Mindy is a large neko who has very soft...spongy skin. She could step on someone and her skin would bend around them safely, leaving only a fraction of her 46 tons really affecting them. She absolutely adores playing with micros...the ones smaller than a normal human. She thinks they're really cute and adores them.
Now a bit about Mindy:
She stands at a good 50 feet tall
She can lift 28 tons
She weighs in at over 46 tons
Her breasts would be a DD if she were a typical neko.
She wears very skimpy bra and panties since it's difficult to find clothes at her size.
She loves playing with true micros, especially stepping on them gently and carrying them around in her panties.
She is very kinky ;) If you want to have some real fun (Or let me have some real fun) and are very open, please ask.
How to approach her:
If you're a fellow macro, approach her like you would if both of you were normal sized and met at a restaurant or something.
For normal sized people, well...good luck.
Micros: Do a good job of getting her to even see you and she'll take you home for some fun.