Picture is Mine!

"I'll race ya~"
Lyre is actually an Alien, well, half an Alien. His mother comes from a world called Miabphia. The world is similar to Earth, though it has about twice as much water. There are only two major continents across the worlds surface. The world is almost entirely tropical aside from the poles which are frozen and uninhabitable because the dominant species, the Miabphians, cannot stand the icy cold. The Miabphians are a Monarchy and live as one large society rather than being split into countries across their continents. In days past the Nobles had much more power than commoners, so much so that commoners weren't allowed in the major underwater cities of their world. Although recently a Miabphian woman more or less staged a coup and overthrew the government, allowing commoners to live in the major cities as well. He doesn't quite know the whole story of how his mother came to Earth, but he knows he is Half Miabphian.
Personality and Description
Being only half Miabphian, he doesn't look quite as blatantly frog like. His skin is only slightly tinged green and appears human as opposed to his races usual plainly green flesh covered with splotches of darker colors here and there. His eyes and hair however are plainly green, his hair is somewhat light green while his eyes are an olive green. He has inherited quite a few of his races abilities however, discussed later. Lyre isn't very tall but he is very lithe in terms of frame. Personality wise he can be quite competitive, in his setting, humans are aware that other creatures like Nekos and other such critters exist among them, however due to some of Lyres super human like abilities, he isn't allowed to compete in competitions in school sports despite being part of the track team and the martial arts team..and the swim team. He is allowed to practice with them and the like, but competing in events isn't allowed simply because it wouldn't be fair, though he doesn't seem to mind this, his competitive spirit wouldn't allow him to compete against those beneath him anyway!
Superhuman Abilities
Lyre has inherited a few of his races abilities despite being only half Miabphian, a few of the more obvious ones further allude to the frogs of Earth! First off, Lyre can leap great distances, the Miabphians have very powerful legs, the strength in them bordering superhuman giving them superior leaping abilities. Lyre can jump about twenty four feet into the air with a vertical leap, while he can leap around thirty six feet in a horizontal lunge. The Miabphians also have very flexible spines, allowing them to crouch or squat for long periods of time without strain. The second most prominent ability is the prehensile tongue, when last he checked the tongue could extend to about twenty five feet in length. The tongue is also extremely powerful, suspected of being able to crush bone if need be. The third and last most prominent ability he has show is the secretion of a resin that allows him to adhere to surfaces. The lesser known abilities are his Stamina, Agility and Durability. The Miabphians muscles produce less fatigue toxins during physical activity, meaning they tire much slower than humans, Lyre has been seen exerting himself at full capacity for hours before showing any signs of fatigue. The Miapbhians are super humanly durable as well, Lyre can sustain impacts and physical trauma that would cause severe injuries or kill a human being with some discomfort.
One of the Yuri_Alts