Technical specifications

The M100 DRGN is an deep strike artificial inteligence capable of
independently interdicting and conducting raids of its own volition.
Once set loose on a mission it will continue on its order untill
they are completed or the unit is unable to function.
Its capabilities and mobility are only limited by its fuel.
This unit and all aditional units are able to consume most any biomass and
convert it into fuel. The unit is also capable of storing consumed
biomass in its "stomach" prior to digestion.
While its combat capabilities are fearsom, To include its full arsenal,
it is also capable of search and resque sealing any VIPs within
itself until they are deemed within a safe area.

Now that all the serriousness is up and out of the way.
This mechanical drake is fully able to be played as both genders.
As you can see above I can play it in a bunch of sizes.
Everything from almost same size to a more Macro size.