Model Number: MASABA-001
Magic Amplifying Self-Aware Body Armor.

Masaba Charmilo. An android created by two men seeking to create the world's first sentient magical android. Needless to say, they succeeded.
Though recently created, Masaba has already shown the ability to feel and express emotion, as well as independent thought, as demonstrated for the two she calls her fathers:
Oritigo and
Luck_Charm. She loves both of these men with all of her "heart", so to speak.
Ah, but you may be wondering just what this android can do. Well, she is, as her name implies, a magically powered android! As such, she is fully capable of using magic, even able to learn new magic simply by observing it. Furthermore, she does possess enhanced strength and speed, making her lethal both up close and from afar. Her magic allows her to enhance her senses, becoming hyper sensitive to any stimulus around her. Aside from that, she is also immune to the standard android weknesses. Her inner skeleton shields her body from EMPs that could shut her core down, her synthetic outer skin absorbs magic, and said skin is reinforced by mithril, making her nigh inpenetrable to standard weapons.
But, these are not what make Masaba TRULY unique. For you see, she can split her body open and wrap whoever she desires in her own body, connecting to their body, amplifying their magic capabilities. Normally, while her body is amazing at transferring and moving magical energy, it cannot produce any naturally, making her own magic rather weak. However, by "interfacing" with a magical being, their true power is unlocked, allowing their body to draw out as much magic as possibble without risk of damage, as Masaba will channel the magic out. Furthermore, she can allow normally non magic users the ability to use any magic Masaba has at her disposal. All of this makes her a wonderful ally to have.
The android's personality: Masaba is cheerful, friendly, but rather shy, as interactiong with people is a new experience that she has not quite gotten the grasp of. However, rest assured! When she gets to know you, you will have a fast, reliable friend!
Notes on anatomy: Taken from Masaba's own words: "My exact internal structure is classified, however, I do possess the five basic senses, all of them enhanced to above human standards. My skin is smooth and soft, an aesthetic choice made by my papa. My papa did not equip me with any reproductive organs or genitalia, so I am unable to participate in intercourse. As for consumption of others, something my data tells me is rather common here, I am unable to consume others in a normal sense. However, I am capable of trapping people between my inner skeleton and exoskeleton, the proximity to my core melting them into magical energy to serve as fuel. On such a topic, I am fully capable of pulling magic energy out of the air and storing it for fuel or use. Furthermore, my entire body possesses self regenerative capabilities, even my core. I believe that is all."
Masaba's family and friends:
"My daddy":
"My papa":
MASABA Unit 001-01 has fallen in love with
EneryGal, and the two are now together forever~
Well, that's about it for the first Masaba unit!
"You..... Wish to see more pictures of me? Very well. Will these suffice?"
A meme brought to you by the