the terrible damage the angels had inflicted on the planet, god thought he’d figured out the flaw in his plan, giving the angels powers equal to his own had been a mistake, yes, and thus he created the first humans before returning to heaven where he declared the angels guardians of the planet. Guardians of mankind.
Of course this didn’t sit well with a lot of the angels. Why should they be mere shepherds when they were meant to own, to rule, they were superior in every aspect to the mortal, powerless creatures that he had created to have the planet in their stead? Telling them they had failed him. That they had disappointed him, their own creations almost destroying the planet they were meant to live on god didn’t manage to explain his actions and struck out in rage, and a terrible battle started in the heavens. There were of course those loyal to god, those that could see the reason and accepted their new role as guardians. A lot of angels died that day, but neither side was victorious, and so a great host of angels departed, creating their own realm, their own appearances twisted and different from the angels, the first demons. Over centuries and millennia the struggle continued, with the human race as bargaining chips, the angels soon discovering that they did indeed have some power that resembled their own, souls, the things that remained when the physical body of a human was destroyed, the demons soon found ways and means to twist those souls into weapons, inferior copies of themselves, imps, succubi, even the angels found a way to make use of them, turning them into cherubs, or simply using their raw power to strike at the demons.
The battle continued for years, centuries, millennia, but nobody could break the stalemate, but god was growing weary of the conflict and he made efforts to bring angels and demons back together, apologizing to them, begging for forgiveness, but the endless war had taken their toll on both sides, leaving angels and demons equally unwilling to lay down arms and make peace. Seeing how not even the angels were willing to stop the fighting god wailed in despair, begging, pleading, not in anger, helpless he wondered where he’d gone wrong, looking back at the millennia he couldn’t help but feel responsible, it was all his fault. Unable to live with his grief, god … vanished. Neither angels nor demons knew whether he had killed himself or merely gone back to wherever he had originally come from, but the obvious reason why they had fought was… gone, and with it their purpose. No longer with a reason to fight each other, angels and demons came to an accord. The mortals were to be left alone, heaven as the angel’s realm and hell as the demon’s. Both were beautiful in their own right and while it was not strictly speaking forbidden for angels and demons to live in the human world, it was frowned at. A council, comprised of demons and angels was established to keep an eye on the mortal world and for the rules to be obeyed. Sure there was grumbling with the demons and angels about this decision, and some schemers still want to continue the battle, but those are dealt with quickly and quietly.
Maion was born in this new time of peace, something new, something… different. His parents, both members of the council, a demon and angel. Of course the demons were technically still angels, but over the centuries they had become quite different from angels in their original form. It had been rare enough that angels or demons procreated, so when he was born it caused quite a stir in both societies. Problem was, he was neither demon, nor angel, so he didn’t really have a place in heaven OR hell. The council decided that his place would be on earth, he was given to a human couple to raise him, his parents visiting him once a year, explaining things to him, teaching him everything he needed to know to survive on his own among humans with nobody really on his side.
His upbringing wasn't terribly eventful, as an only child his parents give him everything they can. Of course it didn't take too long for him to start exploring the powers within him and consequently figure out that he was adopted. For example he never got ill, never, whenever he scraped his knees, or otherwise hurt himself, he healed at a rapid pace. An ability which he soon learned to use on others, feeling the powers a 'light' inside him, of course he would not readily tell anyone that this is what it felt like, cause dude, that sounds GAY. His other abilities were harder to figure out. The ability to freeze time requires great concentration, but it has allowed him to cheat on several tests and pull of some hilarious pranks. The last ability under his control, the ability to ressurect and reform people is something he discovered as an extension of his healing abilities when one of his friends got in an accident, falling off of a roof to break their neck. He managed to reach beyond the mortal plane to retrieve their soul while simultaneously healing their body. In doing so he discovered that his own body was merely a vessel for his true self and that he could step out of his body, even shape a new one. It's an exhausting experience that leaves him utterly depleted and tired, but it might be useful in the future.
Lastly his ability to shift between genders has always been... a little unpredictable and he still has problems triggering the transformation on purpose, which has led to a great deal of inconvenient, yet for his friends humerous situations. It has also helped to de-sensitize him to sexual matters, once you've been in both skins, the mystery kind of fades and it's just another fun thing to do.
One of the DisturbedCreations check for preferences and other alts if you want.
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