All art used belongs to me!

Bio/General information
Name: Lynexia
Age: Early 20s.
Gender: Female
Species: Wild Hunt Dire Wolf
Height: 6’ 2” (Default) - 12' 2"
Weight: Roughly 270 lbs (122.47 kg)
Occupation: "Adventurer"
A former researcher from the reclusive Byrithos Enclave, her unorthodox research into her physiology was enough to get her exiled from her order. Nonetheless, her enhanced form now serves as the perfect boon for her new occupation: adventurer. Delving into dusty crypts and traveling across the land, her companions often rely on her appetite and combat prowess to see them through the perils of adventuring.
Lynexia keeps parts of her meal with her, documenting the individual magical items and trinkets her snacks brought with them to enhance her weapons, display as trophies, or sell off to unsuspecting buyers. Of course, should an opportunity to indulge in her vices emerge, Lynexia will pounce on the chance–though may bite off more than she can chew.
[Hooks Coming Soon]
Quick Prefs (More at the bottom)
Playing Pred(Mainly pred, though very rarely will be prey. Ask first instead of randomly trying to eat her)
Oral Vore/Anal Vore/Breast Vore/Cock Vore
Lynexia's Collection
Temp, perma or repeated meals will find their belongings show up here if they desire~
A Pouch of Phoenix Down: Lynexia acquired this pouch of powerful feathers from Kessmia on 08/08/2023. The bird practically fed herself to the wolf for a chance to be on her body, gambling on a smooch that ended with her churning away into nothing but tit fat. She'll be gone for a week!
A Half-Digested Hat:It seems Streetrat_Ira was the next to go on 08/08/2023. He could do little to resist the towering wolf as she pinned him against the wall with her figure and gobbled him down. He didn't even last long enough for the wolf to really enjoy his company, melting down into wolf pudge for a MONTH.
A Necklace of Water Breathing:Mistaking her gluttony for weakness, Saika_Briarknot attempted to stand up to the wolf, only to meet with a delightfully gurgly fate. He moaned the whole time, on 08/08/2023. He's now little more than butt fat for ten days.
Art will be displayed here!

Additional Details
[Coming Later]
An InsertAltListName alt. Yes, Aure brought this one back. Powered by w3.css
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | You'll make a great addition to my collection! [prey](Mood based, assume pred only unless I approach for this./prey] |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Meals get to be savored properly!Guh…At least you aren’t chewing too hard. |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | That’s it, just let my gut crush you down into nothing but thick, bubbling chyme~ I thought you were joking about melting me down! Ack! |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | URPPGHHH!~ There you go! Nothing but a thick soup waiting to add to my greatness. Gllrrrrrshhhh… |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [Unless her soul is destroyed, Calipso will reform out of scene unless specified otherwise. ] |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Mmnnf, I bet you taste better than you look. Ammmfhph~ Eugh, why are you licking so much?! |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Hah, suppose I could carry you around there for a while. Why aren’t you using your mouth?! |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I’ll make sure to splatter you on my favorite tree~ |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I’ll just ease you on up there~ I’d love to see how much you stretch me outOn second though maybe it’s better if you use your mouth–MMRPGH! |
Breast Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | They’re already HUGE, but making them even larger couldn’t hurt. |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | That’s right, I meant ALL of you would be going to use. Better hope you end up on my chest~ |
Stretchy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Trust me, fae physiology allows my body to bend to my whims. I’ll be able to stomach almost anything. |
Realistic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I suppose I do have a limit. |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Come on, squirm as hard as you can! See if you can withstand my innards~ |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | That’s it. Nice and easy now, I’ll break all of you down while you doze off. |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Come on now, I’m certain you want to sample the majesty you’ve been gawking at for the past minute.Hahhhhh, I’m far too tired to eat you after that... Wait, why are you drooling like that? |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A moment’s hesitation brings an eternity of pain~Ow! What do you mean that line was cheesy?! |
Disposal | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Nnfff, you amounted to so little once I had my way with you. At least you’re cooperating now. If you had trouble with me on the way in, it’s gonna be horrible for you on the way out. [Optional. Bones, cum, slime, milk, and traditional waste is a big plus for me.] |
Bondage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I suppose magical restraints could help with a big meal like you.Guh, you’re really into ropes, aren’t you?! |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Magically dangerous |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Offering your body to me? Such proper tribute must be rewarded. |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Fight all you want. Defiance is poor cover for when the Yeah like I’d willingly jump down a throat. |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Macro prey, micro pred only. |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Perfect, a filling meal.Hmmprhgh…I thought you’d have trouble with me. |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [All are welcome~] |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Demi Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Scaly Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Feathered Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Plants | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Animal / Non-morphic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Non-Sentient Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Underage Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [Never, don't ask.] |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [I tend to try and aim for what my partner gives me. Semi paragraph to full paragraph usually. |
Quick Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Evolving Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [Lynexia will evolve and change over time based on significant encounters with other characters.] |
Staying In Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [ [] or (()) Are OOC, everything else should be considered in character ]. |
Surprise Me | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [So long as it fits within my prefs, I will allow surprises. Typically though, I only prefer surprise grab and gulps as prey.] |
Multi-Session | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [ We can play or as many sessions as you desire.] |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [ Love scenes like this.] |
Group Roleplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [ D&D-esqe group RP or vore games are a favorite of mine] |
Vore game | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [ See above!] |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [Works for me~] |
Public | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Private | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Story-based RP | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | [Loved loved loved! Canon timelines and whatnot are one of my favorite things to play out.] |