Mon Calamari Expedition Group
For my other characters, look up my OOC account here: Guilmon_iX_Alts
After the Empire's major defeat due to the the deathblow of the second Death Star at the battle of Endor. Sakyabo Sakyo, a former Alliance Rifleman and Combat Medic, decided to lead an expedition group beyond the outer rim with his Luxury Yatch 'Glorious Ruby' with 19 other Mon Calamarians. As they hyperspaced beyond the outer rim, the Luxury Yatch's hyperdrive failed and they plunged into a black hole, which was a worm hole leading to earth. Sakyabo Sakyo was still consious from the trip and he managed to land the Luxury Yatch in the forest nearby. Since then, the engines has stopped working and without the hyperdrives, they cannot go anywhere. With some hope, the expedition team decides to explore this planet in search of important minerals in order to repair the hyperdrives.
Additional information about the Mon Calamari can be found at this holonet area:
Mon Calamari Databank
Mon Calamari Male
Mon Calamari Female
The crew of the expedition team

A typical Male Mon Calamari
Sakyabo Sakyo: Male, 25 years old. His skin color is dark blue, his markings on his head are green colored. His eyes are deep green/yellow. He is a war veteran with Master Rifleman, Master Medic and Master Combat Medic badges, also about 20 exploration badges that stretched from Tatooine to Corellia to Naboo. Is the expedition leader and also the pilot of the 'Glorious Ruby'.
Agito Murashima: Male, 22 years old. His skin color is light red with dark red markings on his dome shaped head. He has blue eyes. Is the Master Artisan of the team and has Master Pistoleer badge. The resource searcher of the team and is vital in order to find the minerals to make the components necessary to make most of the equipment that the others can do.
Tralkpha Kilith: Male, 20 years old. His skin color is nearly white, save for some light yellow tone over his body. His bubble-patterned markings on his head are light blue, his eyes brown. He is the Master Ranger and Scout of the team, also a very experienced creature handler. He uses traps to catch animals, since his combat skills are very weak. His pet is a mountain dewback that follows him most of the time.
Relketh Gato: Male, 63 years old. His skin colored is dark orange with no markings on his head. His eyes are light purple. He is surely the oldest to join the team, however he is one who has Mastered all the professions in his life, a feat acheivable by the few. Although he mostly looks like an old man, he has a secret or two about him. One is that he is healthy as a 20 year old and the other.....well.. That's something very few knows. But a clue would to look at the old Jedi Robes in his room and the lightsaber handle that is sitting on display with two colored crystals resting next to it. One blue and one green..
Ocka-Ackilo: Male, 30 years old. His skin color is light blue with red markings on his head. His eyes are green. He is a reknown alliance smuggler who is able to make strong connections to the underworld within a short period of time. He is also a Teras Kasi Master who has won two full kumite tournaments in a row.
Toklar Gron: Male, 38 years old. His skin color is red with dark blue markings that looks like two lightning bolts with a diamond in the middle. His eyes are nearly black. An experienced bounty hunter, got hired to protect the team from danger of required. Also a good friend to Rosen Ohsin and Ocka-Ackilo, since he was hired by them for good reasons to help the alliance.
Bok Perit: Male, 18 years old. His skin color is light red while his markings are red, his eyes cyan colored. He is a very impressive youngster who has Mastered Artisan, Scout, Brawler, Marksman, Entertainer and Medic classes at the same time within five years. He helps the team with every possible means he can, hoping that he might get taught more advanced teachings. Very naive indeed, but very useful to the team.
Cimrab Verrack: Male, 27 years old. His skin color is purple with light green markings on his head. His eyes are also light green. He is the droid engineer, armorsmith and weaponsmith of the team, making the droids, armor and weapons that the team might need incase an emergency happens. He can also fix most of the equipment needed for the expedition. He relies on Master Artisans and Tailors to make his equipment, however.
Imbet Morn: Male, 30 years old. His skin color is dark green with dark blue head markings. His eyes also dark green. He is the bio-engineer of the team, with master scout and master medic training in his background. He makes the very important things for the team, synthetic organic clothing that has some special powers that allows better agility and ect. He is also a Master Carbineer and has served as a mercenary on Lok for the alliance smuggler Han Solo.
Loci Bok: Male, 35 years old. Skincolor is deep blue with cyan markings on his head. His eyes are also cyan. He is a squad leader that served as Sakyabo's superior during the Naboo invasion. Atoki has mastered squad leadership, marksmanship and scouting. He also possess some skills with rifles.
Salmakk Marrab: Male, 40 years old. Skincolor is dark yellow with blue markings on his forehead. Has red eyes. He is the most important member of the team, as he is a master shipwright. He's the only one who can repair Glorious Ruby incase it gets damaged. He's also the only one able to create starfighters, but he required ALOT of resources in order to make ships. He also has mastered Fencing and Pistoleering, making him a mighty foe to deal with.

A typical female Mon Calamari
Xiapa Soho: Female, 19 years old. Her skin color is light green/blue with red patch markings on her head. She has yellow eyes. She is an entertainer that tagged along with the team. She has the basics of Dancer and Musician and also some intermediate skills with fencing. She is inexperienced with military warfare, but she provides moral support with her dancing and musician techniques.
Melashi Nasribi: Female, 45 years old. Her skin color is brown with no markings on her head. Her eyes are jade emerald. She is the Chef and Tailor of the team with no ability to fight at all. She is, however, a very good politician as she was a mayor for one of the cities on Naboo for about 20 years before the war ended and she was replaced with a younger mayor. She also knows how to make camping equipment with simple things.
Alghit Tharish: Female, 34 years old. Her skin color is brown with dark red markings on her head, seemingly bow striped. Her eyes are deep blue. She is also a war veteran that served with Sakyabo. She is the Master Fencer, Pikeman and Swordsman of the team, having extreme agility and strenght to battle even the harshest of close-combat foes.
Rosen Ohsin: Female, 28 years old. Her skin color is light blue with cyan markings on her forehead. Her eyes are blue colored. She is a master carbineer and rifleman, also a master pikeman. Another soldier that served the alliance during the war on Corellia.
Yoth Hesmit: Female, 30 years old. Her skin is green, her markings on her head are dark green in color. Her eyes are silvery. She is a master entertainer and dancer and musician, who is currently mentoring Xiapa Soho. She is very friendly and admires Xiapa's ability to raise moral in and out of combat.
Asjia-Jicko: Female, 18 years old. Her skin is bright yellow with dark red markings on her head. Her eyes are yellow glowing somehow. She is the Master Doctor of the team, who is seemingly excellent fighter with pikes and carbines. She also seems to possess some unnatural prowress that allows her to dodge a speeding bullet and even catch it between her fingers. How she can be this exceptional at this age is unknown, but Sakyabo suspects that she is a member for a secret order only known as 'Golden Harpuians'....
Lullmur Hansjio: Female, 22 years old. Her skin is red with no markings on her head. Her eyes are light red. She is a master Rifleman and Swordsman, capable of dealing lethal blows and blasts to the heads of her enemies. She is also a master creature handler and seemingly have great contact with any flora and fauna life with great emotion. She is seemingly connected to nature and can feel when something is wrong, all from fires to a soul leaving a body of someone or something.
Vinnath Ackbar: Female, 25 years old. Her skin is black with red markings on her forehead. Her eyes red colored. She is also a Master Bounty hunter. Also, she is a Master Commando and Teras Kasi Master. She is an expert of combat, nearly rivaling Sakyabo's veterancy in warfare and accuracy.
Laria Ackilo: Female, 20 years old. Her skin is light orange with light blue markings on her forehead. Her eyes are yellow colored. She is a Master Artisan with a speciality for surveying. She is also a Master Droid Engineer and has some experience with Martial Arts for self-defence. She has an odd fetish for rubber latex and is very naive and easily fooled when it comes to latex and rubber 'inventions' and such.
Eerin Dismet: Female, 36 years old. Her skin is light green/blue mixed, her markings on her head all deep blue. Her eyes jade on her left eye and ruby on her right eye. She is the architect and merchant of the team. Incase the team would stumble on civilisations that are kind enough to offer a trade, Eerin is the only who makes the trading with her merchant skills. She is also the only one in the team who can make buildings, installations and furniture and equipment needed by the team to make advanced equipment.
Kophuth Tuz: Female, 48 years old. Her skin color is light brown with blue arrow head patterns on her head. Her eyes are brown. She is the oldest member in the team, also one of the most skilled doctors on the Mon Calamari homeworld Dac (Which is also known as Mon Calamari). She is a Master Doctor, Master Bio-Engineer, Master Medic and Master Combat Medic. She is also a Master Marksman for self-defence purposes only. She also has surveying skills to find the herbs, water, chemicals and other important components for her medicines and other important medical substances. She is also a researcher and has been known to try make things out of 'living' latex for some time. Such as trappers, healers and other things, but if this is true is unknown...
OOC Notes
The entire team has same preferences as mentioned here. That means no hard vore, raping, scat or watersports with this team. However bondage, slight torture, squeezing and ect are welcome upon PM request. If anyone wants to take on the whole team, please PM me to do this on IM. Otherwise, the expedition team might come in groups up to four, as pairs or as individuals. Feel free to PM me and discuss how many you want to eat and whom. ^_~
And by the way, all the characters here are *PREY* only. Sorry. ^^; But they are very tasty nonetheless. ;) And please: No human predators! Dont exactly believe in such preds. This goes for catgirls/catboys, nekos and blah. Too human and it's no. >.< It's just me... Nothing personal.
AIM: Guilmon iX
[email protected]
Im over 32 years old and a male :)